Are you ready to feel more alive? Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you dislike
pushing and hurrying yourself and those around you? Are you done with old
habits, outdated perspectives, and behaviors that don’t serve you any longer? Do
you crave space, simplicity, and unscheduled time? Do you desire to live a life
that is a reflection of your values and desires?
Breaking free is about being open to the internal shifts and course corrections
we need to make if we want to change our outer circumstances.
Now, not next year, is the time to define and claim your ideal life. To embrace
and believe in yourself and your worthiness. Not to fix yourself, but to align and
expand into the highest expression of who you are. To allow yourself to receive
support and guidance for your journey while in the good company of others.
What legacy do we want to leave behind, and who do we want to be in the
decades to come? Years ago, my husband, son, and I visited some old family
friends — and native Irish speakers — who live in a fishing village outside of
Dublin, Ireland. We took lazy cliff walks and farmer’s market trips together; we
fed the seals in the harbor; we ate fresh mackerel, sea bass, and Irish soda
bread with Irish butter every night; and we enjoyed conversations with some of
the warmest, most soulful people I have ever encountered. [Read more…]