Tripographer is the new travel sharing site powered by Marriott. Tripographer is a new way to share those fantastic and fun traveling adventures we all go on. It helps edit or stylize photos, build slides shows and link them to specific locations all this being sharable via all popular social networks from your web browser.
Tripographer starts out with an easy account creation system which links up to your social network or networks of choice. Also available is simply logging in with your Facebook login details, which makes creating an account a breeze. After that the fun begins.
First- the uploading and editing of photos. Each photo uploaded can be edited in the form of ‘stylizing’ it. Stylizing includes applying filters like sepia or blur, or editing which includes: cropping, rotating and flipping your photos. These tools make your more bland photos stand out a bit more while not inundating you with too many options, which could cause confusion for some. There is a size limit per photo of 2 MB so keep this in mind when getting ready to upload by either changing settings on your camera or resizing your [Read more…]