
This is our foster guinea pig, whom Little Man calls “My Precious” (he thinks he’s Golum, lol)

We have our own pets, and usually have a foster or two. They are always listed on

“Precious” was neglected before coming into the rescue, and then into our home to be fostered. Little and Kamikaze adore him, and [Read more…]

400 lb Monkey

Hello, Bloggy Buddies!
This week I am trying something new. I am introducing “Daddy’s Corner”, where, once a week, my husband can talk about some “manly” things that might interest the males in your life. Or, for my male readers- a little more testosterone once in a while on the blogosphere, LOL….
Everything written in “Daddy’s Corner” was written by my Dear Husband, and the opinions are 100% his. I have not even proof read! LOL….
Anyway- I hope you guys like the addition. Let me know what you think! And here ends my writing! ~Samantha

Today I will be reviewing a beer brewed by Left hand brewing company called 400 pound monkey. It is an English India pale ale. A good friend of mine brought it over for a dinner party at my house. He said it looked like something we would like. First of all the label is very eye catching. Lots of illustrated monkeys monkeys, the first thing that pops into my heads was Victory’s golden monkey, a great beer that I enjoyed so much I actually stuck the label on my fridge so I wouldn’t forget it. So my hopes were high for this one. Before I get to tastes I have to say I am not a big fan of the overly [Read more…]

Apple Crisp

I love baking 🙂
It is one of my favorite things to do.
Concord Foods sent me this box of Apple Crisp to try out. I actually had never tried it before!

We were going to the local farmers market anyway (we go on weekends- you know how I feel about organic foods and local produce!) so we bought some great, farm-fresh apples to go into our Apple Crisp.

As you can see- Little Man is “helping” pick out produce, lol…
The Apple Crisp was SUPER EASY to make. All you needed was the Apple Crisp mix, butter, (mmmm, butter) and 6-8 fresh apples. You just mix the apples and butter together and sprinkle the Apple Crisp on top! Little Man helped- Kamikaze was at her friend’s house. That is how easy it was. And it was ready in just 25 minutes!

Here is Daddy and Little getting ready for [Read more…]

Tooth Fairy

How cute is this?
I got an email today from Grace at , and it had the cutest site on it!
It is called “I Caught the Tooth Fairy”. [Read more…]


What a day, friends!

Kamikaze lost her 2nd front tooth, so now she eats like a cow, lol….it’s really funny and she looks adorable

AND……Little Man FINALLY made #2 on the potty!  (how awful am I that I am sharing that???  LOL)
He’s been going #1 forever, but this has remained elusive until today!

I Got the “Life Is Good Award”

Aww, now I feel special! I got my first bloggy award 🙂
Thank you so much!

In order to accept this award, I must answer the 10 questions below and pass the award to six fellow bloggers. Much thanks goes out to Michelle at New To Mom for the award.

1. If you blog anonymously, are you happy doing it that way; if you are not anonymous do you wish you had started out anonymously so you could be anonymous now?

I used to be private. But now I am really enjoying the whole “public blogging” thing and meeting new people 🙂

2. Describe one incident that shows your inner stubborn side.

Uh, I’m a mule. To give you one incident….well, that would be unfair to all the other incidents. 😉

3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the mirror?

Why, what do you mean??? I’m FAB-u-LAHS dah-ling! (Even all that gray hair!)

4. What is your favorite summer cold drink?

Strawberry [Read more…]


Got kids? Maybe, like me, your hubby into gaming?
Just saw this

The game will ship 9-14-2010
And if you are like my house- you [Read more…]

UPrinting Giveaway!

I am pleased to announce a great new giveaway, from UPrinting!

UPrinting is offering a GREAT prize to one of Have Sippy Will Travel’s readers!

Giveaway Prize:

50 7×5 Folded Cards with Plain Envelopes
14pt Cardstock Gloss
4 Color Front, Blank Back
4 Baronial Blank Envelopes
Half Fold (Scoring only)

You can get your own custom greeting cards!

A Little about UPrinting-
“For over 25 years, UPrinting has been a trusted leader in online commercial printing, featuring its signature easy-to-use website and the famous Free File Review, a complimentary proofing service which requires no upfront payment. UPrinting offers convenient marketing support services such as design, lists, and direct mailing to help grow small and medium-size businesses nationwide.

Powered by brand new fully automated in-house Komori presses and CREO direct-to-plate, we offer faster [Read more…]