UH OH!!!!
Please excuse my blog if it looks all crazy- it is in the process of a “makeover”, and it is taking a bit longer then expected! 🙂
Holiday Gift Guide- The Case of the Enormous Eoraptor
Welcome to November, Bloggy Buddies! My Holiday Gift Guide is ready and willing to serve you! Love my new cute little button? Hehe….
So, I am pleased to announce my very first Holiday Gift- The PROFESSOR BARRISTER’S DINOSAUR MYSTERIES series!
As most of you know, I am a teacher and graduate student, as well as a mommy. I read A LOT of children’s books. I love, love, love this series. The author, Stephen Penner, also illustrates these fun and informative books about dinosaurs. What kid doesn’t love dinosaurs? My school has a full week on them, and during both “review” weeks of the year, the kids always, always choose dinosaurs as a go-to topic.
I so love that these books are not just a great read, but they also teach your child as they are reading. And in a fun way! You guys have read my book reviews- if I hate it, you know it! But I cannot say enough good things about the Dinosaur Mystery Series.
After reading book #2: The Case of the Armored Allosaurus (review can be read HERE) I ordered book one, #1: The Case of the Truncated Troodon.
When Dinosaur week comes up again, you know I’ll be bringing these books to school with me- the kids LOVED books one and two last time.
So, what is Professor Barrister’s Dinosaur Mysteries #3: The Case of the Enormous Eoraptor (just released!) all about?
Professor Barrister [Read more…]
Someone thinks I’m nifty! :) LOL
Hey there, bloggy buddies! Look, I am in in interview for “Reads, Reviews, Recommends“.
The blog author, Kate, is really sweet, and is going to be publishing her first book soon! Go check out her blog if you love reading! 🙂
(Oh, that pic is me slapping the camera out of a hand when we landed in India! LOL, I was excited to be there, can you tell?)
Blogger Interview: Have Sippy Will Travel

About the Blogger:
My name is Samantha, I am a late-20-something mommy and teacher. I love my job (usually!) and my kids, and of course my very patient dear husband. I am a recent grad student, lover of books, travel, yoga, pilates, camping, animals, children, food/cooking, and fun. I am always on the lookout for adventure. I have traveled the world as a volunteer and a student, and have seen some amazing places, and met some wonderful people.
I love to read, and am a history buff (and some would say nerd). My kids mean the world to me, and I love that as a mom and a teacher, I get to help shape and enrich young minds.
About the Blog:
My blog is…..a hodgepodge 🙂 It is definitely geared towards mothers. I love sharing information, and learning. Lord knows I don’t know it all! LOL. So, when I started happening upon blogs I really liked, and seeing new products, and leaning new things to try, and books [Read more…]
Seals….Please Help!
Visit Red Lobster on FB and tell them what you think of their buying ideals- if they demand that Canada stop the slaughter, they would!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margret Meade
Canadian seal hunters fail to weaken European Union ban
European Judge Marc Jaeger has refused to suspend a ban on the import of seal products in Europe, a move that [Read more…]
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