Happy Sunday, bloggy buddies 🙂
I am happy to introduce a really fun site to you all- it’s called “The Kit Place”!

It’s really great, it has so many cute craft kits for you to do with your children. They break it down into three categories of kits- group, gift, and individual kits.
GroupKits are really cute for if you are having a birthday party, and want to do something crafty and original.
You can make dolls, dinosaurs, pinwheels- even the classic puppet!

The gift kits are actually very thoughtful. For the adult who is going though a change in life, they have kits to make the transition easier. Like the Wedding Day kit- which has “Last minute emergency items for the big day. On an important day like a wedding, graduation, sweet 16 party or bar mitzvah, things can go wrong. This kit will have all the last minute things you need to make it through with flying colors.
This kit includes: A First Aid Kit, Packing List, Advil, Hem Tape, Sewing Kit, Tide To Go stick, Mints, Toothpaste and a Toothbrush”

The Canvas Tote is 10 oz Cotton 14″x 16″x 4″. This strong, large bag is strong enough for groceries, kids toys, gifts, school books and more. It is great [Read more…]