“imagine I Can” make it or play it collection from Manhattan Toy Review and Giveaway

Castle Climb


We all know that kids are fascinated with making things as well as playing things. I was lucky enough to be able to review 3 products in the new “imagine i CAN” line: Finger Paint Fun, Castle Climb, and Fairy Enchanted.

About “imagine I Can” :

Kids can come up with some wild, crazy ideas when they daydream, which is a great thing.

Each kit is perfect for family fun, birthday party gifts, or solo play on a snowy day. There is a wide variety of topics, so that no matter what activities interest your child, you will most certainly be able to find something for them in this new line of toys.

About Manhattan Toy:

Manhattan toys have a wide variety of brands, including: Imagine I Can, Whoozit, Wimmer-Ferguson, Groovy Girls, Dr. Seuss, Fraggle Rock, Parents, Baby Stella, and Manhattan Toy. With all of these different brands, there are more than 700 product designs distributed through more than 10,000 department and specialty toy and gift retailers.

Manhattan Toys gives the opportunity for children of all ages to explore their world.

imagine I can


About My “imagine I Can” Products:

Castle Climb:

As you can see from the pictures, my daughter was a huge fan of the Castle Climb game. You simply each start out with a castle base, then you roll the dice to see what color of castle piece you get next. My daughter [Read more…]

Totseat from Trendy Kids Review & Giveaway



We are definintely a family that is on the go at most times. Sometimes that means that we are out to eat, but more often, it means that we are at friends or family’s houses, many whom don’t have children. It sure is hard to try and feed a baby or toddler while holding them. But, at the same time I hate to lug along our “travel high chair”, because it takes up so much room. I was lucky enough to be able to review the perfect solution for our problem, The Tot Seat.

About The Tot Seat:

They say that the totseat is the washable squashable high chair.

It is the only adaptable chair harness. It is totally washable. It is easy to use. Easy to carry along, and it fits almost every chair out there.

  • Fully adjustable chair harness for babies (8-36 months).

pink tot seat


My Thoughts:

I have been very impressed with how much that I have enjoyed our totseat. It is very easy to quickly put on a chair, [Read more…]

Magic Cabin GlVEAWAY – Cute Duck and Nesting Eggs Toys @magiccabin

Easter is on the way, and there are so many cute things to stick in to an Easter Basket. But, why bother with a basket when you have adorable Easter eggs to put treats and toys into? Beautifully painted and decorated papier-mache eggs that both nest into each other and also are perfect to fill with treat and toys from the Easter Bunny or mom and dad.

Easter ToysSince the Easter Bunny represents all that is spring, the perfect filler for the largest of these eggs is the adorable Fuzzy Duckling. How cute would this guy be coming out of an egg Easter [Read more…]

Bazooka Candy Brands Easter GlVEAWAY

With Spring just around the corner, are you ready for the Easter bunny to come hopping over? Special for Easter this year, Bazooka Candy Brands is offering an Easter candy assortment filled with Push Pop, Baby Bottle Pop, and Ring Pop varieties for you to enjoy or use in [Read more…]

Buckley Lion by BuckleyBoo Review & Giveaway



If you happen to be looking for the perfect gift for a toddler, I can pretty much promise you that any item from BuckleyBoo would be a perfect fit. We were lucky enough to be able to review BuckleyLion 17″. My 3 year old is in love with the Buckley Boo, as well as my 1 year old.

About the BuckleyBoo products:

The BuckleyBoo products grow with your children throughout their toddler age.

  • Stage 1: Visual Scanning & Matching-Your child first learns to match the bright ribbons on their BuckleyBoo animal.
  • Stage 2: Small Motor Problem Solving Cognitive Development-Your child really learns how to buckle, even though that can’t always unbuckle at this time. (Typically they play with mom and dad–while they buckle mom or dad unbuckles).
  • Stage 3: Advanced Problem Solving-By this time your child can both buckle and unbuckle all by themselves.



My Thoughts:

I must admit that we are definitely loving our BuckleyLion. As you can see above, BuckleyLion really [Read more…]

Curious George Swings Into Spring DVD Review and Giveaway



Who doesn’t love Curious George? We were very happy to be able to review Curious George Swings Into Spring.

Technical Information:

Date Available: Match 12, 2013

Copyright: 2013 Universal Studios

Running Time: 57 Minutes

About The DVD:

As you know Spring is just around the corner. With spring returning, we are fortunate for Curious George to be returning with a new video as well.

George and his best friend, Hundley, explore all the wonders of the season together-including blooming flowers, baby animals, and canoe rides. At a point in the movie, Hundley gets lost, and George has to find his friend. This is definitely [Read more…]

The Little Lasso -Bottle, Sippy Cup, & Toy Holder- Review and Giveaway

stop playing fetch


My 11 month old is right at that age where she has really discovered how to throw things and watch them disappear, but then instantly want it back. I have been getting very tired of this new ‘game’ that we have been playing.

I am extremely happy to introduce you to The Little Lasso.

About The Little Lasso:

The Little Lasso is a mom-designed solution to the wonderful problem of infants and toddlers dropping or tossing cups, toys, etc.

There are no snaps, velcro, buckles, or clasps. One of my favorite features, is the fact that you can adjust the length of The Little Lasso to meet the needs of any items that you have.

The Little Lasso can be used with bottles, sippy cups, and toys to secure them to strollers, car seats, highchairs, shopping carts, jumperoos, etc.

The Little Lasso is handcrafted in Texas out of 100% cotton [Read more…]

WIN Veggie Tales Very Veggie Easter Collection

It’s going to be Spring soon. Not soon enough, but soon indeed. And with Spring comes Easter!


One of the very best ways to celebrate Easter is with Veggie Tales. Veggies Tales just released their A Very Veggie Easter Collection. The collections includes 2 DVD’ s (Twas the Night Before Easter and An Easter Carol) as well as 2 Cd’s (A Very Veggie Easter and Hosanna! Today’s Top Worship Songs for Kids). The set is the prefect size to put into an Easter basket. Or just watched before Easter to remind your little ones what Easter [Read more…]