Gifts from Aurore Yoga

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Disclosure- We received the below in order to facilitate this review.  All opinions are our own and honest.

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With the end of the year around the corner, its time to start thinking about living more healthy in the coming year. One of the best ways to do this is with an exercise program. Personally, we enjoy yoga workout programs which can be done either at home, at a gym, or some towns even have yoga workout days at the community center once a week or so.

Whatever your particular comfort level is, yoga is a fun way to exercise which is meant for every level of health and at every age (my son and grandmother both do yoga with me) and can be done by a broad category of people. The only necessity is a yoga mat- well, not a necessity, but it sure helps. There are quite a few accessories which could make your adventures in yoga much more fun.

Today we are looking at a few Aurore yoga products which are the perfect accompanies to that new yoga mat. Namely, the new soy meditation candles and yoga mat sak.

The Soy Meditation Candles are 100 % soy wax. These candles are meant to help you concentrate on your state of mind while meditating or to help create a peaceful personal space. Each candle also comes with a short meditation and a pledge specific to that scent.

Some of the scents are:

* Harmony: Lavender Scented Candle

* Compassion: Vanilla Scented Candle

* Healing: Eucalyptus Scented Candle

* Patience: Rose Scented Candle

* Love: Chocolate Scented Candle

* Creativity: Cinnamon Scented Candle

* Perseverance: Ocean Scented Candle

* Peace: Tropical Scented Candle

* Spirit: Passion Raspberry Scented Candle

Each Candle retails for $24.95 but do go on sale often so be sure to check them out.

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The Yoga Mat Sak is a great way to bring your yoga mat on the road with you, be it to the gym or just with you on a trip so it is always at your fingertips. These saks are light to carry and are machine washable. Each measures 28 inches long, leaving room for a yoga mat and a small towel. The width (over 8 inch diameter) will fit mat, accessories, and other important items. Included is a large cargo pocket with easy access Velcro flap, and an outer cell phone pocket so you don’t have to carry a purse as well.  Stick your phone, keys, and some cash in your bag, and you are good to go.

Head to and shop now for all your health and fitness needs- maybe get a head start on those new years resolutions.


  1. that is a great color bag as well, i don’t have one for my mat

  2. i love scented candles.
    i have never used them while doing yoga but thses sound like they would work great.

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