Our Visit to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Ohio

Hello, sports fans!
Are you ready for some football!?
On the recent trip to Ohio we had to opportunity to visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton. This place is a pilgrimage for football fans.

As we entered we are greeted by a larger then life bronze statue of Jim Thorpe. Mr. Thorpe is a legend of pro football who dates back to the 1900’s.

The second floor of the museum if all about the beginnings of football, back in the old days of leather helmets and not so gigantic players, more of average guys playing a rough game. This exhibit has all kinds of memorabilia, including uniforms, footballs, and the like. There are also audio and video recordings as well. This exhibit will bring us up to 1992, almost current.

Next up is the Teams of the NFL Exhibit, this exhibit teaches us about the 32 teams now playing in the NFL. Up next was the Hall of Fame Gallery, all I can say about this is its a crazy big room with lots of busts in it. Some I knew, most I didn’t- sorry. This room did house a lot of men folk wandering about reading plaques and looking for their favorites. Little [Read more…]

Holiday Travel Tips

Holiday travel can be a rough time for all involved, between trying to get everything done on time, shopping, and packing- it’s easy to become overwhelmed. With so many of us traveling with small kids at some point this holiday season, there are some ideas I’d like to share with you.

1) PLAN!!! You need to plan as much as you can- but be prepared to be flexible and make changes along the way. Be like the tree…..sturdy, rooted,…and pliable 😛

2) Attempt to arrive early- this way, if things go awry, you will have “wiggle room”.

3) Have a newly potty trained, or potty training kiddo? Bring a little potty along- keep it accessible- and some sani-wipes as well to clean it out after using. Keep it in the car, where you can very, very easily reach it. Nothing worse then a wet kid in a wet seat on a LONG drive! Plus- who needs more laundry? Don’t push it- just pull over if they have to go. Yes, it’s annoying. They are kids- being annoying is sort of their “thing”. 😛

4) Bring laundry detergent, stain stick (for those “fun” accidents), and a laundry bag. Chances are great that you will be doing some if you are gone more then a few days! If you are going to be staying with family or friends, so much the easier for you!

5) Don’t fight the silly/small things. Is your kid insistent on bringing a bag of stuffed toys he sleeps with? Wearing a tutu for the whole trip? Maybe- like mine- won’t sleep in a hotel bed and makes me bring his pack and play even though he is nearly 4 and sleeps in a bed at home???? (Did I mention I hate that?) Whatever- you can fight them, and have a whiney, buggary kid on your trip, or just go with it. For me? Sleep is more precious then his sleeping (or not sleeping) in the area I would prefer. I bring the pack and play. I suggest you just run with your child’s whim of choice, unless it is harmful or completely insane, LOL. It’s just a trip- let them induldge for a second. And as they say- “don’t sweat the small stuff”. Have fun!
[Read more…]

How to Know if You Have Bedbugs in Your Home

For quite a while, it was assumed that bedbugs had gone the way of the dodo, at least in places like
America where it seemed they had been eradicated by chemical pesticides. Unfortunately, they weren’t
even close to being completely exterminated throughout the world, and considering their penchant
for travel (and the fact that they can survive for up to a year without feeding), it’s no surprise that the
increase in global travel has allowed them to piggyback to places where they were previously thought to
be banished for good. But how can you tell if they’ve made their way into your home? Here are just a
few tips and tricks to help you identify bedbugs so that you can get them out for good.

First you need to learn what signs to look for, and contrary to popular belief, bedbugs are not hard to
spot. They are often confused with their microscopic cousins, mites. But in truth, an adult bedbug can
grow up to five millimeters in length (a little under a fourth of an inch). So if you’re looking for them,
you’ll find them. But how do you know where to look? And how will you know when you should start

The first thing you need to know about bedbugs is that it is exceedingly rare to find them on a person
or pet. They like to come out at night and feed (on your blood, unfortunately) and then return to their
hiding spots during the day. They prefer to nest in plush materials, which is why beds are an ideal home
for these critters. You may also find them in carpeting, furnishings, and even clothing. Pretty much
any surface in your home that isn’t hard could provide [Read more…]

The Carlisle Inn of SugarCreek, Ohio – Your Home Away from Home!

While touring the beautiful state of Ohio, a fantastic place to say is the Carlisle Inn. Located in the heart of Amish country, you will be right in the center of all there is to do and see. While there is always something to do in Ohio, I have to admit that I do love this area in particular. The slow pace and friendly atmosphere you will find here just can’t be beat.

The hotel is lovely and spacious, and right in the middle of everyplace wonderful in this area of Ohio- which is my son’s favorite part of Ohio, by the way. There are so many things to do- and this is a great, safe, and family friendly place to be. You may never go anyplace else again!

Looking over the scenic farmland from your balcony, there is no place else you will want to be. The rooms smell fresh and clean, and the staff could not be any nicer if they tried. They were exceptionally kind to my son, and they have an added bonus- every night from 6-9 pm, there is snack time with cookies, tea, and fresh made popcorn. Not to mention a a story hour! How sweet!

The pool is clean and well maintained, not at all a loud or rowdy place, and there is a hot tub for mommy and daddy to relax as well, if the kiddos will give you a second!
Every morning, there is a breakfast served- which always helps with travel- if breakfast is included, I am so much more likely to use a particular hotel.. This breakfast pulls out all the stops, with sausage, eggs, fruit, yogurt, cereal, bagels- everything you would want! Little Man sure did enjoy himself! (Pssst- so did my Meema- she does NOT mess with her breakfast, LOL)

Each floor is beautifully decorated in a different style, and there are ample sitting and relaxing areas around every bend. Filled with comfy chairs, couches, and sitting areas (even a library and game area) you will find the perfect place to relax and unwind after a fun filled day in Holmes County at the Carlisle Inn.

On December 31st- yes, New Years! – come celebrate with the Carlisle for their “Party With a Purpose“-
Celebrate New Year’s Eve 2011 with a dinner [Read more…]

Saving for Your Soul: Taking Your Dream Vacation

Whether you’re plugging away at a corporate job, slinging burgers, or hauling bags of concrete it won’t be long before you start to feel like a cog in the machine. Even a job that is exciting, challenge, and changeable is bound to come with headaches like demanding bosses, corporate politics, backstabbing coworkers, and clients who just can’t be pleased. It is a rare job that leaves you relaxed, satisfied, and wanting for nothing at the end of the day. And the situation can feel even worse if you haven’t had a vacation lately. So if you’re tired of taking a day trip here and there and what you’re longing for is a bonafide vacation, here are a few ways to save up for the trip of a lifetime.
  1. Leave the kids at home. You knew what you were signing up for when you decided to start a family; kids require a lot of attention. But that doesn’t mean every vacation has to be for the whole family. If you can manage to pawn the kids off on your parents or other relatives for a few days, you’ll save about half on your vacation right off the bat. Plus, it couldn’t hurt to have a few days of fun and romance with your honey to rekindle the spark that can sometimes get smothered by work, kids, and life in general.
  2. Travel off-season.You know the summer months and the holidays are not only the busiest travel time; they’re also the most expensive. So look for off-season deals during months when travel is low. You’ll find great prices on hotels, airline tickets, and every other aspect of the tourist trade and you won’t have to fight the madding crowd. Also, getting time off may be easier when no one else at the office is planning a trip, and working through the holidays when everyone [Read more…]

How to Survive a Family Holiday Road Trip

With the holiday seasons approaching, you may find yourself dreading the annual family road trip,
and with good reason! Cranky children, demanding pets, spouses or partners who refuse to drive,
dangerous roads, cantankerous cars, and waiting at the end are in-laws you might not be in the mood to
see after hours on the road with your very own Wild Bunch. Not to fear, however! Here are a few tips
to surviving what could become this year’s holiday roadside massacre:

Remember the Boy Scouts. That means be prepared! As your sainted grandmother probably said, “An
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!” This is especially true with road trips of any kind, but
particularly those revolving around the holiday season, which are often fraught with extra-special
stressful goodies. Emulate Santa Claus: make a list of everything you need (or think you’ll need)
and check it twice (or even thrice). This means planning activities, making sure everything is packed,
knowing directions if you need to (print them out on Mapquest if you don’t have a GPS), and having
your car detailed before you drive it into the great blue yonder. How does your spare tire look? Better
get it checked.

Keep the Kids Amused. If your car isn’t equipped with DVD players, you may want to invest in the
portable kind. With headphones. Especially if you have more than one kid, they’ll be less likely to get
on each other’s nerves (and yours) if they can keep their movies or music separate. You might also
make [Read more…]

Entertainment Book- Great for Savings, Great for Holiday Travel

Whether you plan on having a traditional Thanksgiving with family or celebrating Christmas and New Year’s at a far-from-home destination, it’s never too early to buckle down on year-end holiday traveling plans to find the best deals.
Entertainment Promotions can help your readers find even more discounts and deals to make their holiday travels affordable and accessible.
Entertainment Promotions offers many ways to save hundreds of dollars on airfare, hotels and resorts, car rentals, and cruises – through the 2012 Entertainment

Fannie May & Harry London Chocolate Factory & Store @DiscoverOhio

No fantastic trip would be complete without something delicious at the end of the day- perhaps something like the delicacies at Fannie May and Harry London Chocolate Factory and Store, the largest chocolate retail store in the Midwest.

The smell that will greet you as you open your car doors upon arrival are alone worth the drive, and you may notice an extra jump in your step as you approach the entrance. The store itself is lovely, and the candies inside? Well. Ladies. Need I say more?

These candies and chocolates are made right in the factory behind the store, so freshness will never be an issue. They are of the highest quality, and you will know as soon as you bite into one that one is simply not enough- and thank goodness for all of the options you will have to choose from! Now comes the hard part….how to choose?

We were able to try some of the new FM Artisan chocolates created by world-renowned chocolatier Norman Love. These ultra-high quality and eye-catching chocolates are handmade in small batches, [Read more…]