Cozy Kitchens Make For Memories

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Kitchens and bathrooms are known for selling houses, but in all honesty, the kitchen truly is the heart of the home. There is no doubt that this is the room where most of the memories made. It’s where families gather several times a day. 

Whether you are bonding with a friend over a cup of coffee or enjoying a cocktail that you just mixed up, you will find yourself lost in the conversation around the kitchen island or table quite often. Aside from those beverage-induced bonding moments, there are also meals that bring families together.

Teaching your children to cook is a skill that is passed down from generation to generation. Children will forever tell the stories of when their mom or grandmother taught them how to create a new dish from scratch. Your kitchen will be engrained in those memories for the rest of their life. So make sure your kitchen is memorable.

How to Create a Memorable Kitchen

When it comes to a kitchen that will forever be remembered in stories and memories, you must remember simplicity is at the base of these memories. A showcase kitchen is nice but it is not that realistic when it comes to gatherings. Most kitchens have warm and inviting colors and dark kitchen cabinets that will hold up against the wear that comes along with hosting gatherings and cooking a lot of meals. 

The countertops will be a nice tone of stone that will be easy to clean and the surfaces will be clear of clutter. The more clutter on the countertops, the more chaotic the kitchen can feel. You’ll also want clean countertops so that you can easy place serving dishes out for guests and family to load up their plates from.

Besides having rich dark cabinets and clean countertops, you’ll also want to have bright lighting so the kitchen is easy to see in. This helps those who are guests and those who are learning how to cook. A bright and clean workspace is great for those learning how to cook new recipes.

There Is More to a Kitchen Than Just Appearances

The kitchen may look great, but you also have to consider comfort for your family and guests. Kitchens should have comfortable seating that doesn’t feel too close together. Most kitchens have dining spaces such as kitchenettes or they open directly to a dining room. A nice island or peninsula with comfortable stools will also add more seating for guests. When hosting small parties, there should always be places for friends and family to comfortably sit while they enjoy appetizers, drinks, meals, or even just desserts.

Keep the Memories

People don’t always want to have their pictures taken, but whenever you host a gathering, you should try to get some photo documentation for it. You can make a memory book of all your times together. Make sure you capture the food and the set up that you created as well as the guests. 

Feel free to pass the camera off to a friend or relative so that you also appear in the pictures. While memories of hanging out and enjoying good food may always be passed down, now they can be truly reflected upon when flipping through old photo albums.

So Many Celebrations

When you consider how much time you spend celebrating in your kitchen, you may truly be surprised. Birthdays are often spent around a birthday cake. Thanksgiving, Mothers Day, and Fathers Day BBQs may end up around the kitchen table. Christmas and other religious holidays that involve gatherings and time spent together around large meals are always family favorites. 

All of these celebrations generally occur between a family room, dining room, and kitchen. Make the most out of your space and keep it updated and refreshed every few years. Make sure your appliances are in proper working order and that all of your décor changes with the times. This will keep the space feeling new and full of life for all of the celebrations that are coming your way.


  1. […] kitchen is one of the busiest places in a home and certainly one of the most functional. The kitchen is a room where the family can gather to chat about their day and enjoy a meal together, which is […]

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