Vitamin Angels

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This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Vitamin Angels Give Childhood for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

‘Tis the season to give.  Now is the time where people give and give to one another in their families and with heir friends.  But there are also those to thin of who are not as fortunate as most.  One such group are children who are “undernutritioned” or malnourished. These kids are from many different countries including the United States.  Take a look around you this week, how many kids are running around like wild animals?  Or just playing around quietly?  Both of which would not be possible for nearly 3.1 million children this year.   Give Childhood back to children in need.

Over the holidays one of the Little Man’s favorite activities are roaming from family member to family member and picking their brains.  Absorbing new opinions and ideas, from relatives who are only seen once or twice a year or just watch something different one TV, finding out about the newest silly rhymes, or simply learn about what’s for dinner its all about socializing for the little guy.  Another one of course is hide and seek  This one is fun until you get one smarty pants adult who will count and not look for the hider.  Not cool, but there is always one.  As a child of a previous generation my fun at the holidays was a bit different.  I loved to learn all about what was for dinner and how such a hot kitchen overflowing with pots, pants, dishes and silverware turns into a wonderful dinner with every detail cooked to perfection.  Leading to full bellies and snoring relative, “resting” their eyes before dessert.

Your support today will give the gift of childhood to those in need worldwide so please donate now .  Please think about others this holiday season.  Make a  difference by visiting Vitamin Angels Give Childhood to make a donation that will help deliver essential vitamins and minerals to at risk children in need.

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  1. some interesting facts in there.
    sounds like a good charity to me.

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