Simple Ways To Lead A More Natural, Eco-Friendly Life

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With ultra processed food, gas guzzling vehicles and super fast fashion, it would seem near impossible to exist in today’s society without amassing an enormous carbon footprint. So many aspects of the modern world are damaging the planet, but it isn’t too late to put an end to such harmful practices. Thankfully there are a number of alternative pathways that you can explore which are far more sustainable and ethical, allowing you to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle that preserves the wonder of nature. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then simply read on to uncover some of the best earth-friendly ideas that can make the most of today.

Change The Way That You Eat 

The most effective way to lead a more natural, eco-friendly lifestyle is to change the way that you eat. There are so many different food practices that have a disastrous impact on the environment, and it appears to be getting worse with each year that passes – the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed to make way for meat farms that will use masses of water and create a seemingly endless river of toxic waste, while foods from every corner of the globe hop from country to country racking up thousands of miles before they reach your plate. The animal agriculture industry is doing real harm to the natural world, not only by consuming an excess of resources and making unmanageable waste, but also by releasing enormous amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Choosing to eat a more plant based diet that’s made up of fruit, vegetable and grain based foods is far more environmentally friendly, but if you’re a content carnivore then you can still get your meat and fish fix in a more sustainable way. Choosing to hunt for or catch your own food is a natural way to eat, so visit a fishing store like tailored tackle to get a rod and a net or head to a hunting store to purchase a rifle and gain the relevant licenses. Utilizing your local surroundings in this way is the most environmentally friendly option when it comes to meat and fish. Opting for local fruits and vegetables that come from within your country will help even further, as this way it will only have to travel by truck rather than racking up miles on a plane or ship. Focusing on local produce will teach you how to eat seasonally too, which will allow you to better connect with nature and the world around you. 

Change The Way You Travel 

Walking beside a busy road tells you all that you need to know about the state of our world since the dawn of cars, trains and trucks – choking on the fumes as they fog up your vision and leave a chemical taste in the air, it’s clear that almost all forms of transport are devastating the environment. Each day there are many ecological and social disasters that take place as a result of modern transport options, whether this means horrifying oil spills from ships that decimate the ocean or child miners forced to dig for cobalt in the Congo for car chips and batteries. It might not always be possible to avoid cars, trains and boats altogether, but if you want to lead a more eco-conscious existence then you need to reduce your consumption of modern transport! Choosing instead to walk or ride a bicycle is the perfect alternative, as you’ll be creating no toxic fumes whatsoever along the way. If you need to go further afield, then choose to take a bus that’s more efficient or car pool by getting a lift from someone who is already heading in the same direction. Even smaller, unexpected journeys can be more environmentally friendly, as making the choice to walk up the stairs rather than use a lift can cut your carbon footprint noticeably over time! The world has enough smog and smoke clouding up its atmosphere, so it’s up to each individual to do their bit and make a change to the way they travel.

Leading a more natural, eco-friendly life isn’t always easy, but it can be one of the most rewarding and inspiring changes that you can make. Deciding to protect and preserve the planet rather than going to destroy it will give you a sense of pride and connection that you will never get elsewhere, so there’s no time like the present to make a few beneficial adjustments to your daily life.

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