Sparkup Reader–Outstanding Toy for Kids

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Disclosure: The SparkUp Reader mentioned below were provided for me in order to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” tab for more information.

I absolutely love reading to my children. Occasionally I am gone at bedtime or have to be out of town. I always want to still be able to read with my children as they are going to bed. I know that it isn’t always possible, but it would be great if it was. SparkUp Reader has made it possible to read a variety of books to your child at anytime.

About SparkUp Reader:

Sparkup is a privately-held company based in Israel. It is managed by young parents who understand first-hand the challenges facing children’s reading and playtime experiences in a digital era. The investors and management team are passionate abou enhancing the lives of children and their families.


The SparkUp Magical Book Reader is a revolutionary devices that clips directly on to any picture book and reads it aloud in your voice. You can record the book yourself, in any language, and add your own personal touches, or download professionally recorded stories, complete with sound effects, directly from the Sparkup website. While recording, Sparkup’s tiny camera takes a picture of the book’s front cover and each page. later on, when a child connects Sparkup to the book, Sparkup immediately recognizes its front cover. Sparkup follows the child’s place and reads aloud as he or she turns the pages – even out of order.

Sparkup Magical Book Reader can store up to 250 minutes of audio, or aproximately 50 recorded storybooks. –You can transfer files onto your computer to make room for more books.


 My Thoughts:

My girls were absolutely in love with the SparkUp Reader. They have had a fun time finding different books for me to record. I love having a wide variety of books that they can go to and listen to me read them. I also love that they can listen to me read their bedtime book of choice even if I’m not the actual one that is here to tuck them into bed.

Recording new books with the SparkUp Reader is extremely easy. The device walks you through how to do it while you are doing it and then leaves you on your own. I really like that if there was a delay, they make sure to speak up and tell you the instructions that you need to follow with it.

When it comes to reading the books it is also extremely simple. My girls know that they just clip the back of the book into the Sparkup and then push the center button. The girls love to sit and listen to books for long periods of time.

We have a lot of traveling coming up for the holidays and I know that this will for sure be an item that we pack along for the trip.

This would also be a great kid for any kid to have for Christmas.


Future for SparkUp: 

Sparkup has exciting plans to take children’s learning and playtime experiences to a whole new level. Here are just a few “sparks” we have in store:

  • An expanded selection of books and professional recordings form tier-one and independent publishers and authors from around the world.
  • User-generated content distributed through Sprakup’s Storytellers Community
  • A more advanced Magical Book reader that will include pointing and gesture recognition
  • A gadget designed to help the visually-impaired children learn Braille
  • New toys and learning devices that will harness their proprietary interactive technologies


If you are interested in purchasing the SparkUp Reader, you can head on over to the website and purchase one for the kid in your life!

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