How Our Government Really Works—What Every Teenager Should Know

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After such a wild election season, kids and teens might find themselves more interested or curious in politics. And if so- good on them. Let them read all they can, and not just about one side of things. Forming well read and  properly researched opinions will only make them better, smarter, and more empathetic people.

One book that has recently come out is a book that describes itself as “compelling, bipartisan insights about our country’s democracy. You Call This Democracy? How to Fix Our Government and Deliver Power to the People from author, speaker and public policy expert Elizabeth Rusch examines in simple terms our democracy’s missteps and how we can work together to create “a more perfect union.”

Some of the topics discussed are-

1. Why the race for president might distract us from the most important story of this election — ballot measures that affect our democracy

2. How COVID provides a surprising opportunity to finally do something about this country’s abysmal voter turnout

3. Important election topics people can discuss with family, friends and colleagues without starting a partisan brawl

4. What every American needs to know about how elections are run in their state

How Our Government Really Works—What Every Teenager Should Know

Whether you’re a student, parent, educator or engaged citizen seeking the truth, You Call This Democracy? How to Fix Our Government and Deliver Power to the People from public policy expert Elizabeth Rusch paves the way for every citizen to not only understand the flaws in our current democracy but to also fix them.

“We think we live in a democracy. One person, one vote. But how democratic is our government really?” Rusch asks. “The hard truth is that political power is not shared equally among all citizens. It shouldn’t matter if you are rich, poor, urban, rural, Democrat, Republican, old or young when you mark your ballot. Your race and gender shouldn’t matter either. But they all do.”

You Call This Democracy? gives an honest view of how our democracy truly functionswho really has the power and why (and how that power impacts politicians and policies) and how we can work together to make our democracy more responsive to the will of the people.

Consider the following:

1. Presidents can take office without winning the popular vote. 

2. Voting districts are drawn by politicians for their own benefit.

3. Millions of citizens—young, old, poor, people of color, women—are blocked from voting.

4. Money wields much more influence than the wishes of ordinary Americans.

You Call This Democracy? offers insightful solutions to undemocratic elements plaguing our government, with inspirational examples of citizens already working to make change. International comparisons, extensive sources and resources prompt readers to dig deeper ― and take action.

Supplementary materials to the book include Rusch’s “50 State Democracy Report Card” (, where people can check to see how democracy fares in their state overall and on specific metrics, and how they can strengthen democracy in their state; and a series of short, fun, informative videos on the issues covered in the book, called Flash Course on Democracy, available free at:

Additionally, discussion guides and debate questions are available at

Elizabeth Rusch is the author of 20 award-winning books, and more than 100 magazine and newspaper articles. She is also the creator of the “50 State Democracy Report Card” and the video series Flash Course on DemocracyYou Call This Democracy?, an Amazon Bestseller, was featured in the New York Times Book Review and received a starred review from Kirkus, which called it “a riveting must-read.” Rusch and her work have also been featured in The Discovery Channel, Oregon Public Broadcasting’s Think Out LoudThe Wall Street JournalTeacher magazine, Parenting Magazine and Working Mother, among many others. Rusch has a master’s in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley, and has served as a Jacob K. Javits Fellow in the U.S. Senate. Visit her at and on YouTube at

You Call This Democracy? How to Fix Our Government and Deliver Power to the People Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

ISBN-10: 0358176921

ISBN-13: 978-0358176923

Available from and wherever books and audiobooks are sold

For more information: Thank you.


  1. […] children interested in politics through their curiosity after making them much emphatic. Moreover, the government has had an influence on making the parents realize their children need to get their skills directed to their future […]

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