Valentine’s Day Sun Catcher Craft and Tutorial

Valentine’s Day is a really fun day to do some Valentine’s Day crafts with your kids. This fun sun catcher
craft is something that even toddlers can do with a little assistance, and older kids will enjoy too!

valentines day craftIt takes less than 30 minutes to complete this craft (not including drying time), and you probably have
most of what you need already around your house! Here’s what you need to do this cute craft:

valentines day craftSupplies:

Mod Podge
Paint Brush
Tissue Paper
Scrapbook Paper
Single Hole Puncher
Wax Paper

valentines day craft
The first step is to rip your tissue paper into strips and then into smaller squares. Set aside
Place a piece of wax paper down for your work area.
On the back of a piece of [Read more…]