7 Ways to Save for Your Next Family Vacation

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Family vacations are a fun, much-needed time for families to have together. It allows them to get out of the normal routines and just create new experiences in a new destination. The only problem is, depending on the size of your family, going on vacation can be expensive, causing some families to miss out altogether. The good news is there are some ways that you can pull more savings so that you can book that much-needed trip this year. Check them out below:

1.  Don’t Eat Out

Eating out is a ton of fun, but also comes at a hefty price. If you’re going to increase your vacation savings you’re going to want to cut back on eating out. If you’re used to eating out 3 times a week, cut back to once per week and put the money you would have spent on the other days into a savings account.

2.  Keep the Change

A penny saved is a penny earned. When it comes to saving loose change, it can add up pretty quickly. When paying for things, use cash and never give exact change. When the cashier gives you the change, place it into a piggy bank or jar. When the jar fills up, take it to your local bank and have it added to your savings account. You can do this every month until you’re ready to book the trip.

3.  Switch Energy Services

Some of the highest bills in the house are the mortgage and the energy bill. If you’re dealing with a higher energy bill, you may want to look into ways to cut those costs. Aside from taking actions like reducing your energy consumption, you can also check online resources to find out how to switch to a more affordable energy provider.

4.  Withdrawal From Your Bank’s ATM

Have you ever checked your bank statement and added up how much you’ve spent in a month on ATM fees? The number just might surprise you. While it might seem like a $2.00 fee won’t be much, if you’re using the ATM even 5 times in a month, you’re throwing away $10 a month or $120 a year. Not to mention any additional fees your bank might assess because you didn’t use their ATM. The best bet is to withdrawal the funds from your bank’s ATM.

5.  Cut Cable

Cable services can cost several hundred dollars per month. While your family may love watching their favorite shows and movies when they get home each day, there are more affordable solutions to get entertainment. Subscribing to streaming services, for instance, allows you to see TV shows and movies instantly. You could also consider getting a library card and checking out movies for free!

6.  Use Coupons and Codes

Coupons have and will always be a great way to save money on things you purchase. You don’t have to be an extreme coupon saver to get the savings either. Simply clipping coupons out of your local newspaper and using them can save you money. You can also use coupon codes and verified codes online to get huge discounts on already affordable internet shopping deals.

7.  Earn Some Cash

If you’re having trouble saving from your current budget you can always increase the amount of income you have. There are plenty of side hustles out there that you could consider to earn some extra cash for your vacation. For instance, having a yard sale and getting rid of all your unwanted belongings can bring in vacation money. Some might consider being an Uber driver and using their car to get some extra money.

Don’t let finances keep you from going out and having a good time with your family. If you’re struggling to find the money to pay for your next vacation, give some of these creative ideas a try. By putting the money you’re saving directly into an interest bearing account, you’ll also allow your vacation savings to increase by just sitting there! With these saving tips and a being financially savvy while on vacation can help you cut back and enjoy creating memories with the ones you love.


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