One of you can win a copy of this book for yourselves- feel free to enter by using the RC form below. Ends Jan 27, 2018. Good luck!
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One of you can win a copy of this book for yourselves- feel free to enter by using the RC form below. Ends Jan 27, 2018. Good luck!
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With the holiday right around the corner, you will be looking for fun gifts for the family and for friends. If you are looking for great books for little ones, check out these fun titles- these classics will be read and re-read for years to come.
One of you can win copies of these great books- just enter using the RC form below.
Good luck, ends Dec. 26, 2017.
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Ghost Towns of the West by Phillip Varney and Jim Hinckley blazes a trail through the dusty crossroads and mossy cemeteries of the American West, including one-time boomtowns in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The book reveals the little-known stories of soldiers, American Indians, settlers, farmers, and miners. This essential guidebook to the historic remains of centuries’ past includes maps, town histories, color and historical photographs, and detailed directions to these out-of-the-way outdoor museums of the West.
Plan your road trips by chapter–each section covers a geographic area and town entries are arranged by location to make this the most user-friendly book on ghost towns west of the Mississippi.
Ghost towns are within a short drive of major cities out West, and they make excellent day trip excursions. If you happen to be in or near Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas, or El Paso, for example, you ought to veer towards the nearest ghost town. Western ghost towns can also easily be visited during jaunts to national parks, including Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Crater Lake, Mount Rainier, Glacier, Yellowstone, and many others throughout the West.
Ghost Towns of the West is a comprehensive guide to former boomtowns of the American West, covering ghost towns in eleven states from Washington to New Mexico, and from California to Montana. This book has everything you need to learn about, visit, and explore a modern remnant of how life used to be on the western range.
Pick up your copy now on Amazon or wherever your prefer to buy your books.
Guest Post by Janet Fogg and Dave Jackson
co/authors of Misfortune Annie and the Locomotive Reaper
If adventure does call your name, pull up a horse for a wild ride with Misfortune Annie—the fastest draw in the 1880s west—at age 15!
What’s compelling to us is that a hero like Misfortune Annie truly could have existed. The real Annie Oakley fought amongst the toughest of wranglers and bested many a man in shooting contests. In fact, while still a teen, Annie Oakley earned enough money to pay off the mortgage on her mother’s farm.
To properly tell the origin of our Annie, we should travel back to the initial spark—George Lucas and the Indiana Jones series. It’s widely known by many Lucas fans that a rugged archaeologist character first showed up in old matinee serials, and George dusted him off for a new generation of movie lovers. When hoping to develop a story concept and character that could give Indy a run for his money, we found ourselves pondering the cowboy genre. Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger, Gene Autry—they were huge! Perhaps our new star should have a catchy name and signature duds. He would wear a ten-gallon hat and Levi jacket. But fate threw in a wildcard.
On Christmas vacation several years ago, nearly asleep behind the wheel through flat old Kansas, Dave passed a sign that boasted, “Annie Oakley Museum.” Jolted awake, he realized he had our new hero, a tough and tenacious teen, a cowgirl known by a memorable moniker.
Not only could we hopefully create a memorable hero, one to delight the young and the young at heart, we intended to focus on a somewhat lacking niche in middle-grade/YA fiction—an action hero for girls.
As storyboarding for the first book progressed, we carefully considered our villain. The era of the Wild West merges well with and complements Steampunk, so our villain evolved into a mad scientist, a mechanical engineer bent on revenge. Research into the technology of the 1880s—blimps and electricity—sealed the Locomotive Reaper’s powers.
No action/adventure would be complete without humor and peculiarity. Annie’s southern sidekick, Beau Slokam, is borderline genius and a constant disaster waiting to happen, but his reckless quick thinking actually gets them out of several scrapes. Wontoa, her potential love interest, is the pride of the Cheyenne tribe and doesn’t understand foolish white-man ways. Not to mention cameos by historical figures such as Wyatt Earp—a perfect walk-on to spark curiosity about U.S. History.
In her secret heart, Annie has a compelling purpose: to find her father who went missing during the Civil War. (That led us to the idea for her signature look, a Union cap left to her by her father.) Annie rides, hunts, and guides folks through the Colorado Rockies. She’s tough and smart, yet it’s not unusual for Annie’s accomplishments to be overlooked, simply because she’s a girl in a ‘tough guy’ world. Yet Annie is undeterred, and we hope, a strong role-model.
We then considered future books, and developed a long cast of colorful crooks (think James Bond’s bullies) to take on the fastest draw in the west. Book Two, Misfortune Annie and the Voodoo Curse, leads Annie to New Orleans to tangle with a wicked Voodoo priest. After that, a Dragon Warrior shall render Annie’s six-shooters useless. A sinister magician will perform the ultimate trick on her and the Secret Service. Beware pirates! Look out for creatures in the woods, Annie! (Sorry. Got carried away, there.)
It’s paramount to us, as authors of our new Misfortune Annie series, that reading be fun. No slogging through a story, cookie-cutter characters, or predictable dialogue and plot turns. So there’s action galore, and with Beau and Wontoa teaming with Annie, we believe teen boys will also enjoy Misfortune Annie, just as teen girls enjoy Harry Potter.
We might end our tale of Annie’s journey to date with a quote from a recent review: “At a time when women weren’t typically adventurers, especially at Annie’s age, it’s great fun to see a story about a girl who loves an adventure, is capable, and well-respected. I think Annie is a great model for young girls, especially those who don’t like the feminine trappings, and she gives us a great story to while away an afternoon. ~ Hott Books re: Misfortune Annie and the Locomotive Reaper.
Happy trails!
A look at the authors who wrote the book Sci -Fi Junior High- you can also enter to win a copy HERE.
1. Collaboration between two artists, especially a successful one, is a rare partnership. How did the two of you meet? What inspired you to collaborate?
Scott: We met the same way all great literary duos throughout history have—through our daughters playing travel softball together. When I discovered that John had all the same childhood influences I did, and could actually draw, working together on children’s books seemed like a no-brainer. Which is perfect for us.
2. What is the inspiration behind Kelvin and SCI-FI JUNIOR HIGH? Did one or both of you always dream of going to school in outer space?
John: I had no dream of going to school in outer space. However, when I was a kid, I created a comic strip of a martian borrowing sugar from his astronaut neighbor in space. Scott and I wanted to collaborate with a middle school concept. For SCI-FI JUNIOR HIGH, I suggested the story title and a basic premise that involved many types of creature students. Then Scott went to town developing the story alongside some of my character sketches. I do believe that our inspiration for Kelvin and his family is based slightly on the Robinson family in Lost in Space. Throw a bit of Charlie Brown and Looney Tunes into the mix, and voilà: SCI-FI JUNIOR HIGH.
Scott: We like creating stories filled with as many bizarre creatures, strange locations, wacky gizmos, and oddball characters as possible, because that’s what we couldn’t get enough of when we were kids. Our first book series, VORDAK THE INCOMPREHENSIBLE, dealt with the superhero/supervillain world, which fit the bill perfectly. SCI-FI JUNIOR HIGH takes that up another notch, what with the entire universe and its contents at our disposal.
3. What are your writing and drawing routines like? Do you work together, separately, or a combination of both?
Scott: John’s studio and my office are located right next to each other in an eclectic old former electric trolley power station. We even have a “secret” door between our two spaces, allowing for top-secret middle grade book concepts to be passed back and forth away from the scrutiny of prying eyes. The close proximity really allows us to work as a team, more so than a lot of other duos, I would assume. We’ll brainstorm the main points of emphasis, and then I’ll begin the writing process and
John will work on character concepts and creating the feel of the world. Sometimes, I’ll have a specific look for a character or device in mind and John will sketch it up.
Other times he’ll show me some crazy thing he came up with and I’ll work it into the story. It’s a pretty loose system. There was one character I particularly liked—a bunny wearing goggles and a jetpack. We turned him into a plushy and made him the book’s villain.
John: Scott has named most of the characters, with a few exceptions, such as our main villain, Erik Failenheimer, who is based on a suggestion of mine. I changed our bully’s character design look based on Scott’s name. We even have a few co-named characters in the book.
4. What do you hope children will take away from this story?
Scott: Two things: first, don’t worry about trying to impress everybody. It’s okay to just be yourself. People (or, in this case, six-eyed aliens and giant talking slugs) will still like you—at least the ones worth having as friends. Secondly, we hope kids just have a blast reading it. We try our best to have something exciting or ridiculous or weird to read or look at on pretty much every page. We want even the most reluctant reader to keep turning the page to see what absurdness comes next.
John: We also feel that James Patterson is a perfect partner for us. He is “dedicated to making kids readers for life.” Hopefully this crazy-zany story will be a big part in making that happen!
5. There are so many incredible and zany references to science and technology. Did you have to do a lot of research to create SCI-FI JUNIOR HIGH?
Scott: A little. Neither one of us had a real good grasp on how many light-years wide the Milky Way galaxy is, for instance. Or, for that matter, how far a light-year actually is (about 6 trillion miles, as it turns out!). But the book, like most works of science fiction, is a mixture of real science and…wait for it…fiction. For example, the need for artificial gravity at the school is real, but the solution, obviously, is not.
John: We are heavily influenced by the tech and designs from 1950s B sci-fi movies and literature. We have a few tech tributes to Star Wars, Star Trek, and others. Also a Rube Goldberg device and some fun nods to Three Stooges tech with poorly designed devices. Suspended sleeping chambers, portholes, wormholes, sliding elevator doors, mind transfer rays, and concerns over alien bacteria can be found in SCI-FI JUNIOR HIGH. A good ol’ porthole can always get you into the story fast.
6. Kelvin has all sorts of alien peers at his school. Was it important to you to write about diverse characters, even among aliens?
Scott: When every student comes from a different planet, the diversity element is pretty much baked in. At least the way we wanted to do it, by creating as many unique characters as possible. That type of “diversity” doesn’t necessarily help readers find characters they physically identify with (unless they have six eyes, live underwater, or have constantly growing and shrinking brains), but the concept of getting along with classmates/people who appear different than you are is pretty universal.
John: We simply changed the setting, look, and skin color of the students, but with the same middle school Earth drama and issues that we recognize. Star Wars cantina scene meets middle school, with a dash of bullies, crushes, math equations, and alien food fights. After all, aren’t all gym teachers robots, anyways?
7. How do you think illustrations and visual art enhance a book, especially for a middle grade audience?
Scott: Growing up, my main sources of reading material were comic books and illustrated magazines like Mad and Cracked. I loved the art. It really kept me engaged in the material.
John: I grew up watching a lot of cartoons and monster movies on TV, like Scooby-Doo, The Flintstones, Looney Tunes, Jonny Quest, The Jetsons, Godzilla, Frankenstein, and more. And I loved reading comic books, Mad magazine, and the Sunday newspaper comic strips. I have always known how impactful and powerful visual storytelling can be. If these forms of storytelling were good enough for Scott and me when we were in middle school, then they are good enough for readers of all ages! In fact, we still read comics and watch Godzilla movies!
Scott: We use art as a continuation of the story. The illustrations aren’t merely editorial, repeating what has already been covered in the text. We switch off between text and art to keep things vibrant and interesting. John and I work closely (as in sitting at the same table) to lay out the story in words and pictures. As I said earlier, we create books that we would have wanted to read as kids. The art is also a big draw (ba-da-bum!) for the more reluctant readers.
John: We also use a banter technique that very few creators use. Instead of the redundant use of “he said,” “she said,” “Then I said,” we use a character icon of who is speaking. This is a great visual/textual way to make it easy to understand who is talking in our comedic banter sequences. There are also a few illustrated sequences in the book that are very detailed—i.e., a busy alien cafeteria food fight. Every inch
of this two-page spread illustration has someone or something throwing alien food! A few illustrated scenes like this also really help draw the reader into understanding
this world Scott and I have created. In general, illustration can improve reading comprehension.
8. What’s the best part about writing for children, in your opinion? What’s the hardest thing about it?
Scott: I love writing for kids. Kids are sharp. More so than a lot of adults are willing to give them credit for, sometimes. And they don’t bring a lot of preconceived notions along for the ride. If they find your book to be fun and entertaining, they’ll devour it and ask for more. Our books are meant to be humorous, and I put things in the book that I think are funny. I never “write down” to an age group. That’s a big reason why I feel adults will enjoy reading our books along with their kids, particularly the younger ones. Kids are also honest. Brutally honest, sometimes. You usually know where you stand.
John: I really like creating, illustrating, and working with children’s books for a simple reason—it’s fun! I really want to share my childhood with children of today. Besides, what artist wouldn’t want to illustrate an alien with an underbite sloshing down a galactic school hallway? To be a kid-lit creator is very rewarding when kids come up to you and tell you how much they love your book or character. We are thrilled to hear parents tell us how their kids read our books over and over again. We are also delighted when librarians tell us that our books are favorites in their libraries and are checked out with so much regularity that they are falling apart.
9. What’s next for you both? Can we expect a sequel to SCI-FI JUNIOR HIGH?
Scott: Yes, there will be a SC-FI JUNIOR HIGH 2. But all we can tell you right now is that it will involve aliens and robots and bullies and tentacles and spaceships and field trips to strange worlds and universe-threatening plushies and…dancing.
National Geographic Kids Books is featuring SIX new titles that are perfect year round or for giving as gifts. They are big, bold and beautiful hardcovers; cater to book enthusiasts and reluctant readers alike; and are fun, inspiring AND educational (but don’t tell your kids that last part!).
How Things Work (ages 7-10, $19.99) – Discover the secrets and science behind bounce houses, hovercraft, robotics and everything in between in this book that provides both the quick answers AND complete explanations for all things high tech, low tech and no tech (how DOES glue work???). Detailed diagrams, revealing photos, hands-on activities and and fascinating facts all help to demystify many common items — like how a microwave works, how an eraser makes pencil marks disappear and how an iPad or tablet can do so much — and also delves into the more futuristic — but very real — inventions like bionics, invisible cloaks and tractor beams. “Tales from the Lab” and profiles of talented engineers, inventors and scientists provide plenty of inspiration. How Things Work is perfect for the kid who thinks “just because” isn’t a REAL answer. Several spreads from How Things Work can be found by clicking here.
Ultimate Oceanpedia (ages 7-10, $24.99) – Perfect for the ocean-obsessed, this book is the most complete ocean reference ever! Ultimate Oceanpedia is overflowing with amazing facts, photos, art and diagrams that take the reader on a journey through the ocean. Whales, dolphins, porpoises, turtles, sharks, fish, crustaceans, sponges — from the weird to the wonderful — they are all featured in breathtaking photographs with easy to read captions. Wild weather, underwater exploration and tips and pointers on how to help keep our oceans thriving round out this thick, keepsake volume.
Tales from the Arabian Nights: Stories of Adventure, Magic, Love and Betrayal by Donna Jo Napoli (ages 8-12, $24.99) — “A brilliant tapestry woven not of yarn but of stories, both fresh and faithful to its historical routes” — starred review, Kirkus
Do you have a child who loves magical stories about far away places? Classic stories and dazzling illustrations of princesses, kings, sailors and genies come to life in a stunning retelling of the Arabian folk tales from One Thousand and One Nights and other collections, including those of Alladin, Sinbad the Sailor, and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. In this beautiful, gift-worthy book, beloved author Donna Jo Napoli not only brings timeless tales of royalty, adventure and love to life but also includes sidebars that connect the stories to history, culture and geography. A perfect story time selection for bedtime or anytime.
The Book of Heroines and The Book of Heroes (ages 8-12, $14.99) – All kids are heroes in waiting and these two titles are sure to inspire. In The Book of Heroines it’s all about Girl Power! Looking for a leading lady? How about more than 100 of them? True stories of superstars, war heroes, world leaders, ladies in lab coats ad everyday people who all have two things in common — they were girls and they changed the world. From Michelle Obama, Jane Goodall and Wonder Woman to Susan B. Anthony, Gloria Steinem and Katie Ledecky, The Book of Heroines not only highlights how girls are just as tough as boys, but also challenges the reader to be a heroine herself and provides tips on how to unleash her inner heroine. Sample pages of Heroines can be found here. The Book of Heroes highlights 100 guys who had the boldness, bravery and brains to meet the challenges of their day. Featuring a very diverse array of amazing minds, heroes from history, sports stars and even action heroes — like Abraham Lincoln, Mark Zuckerberg, Stephen Hawking and Steve Irwin — boys will be sure to find more than just a few role models in the pages of this book and also perhaps inspire them that they, too, are capable of extraordinary things.
5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!) 3 (ages 8-12, $19.99) – Did you know that one-third of the earth is a desert, that beets are sometimes used to give red velvet cake its color or that there are more caribou than people in Alaska? Well, that’s only the beginning……5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!) 3 features gross facts about toilets and edible insects, gravity defying facts about things that fly, awesome new dino-discoveries and even facts about newborn octopi and how many oranges it takes to make one glass of o.j. — to name just a few! This book is the ultimate boredom buster and is perfect for curious kids who love to learn about the weird, wild and wacky!
Make sure you
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One of you will be able to win a set of National Geographic Kids Books Gift Pack Giveaway of the six books listed above (ARV $120.00). US only please, sorry international readers!
Please feel free to enter to win by using the RC form below. Good luck! Ends March 15, 2017.
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“Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls” is a children’s book packed with bedtime stories about the life of 100 extraordinary women from the past and the present—from Queen Elizabeth I to Serena Williams, Frida Kahlo to Julia Child, Ruth Bader Ginsberg to Amelia Earhart—and illustrated by 60 female artists from all over the world.
Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo realized that 95% of the books and TV shows they grew up with, lacked girls in prominent positions. They did some research and discovered that this didn’t change much over the past 20 years, so they decided to do something about it.
Instead of waiting for their princes to come like the women in typical fairy tales, these game-changing women are influencing the world themselves.
Relocating from Milan, Italy to California, Elena Favilli had been working as a journalist and Francesca Cavallo as a stage director and playwright. Their entrepreneurial journey made them understand how important it is for girls to grow up surrounded by female role models. It helps them to be more confident and set bigger goals.
Favilli and Cavallo, co-founders of Timbuktu Labs and creators of the first iPad magazine for children, made crowdfunding history by attracting more dollars than any other children’s book. It has raised over $1 million from 20,000 backers through its Kickstarter campaign and Indiegogo InDemand book-ordering campaign.
The book, for ages 5 to 8, offers great source of inspiration for anyone, male or female, child or adult.
Favilli told The Huffington Post she felt encouraged to start the project after she wrote an op-ed for The Guardian about being a woman and a tech start-up founder in Silicon Valley and facing abuse online. “I decided that my next project would be something designed to empower young women,” she said.
“Gender stereotypes permeate every aspect of our culture,” Favilli said. “We constantly urge ourselves to ‘lean in’ and books on female empowerment proliferate on our shelves…but they come far too late. Parents are offered little resources to counter this trend and we want to do something about it.”
We recently read the book “The Tuttle Twins and The Road to Surfdom” by Connor Boyack. I was intrigued, as I don’t think schools do a very good job on educating children about history, the government, or civics- and heck, most don’t offer civics or geography at all. It was replaced a few decades ago by the blanket “Social Studies”, and as a result Americans are terrible at geography, world history, domestic history, and civic issues. Many don’t include much (if any) real information on how our government works, certainly not enough that most American children have any kind of grasp of how things work or what is involved. I am always excited to see anything to help educate children about these issues.
However, I found this book to be very heavy handed, biased, and repetitive. It also focused on a strange topic- building a new road and the unintended consequences that occurred for an imagined beach town- to portray how terrible it is to have any government involvement in life. Government is necessary, in my opinion. We just need better control of it- which would start with better educated Americans/children who know what the government is and does, and how and why it works they way it does. These super gung-ho kids and their just-happened-to-be-InternetFamous (and suited up at the beach) Uncle were there to spend their vacation interviewing shop owners and farmers who all morosely agreed on the same sad opinion. Bad ‘ol road.
Where things like that can indeed be disastrous to people, and proper planning is a must- does the author thing we should build no new roads? Not relieve traffic congestion? Do away with government agencies like the EPA and the FDA for example? The answer is yes. After visiting his site, he’s really down for very little government involvement- much less then I feel is appropriate for the world we live in.
But that’s the beautiful thing about America. We get to have out own opinions. This book is about his. This post is about mine.
Below, I’ve posted information about the book from the publisher, and links to buy as well as to the authors website and social media.
And now, you get to make your own opinion. Read on, my friends.
“How do you describe liberty to a 7-year-old? Should your preteen care about the government? Are your kids learning about proper political principles in school? For too long, parents have been at the mercy of professional curriculum developers to instruct their children. History is watered down, key principles omitted altogether, and time and attention given to things of lesser importance.
With the creation of The Tuttle Twins and The Road to Surfdom, Libertas Institute president and father of two Connor Boyack is looking to assist parents in properly educating their children. This fun and unique new book aims to inform young readers about the importance of limited government. The book also offers:
Connor Boyack is president of Libertas Institute, a free market think tank. In that capacity he has spearheaded successful policy reforms on property rights, civil liberties, parental rights, education reform, government transparency, and more. He is the author of ten books on economics, education, politics, and society, and has written hundreds of columns on these subjects for newspapers around the country. Boyack serves on the board of the Utah Home Education Association and is a popular speaker at conferences around the country. He teaches several classes to teens in his home state and along with his wife, homeschools his two young children in Salt Lake City, Utah.”
The Road to Surfdom is available at TuttleTwins.com/Surfdom. For more information about The Tuttle Twins series and Connor Boyack, visit www.TuttleTwins.com.
Connect with the author on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/cboyack
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/
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