Best tools to overcome COVID anxiety, help you sleep #SleepBetter #LessStress

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sleep well

Are you more stressed out then ever? The current pandemic is giving people anxiety at high rates, and so are the added stresses of quarantine, at home learning, working from home, loss of jobs, evictions, fear of getting covid or losing a loved one, having someone stay at home with the kids, fear of losing your job, home, insurance, etc. It’s no joke.

Even in normal times, approximately 30 percent to 35 percent of the population experiences acute, or short-term, insomnia. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts say interrupted schedules, stress and anxiety due to the virus has caused more people to not be able to fall asleep at night and get a good night’s rest.

A former Silicon Valley executive who worked at Tesla and FitBit, has created a way to help anyone get to sleep and stay asleep even during the pandemic. He launched The Happy Labs, a CBDsupplement company that uses only organic hemp and guarantees quality control and ingredients with a trackable seed to shelf process. On nights when sleep seems like it will never come, The Happy Labs Goodnight Pills, which are a blend of 10mg of melatonin, chamomile and 30mg of CBD, should help the body relax, the eyes get heavy and usher in a peaceful sleep.

If you are having a hard time getting to sleep, try these. So much more then just the basic melatonin, Happy Labs Goodnight Pills are a blend of 10mg of melatonin, chamomile and 30mg of CBD that should help the body relax, the eyes get heavy and usher in a peaceful night’s rest. 

No reason to lay in bed awake and letting your thoughts drive you crazy all night long. Try these all natural tablets, and see if they work for you. Thanks for reading, and have a good night!


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