
Sorry I have been absentee- but it’s going to be a bit longer.  I have pneumonia- and I am NOT feeling well at all.  I have been feeling badly since last week- but I have been flat out since Friday.  I am only up to post this little update- I will be back ASAP. 

Guest Post

GETTING UNSTUCK Thought Anecdotes to Overcome LimitationsBy LD Thompson
Sow a thought and you reap an act; Sow an act and you reap a habit; Sow a habit and you reap a character; Sow a character and you reap a destiny. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

In my work as a Life Purpose counselor, I am sensing a trend. I hear from my clients that they are feeling increasingly “stuck,” unable to move through a certain situation or issue. Some find themselves for the first time in their lives without a job and without apparent prospects. I’ve heard several clients say that it feels like the Universe – the Infinite Intelligence from which everything springs – has shut its doors and turned its back on them. Such a feeling results in a slippery slope of lost confidence and the questioning of their ability to succeed.

Are my desires really my Soul’s aim for me, or is it my limited self (fear-based identity) wanting that?” is the gnawing question that I frequently hear.

For those who previously trusted that the Universe is fundamentally providential and who felt that they had a special relationship with the unseen world of guides or angels, such a seeming fall from grace can be devastating. In such a moment, the most helpful thing to do is to examine one’s habitual thoughts.

Every one of us is subject to our habitual thoughts. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as habitual thought can be creative thought. It can mean great things for those whose thoughts are consistently, impeccably directed toward what is desired and not toward what is undesirable. But for many that is not the case. Each day is an opportunity to understand the science of habitual thought so that you can bring yourself into alignment with the thoughts that are appropriate to your life, to your path, to the fulfillment of the aim that your Soul had in choosing this lifetime.

The sages of old had it right when they said that your thoughts create your character, and your character creates your destiny. If you spend your day thinking about poverty or abandonment or danger or illness, your thoughts are building a character riddled with insecurity and therefore creating a very uncertain destiny. It is urgent to turn those thoughts toward what you desire to create rather than what you do not desire to create.

If you find yourself habitually thinking thoughts that are aligned with the values of the limited self, then your task becomes, when such a habitual thought arises, to interrupt it. How do you do [Read more…]

Some Photos of Toy Fair!!!

Hey all- here are some photos from NY Toy and Game Fair. It is about half of the photos that I took- photobucket is NOT being nice to me right now! After 2 days, I have half [Read more…]

PawParazzi! Review- Plus a Contest!

With Valentines Day just past, I feel the need to spread some love! Don’t you? So I thought, what is more lovable then cute and cuddly puppies and kitties? And of course, some of the cutest pets (besides Super Chaac, of course!) come from Pawparazzi! Pawparazzi has some new puppies and kitties out now- as if their last collection weren’t cute enough! These cute little pets come with their own wardrobe and accessories, and you get a little bag to carry them all in. (A very fancy bag, so the preschool says!)
Little man chose to review Cooper. (Now, I know some of you think that Pawparazzi must be only for girls. First- you know I don’t go in for “boy only” or “girl only” toys. I think kids can play with whatever suits them, as long as it is not violent or harmful. Second- No way, Jose! Cooper came with a blue bag, which the girls called a “purse”, and the boys called a “beach bag”. Cooper is a fur-buddy for everybody!)

NEW Pawparazzi Set – Cooper

Cooper, Legendary Surfer Dude, is ready to hit the beach! With the pawsome beach playstage built into his box he’ll be hanging 16 right out of the package!

Set Includes:
Pet, Purse, Blanket, Trading Card, Surfboard, Board Shorts, 8.5″ x 11″ Poster, and Beach Scene Playstage


Little Man has had Cooper for a while now, and I can tell you that Cooper is going into Little Man’s “Toy Hall of Fame”. You guys know that there have been several toys which Little Man has consistently stuck with and gone back to, no matter how much time or how many holidays have gone by. Cooper is going to be one of them. Little rarely puts Cooper down, and while we stopped bringing him into the Pre-K with us (one of the kids lost Cooper’s slippers! Little was so sad. Another kid had the audacity to touch Cooper with sticky-jelly hands- and now he has a little stain, so Little Man lost his mind! LOL, poor Little Man!) but he takes the drive nearly every day with us. Cooper just hangs out all day in the car seat, in his little bag with all his fun accessories, and waits until Little Man gets out of school to play with him again. It’s just safer for Cooper in the car then at the Pre-K (come on, you’ve all [Read more…]

Heirloom Wooden Toys- update

Featured Toys | What’s New | On Sale | Play Kitchens | The Learning Tower

Introducing: Whitney Brothers
Whitney Bros. has been in business for over 100 years, producing high quality wood furniture and school supplies right here in the USA. We’ve added a few of their gorgeous and unique items for you and your schools, and are featuring a few below.

Remember, we accept purchase orders and are always happy to work with schools, churches and day care centers to provide them with the best quality furniture [Read more…]

Some fun at Hasbro!

Elmo and Cookie Monster stole the show at Hasbro!
Sesame Street and Hasbro have decided to work together for the next ten years- so that is good news for us mommies- more fun stuff is sure to be coming out. I got a great preview of upcoming toys, and this is going to be a great year! From their new superheroes and Transformers (all of which have designs especially made for the younger fans! This is great for dads who want to play with their little guys- My husband was so excited to see that there are some great toys that are PERFECT for Little Man- not too advanced or with small parts, and just the right size for his little hands!) all the way to their Fur Real Pets and adorable dolls- the best way to describe them? WOW!

Cookie, the new doggie friend (with [Read more…]

Legoland Contest! Win 4 Tickets!

Who loves Legoland? Who wants to win 4 tickets???
You can win 4 tickets to Legoland Discovery Center in Chicago, just by entering below! And you have the whole year to use them, too!
Visit Legoland Chicago’s YouTube page to see LEGOLAND Discovery Center Chicago’s very own Master Model Builder, Daniel Morey, [Read more…]

Twisted Thursday!!!