Valentine and Spring Tu-Tu from Little Diva Tutus, LLC Review

LittleDiva Tutu


With 2 girls, I definitely hope to have lots of ribbons, pearls, bows, flowers, etc. in my future. My oldest definitely already loves being a girly girl, and most of the time so does my youngest. I was lucky enough to be able to review a Tu-Tu for both of my girls from Little Diva Tutus, LLC, and I must say that we were definitely impressed.

About Little Diva Tutus:

Little Diva Tutus are located in the Midwestern Plains, and they cater to little divas and princesses everywhere. They have a range of trendy designs that suit all ages, from an adorable new baby girl, to a teen or even adult. All of the tutus are created from high quality US made fabric, which helps make the tutu both soft and full. Tutus start at only $21.99.

Little Diva TutusMy Thoughts:

I was lucky enough to be able to review both a Valentine Tutu, as well as a Spring Tutu. With each tutu, I received a matching set [Read more…]