STUDY: Women Sleep Better Next to Their Dog Than Their Partner

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Women and dogs are a match made in heaven and this was even supported by Honest Paws newly released study about dog and human relationships, where it listed down 95 benefits of having a dog.  Having both dogs and a husband, I can concur- the dogs are WAY easier to sleep with, LOL.

women sleep study

Dog provides women:

  • dog’s gaze (think of those puppy eyes!) induces a release of oxytocin, “the love hormone,” which is linked to a strengthened emotional bond between mothers and babies
  • Women are more intuitive to dogs’ emotions than men because they have a higher emotional sensitivity
  • Dogs who interact with women are 220% more likely to be treated like people versus dogs who don’t interact with women
  • Single women place more value on how a potential partner interacts with their dog than single men do
  • Women are more likely to view dogs as members of their family
  • Young women who own dogs take fewer days off sick from work
  • Women sleep better next to dogs than they do other people

Most of the time, my dogs are super easy to sleep with. The bigger dogs can be a little harder to move, but not always. None of them hog the bed or the blankets anywhere near the amount that my husband does, haha.

Sleep in whatever way works for you- which for me, most of the time, is with at least one dog, and my bed-hog husband. Goodnight!


  1. […] To get the most out of your sleep, aim for seven to nine hours every night. If you sleep for fewer than six hours or more than ten hours, your health will suffer – too much or too little sleep may lead to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, among other horrible diseases and chronic disorders. […]

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