Stocking Stuffers for Teen and Tween Boys #GiftGuide

Looking to stuff your son’s stocking with items he will actually use? Check out Prep U Products (available on Amazon) for teens or boys.

natural soap for kids

Made for boys aged eight and up, Prep U is committed to providing all-natural body care products that are a clean-smelling, chemical-free and effective.  There is a full line of personal care products aimed at the males of the species- though I admit, I really, really like the deodorant and got one for myself. The body washes are also nice for everyone, even if they are aimed at boys. The smell is soothing and refreshing, and I like them as much as they do. I am the “rose amongst thorns” in the house and a bit outnumbered, so perhaps I lean toward things male, but hey. At least you know the smell is pleasant to both sexes. Here are some items to consider;

Back-to-Basics (Price: $32.00) 

Includes all of the signature products: Body Spray, Body Wash and Natural Deodorant.

TRVL Kit (Price: $29.00) 

Prep U’s travel sizes are great for any on-the-go needs from weekend trips to summer camps. The kit includes: 2oz Active Dry Powder, 2oz Body Spray, 2oz Body Wash, canvas travel kit.

Charcoal Face + Body Set (Price: $24.00) 

Prep U’s Charcoal Scrub and Charcoal Bar detoxifies and gently exfoliates skin.

charcoal body wash

I like the charcoal items for my youngest son, age 12, who has a skin condition which causes his skin to erupt in itchy red bumps and rashes. He has so many creams and soaps, but the charcoal also soothes his skin and reduces these breakouts. We use charcoal items often, and both he and I like these and give them our stamp of approval. They also smell nice- it says unscented, but to me it has a bit of a lemon-y smell.  The fact that they are chemical free and all natural makes them a no brainier.

If you have a smelly teen or tween boy in your life (and if he’s older then 5, you likely do, LOL) these will be quite useful gifts indeed. Try them out and shoot us a tweet or a comment, let us know what you think. We hope you like them as much as we do. Happy holidays, and enjoy. If these don’t strike you, try out some solid shampoo or zero waste cosmetics. We know you will find what you are looking for!

Top 4 Reasons Your Teen May Be under Stress

Youth is a free pass to have fun and enjoy. But alongside this “folly” are physical, social, mental, and emotional changes that every teenager goes through to cross the bridge to adulthood.


Indeed, transition and turmoil characterize adolescence. And your teenage son or daughter may have trouble coping with how things are. Your child may be dropping signs and hints of stress. It’s time to pay close attention to what’s been eating up your teenager and how you can help.


Your Teen May Be Stressed, but Why?


You think you’ve given your child everything—attention and material things that they need to grow up responsible and decent. You may think that they have it easy. But young people nowadays experience far too many things that can quickly put a strain on them and their relationships with other people.


1. Social Media


Your child may be among the millions of people across ages plagued by social media obsession. This modern-day condition has been linked to causing depression, anxiety, and loneliness, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Another study in 2017 reveals the correlation between the use of social media as evidence in the ownership of smartphones and the rise of levels of depressive symptoms among surveyed 8th to 12th graders.


2. Control (or Lack of) over Their Lives


Teens spend most of their life at school, where everything has been prearranged for them. They are expected to meet their teachers’ and parents’ expectations, or they’ll get failing marks and scolding afterward. If they express disdain toward authority, they’ll be branded as rebels. This whole situation is a stress factor for your child as they have to keep up with everyone’s approval to be good and to do good at school all the time.


3. Self versus Group Identity


Friends are a source of joy and stress for teenagers. Running parallel to hanging out with friends is figuring out one’s identity. It’s a balancing act: the desire to stand out versus the fear of being cast aside for being different. Your teenager is probably worrying about this issue, spending more time alone and becoming more quiet than usual.


4. The Age of Curiosity


Adolescents have a lot of exploring to do, and their curiosity will likely lead them to uncharted and sometimes dangerous territory like drugs, alcohol, sex, and whatnot. Your child may be using drugs to relieve stress, fit in with their peers, or just want to experiment. Or it could be that their drug use and the fear of discovery by you are causing them stress.


A Word to Parents


Your job as a parent is commendable, working round-the-clock to ensure your family is well and happy. While having a teenager is a tough chapter in any parenting book, you or other parents can still catch up with your children to be on the same page.


Drug use, for instance, can still be curbed. There’s only one way to confirm if your child is using drugs like ecstasy: conduct an MDMA test with this kit at home. This test is foolproof and is widely used for preemployment exams.


You can always speak with your child about school and life in general. Opening up with you about teenage stress may be hard at first, but assuring him or her regularly that you will listen without judgment is a good start.

Get Your Kids to Buckle Up #KidsBuckleUp

We all know that getting our kids to listen can be a challenge.  There are times you lose the battle, but as long as you win the war, right?  One of the battles you really can’t afford to lose is the battle to buckle up.  Not only is it a lifesaver in a car crash, but it will keep them safe in all those little “road skirmishes” most of us deal with on a regular basis.  Kids who buckle up as soon as they get in the car, every time, will develop that habit, and it will be one that they won’t break as they get older and start driving on their own- so start young, and never let that one go.

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Parenting a tween involves compromise. But here’s one rule that should not be up for debate – the car doesn’t move until everyone is wearing a seat belt. If you say it, and if parents buckle up themselves, your tween will buckle up. And if they don’t, that’s a fight worth having. It might just save your tween’s life.

pic5Did you know that motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for children age 1 to 14 in the USA?  Over the past 5 years, 1,522 kids ages 8-14 died in car, SUV and van crashes. Of those who died, almost half were unbelted.  As children get older they’re less likely to buckle up. The percentage of child passengers who die while riding unrestrained generally increases with age and is most pronounced among 13 and 14-year-olds regardless of seating position.
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When Your Teen is Drifting Away

You’ve been a dedicated parent, always involved in your son’s life. You are his biggest champion, the one who will be by his side through thick and thin. That’s why it troubles you to no end when you see him making poor choices. You’ve done everything in your power to lead by example. However, it’s like the old expression, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” If your teen is not following the right path in his life, you can talk until you’re blue in the face. It still might not do any good. Try some tips to turn the situation around.


Cut Off the Extras
If your teen is being irresponsible, take away privileges. That means no car, spending money, computer, or cell phone. Cutting him off will show that you mean what you say. Make it hit home that the extras in life must be earned. Adults don’t get hand-outs that they don’t deserve. The same holds true for your son. He may get his act together and head in the right direction once more.
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Establishing Rules of the Road for Your Teen

The process of teaching your teenager to drive can be a complicated one, with a lot
of moving parts, so to speak. There are a lot of different facets of the responsible driving
experience, and as a responsible parent you always want to make sure you cover all of
your bases, and then some. You might be lucky, and have your children enrolled in a
school that teaches driver’s education as part of its regular curriculum, or you’ve enrolled
your child in a driver’s ed course outside of school. Either way, each teenager is required
to attend a class, study a book, and receive a certain number of hours’ worth of behind-
the-wheel practice with a certified instructor. These methods aren’t always enough,
however, to get your teenager as used to the road as he or she should be before setting
out to get that license, and that’s what the learner’s permit is for. You’ll have a chance
to drive with your teen for about six months before he or she is eligible for a driver’s
license, and that’s your chance to really make sure your teenager is absolutely familiar
with the rules of the road.

It’s important to keep in mind how stressful driving can be when you’re first doing it.
You know your teen best, so you know his or her tendencies towards nervousness, and
you can always gauge how they’re doing behind the wheel in the moment. Keep an eye
on how your teen is doing, and make sure that your advice or direction isn’t presented
in such a way that startles [Read more…]