7 Makeover Tips For This Summer

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With summer coming up in a few months, it’s the perfect time to update your look and give yourself a well-deserved makeover. It’s time to switch up your usual routine, especially if you are tired of wearing the same clothes, doing the same hairstyles, and wearing the same makeup. 

Makeovers are still very popular. Research shows that women alone spend over $200,000 on makeovers. So, do you feel like your appearance is lacking some excitement? You are at the right place! There are so many beauty trends to inspire you to try new looks and ideas. Check out these seven beauty-enhancing tips to give yourself a total makeover this summer and make your life more exciting. 


  • Update your wardrobe

Everyone has different and unique tastes and preferences when choosing styles. Despite these differences, almost everyone believes that your clothes should reflect your personality and should also fit you well. Clothes that fit well will instantly upgrade your entire look, even without accessories.

But before you head out to the clothes store, you need to run stock of your current wardrobe to help you understand what you want or need to get rid of. Are your college clothes still taking up a chunk of closet space? Do you keep old clothes for sentimental reasons? Do you have clothes that you bought to keep up with trends but can no longer stand the sight of? If you answered yes to these questions, it’s time to change your wardrobe.

Once you’ve cleared your closet, ensure that you set a budget for the list of items you would need. Most fashion experts would advise that you steer clear from trends and stick to basics, which you can pair with statement pieces. If you have a more adventurous taste, you can try mixing and matching fun patterns and colors. You’ll turn heads with your bold fashion choices this summer. 

  • Give your hair a new color

If you’ve wanted to give your hair a new color, this is the best time to go for it! Whether it is different shades of brown, pink, blue, or black, you can rock it. Changing your color isn’t difficult, and with proper instructions, you can do it right at home. 

If you feel particularly daring, you can also bleach your hair for the summer. Bleach blonde hair will always remain a classic and chic look even with little to no styling. It’s a very delicate and time-consuming process, especially if you choose to do it yourself. Your hair care routine would have to change also because caring for bleached hair is much different from caring for your normal hair. Therefore, you must research the best products to help you care for bleached hair at home.

Upping your hair game isn’t all about changing its color. You can also go for a shorter hairstyle if you’ve been rocking long hair for a long time. If you’ve had straight hair for a while, you can have it curled and well-layered. There are several styles that you can check out. Sometimes, it can even be as simple as changing your hair parting. A side or center parting can change your look completely. 

  • Show your skin some love

Summer is the best time to show some skin, and you want yours to be flawless and shiny. The secret to perfect skin is to follow a routine. If you’ve not done so, it’s time to pay attention and show your skin some love by treating it better. Your skincare kit should have a cleanser, exfoliating products, and moisturizers that you use regularly. Ensure that you find the best products that best fit your skin type and address your skin issues. If you have any concerns, consider visiting a dermatologist. 

Getting the perfect skin takes a lot of time, so don’t try to rush it. If you are looking for a quick makeover, you can try using face masks to give your skin a fine glow. You can wear those that specifically target different skin conditions for better results. You can also boost your skin by changing your diet and including collagen powder in your smoothies and drinks. Collagen helps strengthen your skin and improves its elasticity, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

  • Get in shape

Summer is the perfect time for vacations, barbecues, and hanging out with friends and family. While those months can be fun, it isn’t easy to keep fit. Nonetheless, there are a few things you can do without restricting yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve not reached your summer body goals. Instead, ensure that you stay hydrated, as water is a great way to speed up your metabolism and helps you feel full. You must also exercise regularly, at least three times a week, and make time for your body to recover. 

As much as possible, ensure that you eat fresh and wholesome meals. Include healthy foods like nuts, avocado, whole greens, and lean protein. Try to limit how much you consume packaged foods. Most importantly, love your body as it is. You must learn to appreciate and respect your body and recognize what it does for you daily. When you have a positive mindset, you will feel more confident in your body, and it will inspire you to exercise and eat well because you appreciate your body and want to take care of it. 

  • Take care of your eyes

Your eyes are the windows to your soul. So, if they look puffy and have dark circles, it can reflect on your personality and appearance. Dark circles under your eyes can give you a tired look and hide the beauty in your eyes. Fortunately, there are tons of home treatments and remedies to help you get rid of those dark circles. 

You can apply a cold compress or ice melts to reduce puffiness and repeat when your compress becomes warm. It also helps to get extra hours of sleep. Fatigue and sleep deprivation are common causes of dark circles and eye puffiness. Cold tea bags are also great treatment options. Because tea contains antioxidants and caffeine, it stimulates blood circulation and reduces the amount of fluid under your skin. Finally, you can also conceal your dark circles with makeup. Concealers and color correctors can be used to hide any blemishes temporarily. 

Your eyebrow style can also change your look completely. You can book eyebrow grooming sessions with a professional beautician and try your hands at some trendy eyebrow treatments. If you have thin brows, microblading and threading are the best options. If you have bushy and thick brows, you will need to have them tweaked to enhance their appearance, so keep this in mind. 

  • Try some new makeup tricks

A quick way to change your look is to switch up your makeup and experiment with fun ideas and styles. You can experiment with fun eyeshadow colors, try new lash extensions or pick a bold lipstick color. You can also practice your highlighting and contouring skills. There are tons of makeup tips and ideas worth checking out, and you can have a fun time experimenting with fun looks and ideas. 

If you are looking to change your appearance, a summer makeover might be perfect. From your clothes and beauty regimen to your diet and fitness routine, there are many things to change. This summer, these tips should keep you looking healthier, newer, and fresher, so keep this in mind.


  1. […] it’s for a summer makeover, or maybe it’s just so that you can feel better about your clothes. But in any case, here are […]

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