5 Ways to Teach Children to Be Global Citizens

global citizen kidsWhat is a global citizen? It is someone who has an understanding of and appreciation for the
diversity amongst cultures and countries, who values the contributions that all of us make, and who
strives to ensure peace and equality for all. But it is also a person who takes steps to do less harm
through his or her own actions, not only to other people, but to the planet and its many inhabitants.
Global citizenry implies personal, social, and environmental responsibility of the highest order, and if
you want your kids to grow up to be global citizens, here are a few ways to set them on the right path.

teach your kids to be global citizens

  1. Pen pals. One of the best ways to help your children understand the size and scope of the
    world we live in is to get them interacting on a personal level with kids across the globe. And finding
    international pen pals is a lot easier these days thanks to the internet. Organizations like Students of the
    World, International Pen Friends, and InterPals Pen Pals all have websites through which your children
    can safely sign up for pen pals. And the best part is that many sites offer not only the ability to write
    letters back and forth, but also to communicate via email or chat in some cases. It’s a brave new world
    out there, and these forums provide safe platforms for your kids to interact with their peers around the
  2. Festivals. Depending on where you live (such as a metropolitan [Read more…]