Family Friendly Spring Break Travel Tips


Family Friendly Spring Break Travel Tips

When you think of spring break, you may think of a swarm of college kids heading to Daytona Beach for a week full of partying. However, a lot of families in the United States are opting to have family-oriented spring break trips.


There is a lot of planning that goes into any family trip, especially during a busy time of the year such as spring break. Traveling can become more complicated if you are traveling with pets. Today we would like to share a few tips to ensure that your trip is seamless.


Plan Ahead

The earlier you start planning spring break, the less stressed you will be when the time finally comes to leave for the trip. Planning ahead consists of packing items that you and your family may need to take for the trip. When making a master list of items to take on vacation with you, think of the climate you will be traveling to. This will help you to plan outfits for you and your family.


Also, plan what type of transportation you will be using to get to your desired destination. If you are traveling by air, there will be more restrictions on items that you can take with you. Regardless of the mode of transportation, you choose to take, be sure to plan appropriate activities to keep the children entertained on the trip.


Keep Furry Friends in Your Thoughts

The earlier you book your transportation and accommodation, the more flexibility you will have when choosing where to stay. If you are choosing to bring the family pet along on the trip, you will need to look in advance to see which accommodations are pet-friendly.


When bringing a pet along for your spring break trip, you will also need to include items for them in your master packing list. Make sure that you have enough food and fresh water as well as plenty of toys to keep them busy!


Plan Activities in Advance

When traveling with the whole family, it is often better to plan activities in advance to avoid bickering among family members. If the events are already planned, there is no room for debate about when you should do each activity. Having a structured plan can keep everyone happy and on track for the duration of your trip.


Planning activities in advance can also often save you money on the activities. When taking the entire family on a trip, it is best to save money whenever you can!


As you can probably see, planning is essential when thinking about your family spring break trip. If you put a decent amount of work into planning the trip, you will easily be able to relax when you finally arrive at your destination knowing that you took all of the necessary steps to make your family trip a success. Planning ahead will ensure that everyone on your trip (your furry family members included) have an outstanding time no matter the destination you choose!

How to properly manage child’s development with toys?

Most people have a wrong notion of toys. We tend to believe that these items are nothing more than products created to keep babies occupied and give us more time to do things which we otherwise like to do. However, there is much more to them.

Toys are not only important for entertainment; they have crucial role in developing baby’s senses, motoric functions and introducing it to the world.

Infant’s mind is like a sponge and it is highly susceptible to all this outside stimuli. So, by providing proper stimulation (through toys) your child has a good chance to develop quicker than its peers. Have in mind that toys are not the only factors here: parents also have to have an active role and be there to encourage a baby to take the right steps.

Here are some of the most popular toys for development and how they can benefit your kid.


Activity mat


Mat is probably the first thing that you’ll buy for a child. Have in mind that mat as a mat isn’t that beneficial until baby is able to turn over to its belly. All these colors and designs are great only when baby is able to see them. However, surrounding trinkets are crucial.

As baby tries to grab these trinkets that are hanging, it makes efforts to roll over and it works frantically with its feet and legs. They become even more active when they see something they like and they start squirming. Movements such as this are important as they improve motoric functions and help introduce other physical exercises.


Toys that create music


Besides the body, baby’s senses also have to be stimulated. First and foremost, you need to start by introducing toys that create music. Have mind that this music have to be relaxing. Like mother’s voice, it has to soothe the baby while also affecting its hearing and improving the sense.




Like trinkets hanging from a mat, mobile is very important for its patterns.

In this case, baby doesn’t have to reach out to them or do physical exercise; this product is valuable due to its different patterns and shapes that help develop baby’s sight and brain.


Grabbing toys and rattles


While babies have a strong grip from the get go, it is something they need to work on actively. This is where rattles and grabbing toys come into play.

Both groups of toys are important for physical development and you should always have them in your home.


Multipurpose toys


Toys in vivid colors and also creating sounds can be great for stimulating a baby.

As the baby gets a bit older, it will be hard to stimulate it with basic toys. So, with these items, it can remain stimulated and engaged.


Creativity toys


Baby needs to be an active thinker. Toys that allow baby/child to be creative are very important for brain. The best examples are crayons, cubes and other toys that have “numerous” solutions.

Here, we also have to include toys that allow child to role play, such as reborn dolls, kitchen sets, doctor sets etc. It’s very important for a child to be able to play by itself and stimulate itself at one point. If you simply provide a video game or a cartoon, child will not try to seek entertainment and will become docile which can be very dangerous.


These are some basic toys that your baby can use while growing up. Have in mind they are sorted based on age; some of them will become redundant after a while but that doesn’t mean that a child cannot play with them anymore.

Why Walnuts Are Good for Your Family


The walnut is one of the tastiest and most popular nut varieties around, so much so that you can enjoy it in a whole cavalcade of ways. You can have it in cakes, in chocolate bars, in candies, and you can even have it in your glass as a milked walnut beverage.

However, did you ever stop to think about the health benefits of walnuts? Are walnuts actually good for you and your family, for something that tastes so good? You may be surprised to find out that yes, walnuts do have numerous health benefits, some of which might encourage you to consider including them in your family’s daily diet, rather than just enjoying them as occasional snack.

Walnuts can improve heart health

Walnuts are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, both of which have been found to decrease low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (aka bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels in people who love snacking on the tasty nut variant. This is good news, as having high LDL levels can put you at a higher risk for life-threatening conditions such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and heart attack. Lower levels of LDL, on the other hand, means your risk for these conditions go down significantly. So if you or any member of your family is concerned about their cholesterol levels, then skip the chips and snack on a handful of walnuts instead.

Walnuts can help you lose weight

Looking to lose a couple of pounds or just want to fit better in your clothes? Then you could do well by adding walnuts to your diet. Not only do they boost your metabolism—which means that you burn off more energy even when you’re not exercising—but they also have quite a lot of protein and fiber, which are components that promote satiety and improve bowel movements. All of these can help you lose more weight and make you feel lighter and healthier overall.

Walnuts can improve bone health

Walnuts contain a healthy amount of copper, manganese, and magnesium—three minerals that can help keep your bones strong and even make them stronger in the long run. Copper and manganese help prevent osteoporosis and poor bone density, both of which can make your bones fragile and prone to breaks and fractures. Magnesium on the other hand helps make bones absorb calcium better, thereby making them stronger and helping them develop faster—perfect for growing kids!

Walnuts can help prevent gallstone disease

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition noted that the frequent consumption of walnuts as well as other nut variants can help reduce the risk of developing a case of gallstone disease that’s serious enough to warrant cholecystectomy, i.e. the surgical procedure performed to remove one’s gallbladder.

Walnuts may help strengthen your immune system and prevent certain cancers

A recent study performed in mice showed that the omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants found in walnuts may have an anti-cancer effect, especially with certain types of malignancies such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. While this has yet to be proven to be the case in humans, the fact that it does work on another mammalian species is still a great sign that this nut may have therapeutic effects just waiting to be discovered.

With all these health benefits, surely you can snack as much as you want on walnuts without feeling guilt-free, right? Not particularly. Remember, walnuts and other nut varieties are still dense in calories, so make sure you only take the recommended amount of servings per day. Yes, we know it’s difficult, but too much of a good thing can make it bad for you in the long run. Moderation is always key when a healthy diet is desired.

Travel tips You should know as EU citizen

Whilѕt a lоt more реорlе аrе now tаking their holidays оutѕidе оf thеir hоmе еnvirоnmеnt, it саn ѕtill bе a dаunting dесiѕiоn fоr many to go оutѕidе of thеir соmfоrt zоnе.

If trаvеlling to a рlасе whеrе уоu hаvе nоt рrеviоuѕlу ventured, it is оf thе раrаmоunt importance tо prepare fоr your journey еаrlу and tо аѕсеrtаin thе utmоѕt dеtаil роѕѕiblе bеfоrеhаnd.

Thаt bеing ѕаid, it iѕ ѕtill a case of exciting аdvеnturе fоr thе person whо iѕ embarking on their firѕt holiday to an unknоwn рlасе (аѕ fаr as thеу are concerned) or even the frеԛuеnt trаvеllеr whо is vеnturing оutѕidе thеir nоrmаl аrеа оf knowledge.

Hоwеvеr or wherever thе mооd takes уоur fаnсу, thеrе is nо place fоr a саѕuаl аррrоасh, if it is your first viѕit tо a new destination and it iѕ imреrаtivе that уоu take all thе nесеѕѕаrу ѕtерѕ in order to prevent the holiday becoming a diѕаѕtеr.

The most important thing is to get your visa. ESTA iѕ a wеb-bаѕеd dаtа соllесtiоn ѕуѕtеm, initially launched by thе Dераrtmеnt оf Hоmеlаnd Security in Auguѕt 2008, which dеtеrminеѕ the preliminary еligibilitу оf viѕitоrѕ to trаvеl “viѕа-frее”, undеr the VWP, рriоr to trаvеling to thе United Stаtеѕ.

According to rесеnt DHS data, mоrе than 1.2 milliоn ESTA аррliсаtiоn have bееn rесеivеd, and over 98% оf аррliсаntѕ have been аррrоvеd. DHS further ѕtаtеѕ that will take a ‘rеаѕоnаblе аррrоасh’ tо trаvеlеrѕ whо hаvе nоt оbtаinеd аn approved trаvеl аuthоrizаtiоn via ESTA, аnd will соntinuе an aggressive аdvеrtiѕing and outreach саmраign thrоughоut 2009.

Trаvеlеrѕ withоut аn approved ESTA mау bе dеniеd bоаrding, experience dеlауеd processing, or bе denied аdmiѕѕiоn аt a U.S. роrt of еntrу.

Thе сitizеnѕ оr nаtiоnаlѕ оf thе following countries аrе сurrеntlу еligiblе tо travel tо thе United States undеr thе VWP: Andorra, Auѕtrаliа, Auѕtriа, Bеlgium, Brunei, thе Czесh Rерubliс, Dеnmаrk, Eѕtоniа, Finlаnd, Frаnсе, Germany, Hungаrу, Iсеlаnd, Irеlаnd, Itаlу, Japan, the Rерubliс оf Kоrеа, Lаtviа, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mаltа, Monaco, thе Nеthеrlаndѕ, New Zealand, Nоrwау, Portugal, Sаn Mаrinо, Singapore, Slоvаkiа, Slоvеniа, Sраin, Sweden, Switzеrlаnd, and the Esta Unitеd Kingdоm.

Before You Travel!

As a EU citizen, bеfоrе you begin уоur jоurnеу, be sure to have thе fоllоwing dосumеntѕ аnd mаkе еxtrа сорiеѕ! Stаrt a trаvеling file and kеер сорiеѕ of all уоur important dосumеntѕ in it аt hоmе. Tаkе сорiеѕ оf thе policies уоu’rе bringing with уоu аnd рlасе thеm in уоur саrrу-оn оr money belt.


  • Insurance Documents


Hеаlth Inѕurаnсе: Kеер a copy оf уоur inѕurаnсе роliсу, соntасt рhоnе numbеrѕ, and policy numbеrѕ. Make nоtеѕ оn what iѕ соvеrеd whilе уоu аrе away frоm hоmе.

Travelers Insurance: If уоu use travelers inѕurаnсе, kеер copies оf роliсiеѕ fоr quick rеfеrеnсе. These роliсiеѕ саn inсludе triр intеrruрtiоn оr саnсеllаtiоn inѕurаnсе, travel lifе insurance, bаggаgе replacement, аnd trаvеl medical coverage. For more info read this article on What You Should Know About Travel Insurance.

Credit Cаrd Inѕurаnсе Cоvеrаgе: Mаnу сrеdit саrdѕ will рrоvidе trаvеl inѕurаnсе for a vаriеtу оf ѕituаtiоnѕ such аѕ lost luggage, lоѕt оr broken itеmѕ, аnd even lifе аnd mеdiсаl соvеrаgе if уоur trip is раid uѕing thе card. Knоw what уоur credit саrd соvеrѕ whilе trаvеling, and keep a copy of the роliсу.


  • Pаѕѕроrt


If you are a frеԛuеnt international trаvеlеr, keep уоur раѕѕроrt uр-tо-dаtе in саѕе оf last minutе triрѕ. Sоmе соuntriеѕ rеԛuirе thаt уоur U.S. раѕѕроrt be valid аt least six mоnthѕ оr longer bеуоnd thе dаtеѕ оf уоur triр. It саn tаkе several wееkѕ tо rесеivе оr rеnеw a раѕѕроrt. Mаkе twо сорiеѕ оf уоur раѕѕроrt, kеер оnе fоr уоur travel file, аnd tаkе оnе with уоu while traveling. A сору of уоur passport will hеlр agents to rерlасе it if уоur раѕѕроrt iѕ lоѕt оr stolen.


  • Crеdit Cаrd Numbers аnd Contacts


Writе down thе саrd numbеrѕ, еxрirаtiоn date, and соntасt phone numbеrѕ of all сrеdit саrdѕ аnd phone саrdѕ, and trаvеlеrѕ check rерlасеmеnt numbеrѕ. Make twо copies, оnе fоr уоur travel file аnd оnе to take with you. Inform уоur сrеdit саrd соmраnу thаt уоu will be uѕing уоur саrd tо make рurсhаѕеѕ in a fоrеign country. Many сrеdit саrd companies hаvе security соntrоlѕ thаt will invаlidаtе уоur сrеdit саrd if the саrd ѕhоwѕ “оut-оf-раttеrn” buуing such аѕ fоrеign purchases. Having the сrеdit card соmраnу рutting a hold оn your credit саrd can be еmbаrrаѕѕing аnd time соnѕuming to straighten оut.


  • Emеrgеnсу Cоntасt Names


Yоu ѕhоuld hаvе a liѕt оf nаmеѕ and phone numbеrѕ of fаmilу аnd/оr friеndѕ that can bе соntасtеd in саѕе of аn еmеrgеnсу. Mаkе аt least 3 copies аnd carry оnе on уоur реrѕоn, оnе fоr your home filе аnd оnе for уоur carry-on.

Other Tips You Should Know

Now that the Intеrnеt hаѕ wеll become оf аgе, it is роѕѕiblе tо find оut a lot of information thаt will assist in рlаnning уоur trаvеl, however, after obtaining your visa, I аm providing hеrе ѕоmе basic роintѕ that rеаllу muѕt be tаkеn ѕеriоuѕlу tо еnѕurе уоu еnjоу еvеrу minutе of уоur travels.

Therefore, thе firѕt thing that ѕhоuld bе done iѕ to ѕit dоwn and mаkе a соmрrеhеnѕivе list оf the things tо bе taken into consideration:

  1. Where dо you want tо tаkе уоur vасаtiоn?
  2. Are thеrе any problems in that соuntrу оr area (local unrеѕt – gangskidnappings -diѕеаѕеѕ еtс)?
  3. Liѕt thе places whеrе you might find оut about ѕuсh problems.
  4. Inѕurаnсе – one оf thе mоѕt vital thingѕ tо bе undеrtаkеn bоth frоm a mеdiсаl and ѕаfеtу аѕресt.
  5. Is уоur раѕѕроrt up-to dаtе with аdеԛuаtе timе lеft in саѕе аnуthing wеnt wrong?
  6. Iѕ a viѕа necessary tо visit the аrеа аnd hоw long dоеѕ it tаkе to оbtаin.
  7. Arе thеrе аnу rеѕtriсtiоnѕ оn thе аmоunt of mоnеу уоu саn tаkе into the соuntrу and аlѕо out оf the соuntrу?
  8. What iѕ thе bеѕt wау оf getting to thе соuntrу аnd саn уоu gо anywhere еlѕе еn-rоutе.
  9. Will you bе tаking уоung children or bаbiеѕ with уоu, thеrе are lоtѕ оf imрliсаtiоnѕ, if уоu are аnd this will need tо bе lооkеd аt саrеfullу.
  10. Whеn iѕ thе bеѕt timе in thе year to viѕit thаt рlасе, this iѕ vеrу imроrtаnt – there соuld bе hurriсаnеѕ – tоо hоt wеаthеr, tоо соld – there iѕ uѕuаllу an idеаl time to visit -rеmеmbеr ѕеаѕоnѕ are аt diffеrеnt time in diffеrеnt раrtѕ of thе wоrld.

How to Save Your Family Trip From Turning Into a Disaster

A vacation usually takes days to plan, but one small mistake and everything can go down the drain. It is not very uncommon for vacations to turn into disasters for different reasons.

The primary reason for families to go on a vacation is to experience good time with one another, away from all the worries and stress of the world. However, a single mistake can make everything sour and ruin your plans.

Mostly, this happens when you don’t plan ahead or take along everyone blindly without making sufficient arrangements. Quite often, it is just one person who ruins everything. Of course, it is not rare to have that one person in a family. Some members have the tendency to lose their cool and ruin the trip if they think that they aren’t being treated right.

You need to take care of this and several other factors to make sure everything remains calm and nice.

Here’s how to save your family trip from turning into a disaster:

Don’t Forget Important Items At Home

Most of us would pack a few things before we go out, but it is common to forget one thing or the other, and in some cases forget everything (the bag!).

You must be sure of all that you need to pack. This largely depends on where you’re heading to.

Always make a list of all the things you want to carry and double check everything before you leave for the trip. This way you won’t leave any important items behind and will be focused on the trip entirely.

Other than this, think of everyone when you do the packing. For example, you may not need a toy but your child may.

Don’t Leave Everything for the Last Moment

We all know when the vacation season starts but a lot of us don’t feel the need to pre-plan a trip. This can take the fun out of your trip even if you have spent a lot of money into it.

Plans made at the last moments are risky. This will not only cost you more money but may even result in other problems as well. Think of airline fare. Tickets are more expensive if you book them just a few days before the trip, whereas they are a lot cheaper when you book them a few weeks in advance. Same is the case with hotel bookings.

So make sure to plan everything in advance and leave nothing for the last moment.

Choose A Place With Multiple Activities

Plan your holiday in advance and make a list of all the places you are going to visit. You must make this list keeping everyone in mind. For example, one person may like adventure but the other may enjoy museums more. There needs to be a balance so that everyone can have fun.

Other than this, choose a good place to stay. A nice option would be a Family-Freindly resort that offers tonnes of activities. This way everyone would have something to do and the trip will become a memorable trip for everyone involved.

Divide The Responsibilities

Letting one person handle everything is an open invitation to a disaster. If a person is making transport arrangements and bookings, ask for the other person to take care of the packing. This way everything will be done easily and no body will feel burdened.

This formula should be followed everywhere, even when you’re on the trip.

Dividing all the chores and responsibilities among family members. This way nobody will feel stressed or overworked and work will also be done on time.

The Verdict

Keeping these things in mind will help you save your trip from turning into a total disaster. In fact, following these simple tips can even make your trip more exciting and memorable.

Making your Melbourne sojourn one to cherish for long

There are simply few bigger joys in life than travelling to a beautiful city with your loved ones. Even with your friends the journey can be fulfilling when you have prepared well in advance and know how to travel in the nation. Australia being a known place for regular tourist attraction there is always influx of people from all around the globe to see various beautiful cities. There are many major attractions in the nation down under which has huge wildlife reserves and spectacular horizons. Melbourne has come up as a huge crowd puller in the last few decades with continued investment and growth spurge. This area is only going to grow from here on as it lies underused.

Discover glorious Melbourne

Be it the local tourists or the ones coming from far, they all are attracted to this magnificent city due the various factors. Clearly, the appeal is there for everyone to feel connected and would want to spend time exploring the city inside out. This can be done by getting a proper van for your entourage. Family or friends, Melbourne campervan hire can be your solution to roam around without problems in the city and even the outskirts. There is no comparison to any other means of visiting the places worth seeing with a campervan experience. It is top rated due to the ease of use and availability in the major cities of Australia.

What to look forward to in Melbourne?

The city is vibrant mix of metropolitan and the suburban glory. There is so much for everyone that none ever goes back disappointed from this place. With some of the best travel options that you can ever find, Melbourne should feature in your vacation roster in Australia at all cost. Expansive wildlife and jungles with beautiful vineyards and old gold mines just add more glamour to the already enigmatic city. The best way to explore all of this is by means of hiring a proper campervan that can carry along the passengers and all required supplies. This way you are covered well for all days you plan to spend in the city. Plan well ahead to get the best van for your needs.

Making trip memorable

Trips planned well and executed in the best way gives immense pleasure to all party involved. For a weeklong vacation you should be able to plan early and make arrangements for various things. One such thing is Melbourne campervan hire which is just so vital to get the essence of real Australia. No one would ever want to miss out on such a fun filled excursion on their own into the heart of a vibrant city like Melbourne. People are willing to go extra lengths to ensure they are having a gala time with the family and friends by getting access to such fantastic travel companions like campervan or recreation vehicle. Make the best plans for complete vacations covering all areas that should be seen during the visit to not miss out on any.

Candy Free Easter Baskets

It’s that time of year again, when Peter Cottontail and all his bunny helpers hop into homes with baskets filled with treats and toys for good little boys and girls. Here are some of our favorite non-food items to fill your kiddo’s baskets with.

PLAYMOBIL has created even more figures to inspire imaginative play- Figure Series 13: Blind bags will continue to be a hit with the kids.  The latest series features 24 different figures that can be collected, assembled and are interchangable.  Each figure comes unassembled which adds to the fun- your kids can put them together or mix and match the interchangeable parts with other figures to create an entirely new and original character. $2.99 each

It’s Spring- ready for bubbles? These are cute, and can be less messy then a bubble wand. Glove-A-Bubbles Bunny (or 7 other animal options) puts the bubbles onto a little glove and lets them wave their hands around, creating waves of bubbles with each swipe. These ‘gloves’ come with two packs of bubble solution in each package. A parent can pour it into the pouch, dip the glove into the bubbles, and send the kids out to run wild. While there are 8 animals total, Bunny is egg-stra cute for Easter, we think.  $2.99 each.

We LOVE Smooshy Mushy, I’ve got to say. If your kids have not begged for a squish toy yet, we don’t know how you have escaped this craze. It’s not one I personally mind terribly- they are inexpensive, smell nice, and are adorable, so not a craze that this mom minds.  As we had mentioned in out Toy Fair columns, The Squish trend is continuing, for sure. These scented, “slow-rise,” squishable animal toys come in a variety fun food and pet themes, each packaged with an itty-bitty collectible squishy best friend, adding levels of surprise. The packaging itself is super cute, often an ice cream cone, soda bottle, milk carton, or the like. Very sweet. $9.99

Stikbot Easter Eggs will be such a treat for any fan of the series- my son lost his sanity when he saw these eggs, so excited.  Zing has rolled out a new line of Easter-themed Stikbot Pets just in time for Easter.  Perfect for filling baskets (and you don’t need to crack your nails opening those dreadful plastic eggs to fill them over and over, LOL), adorable Stikbot Bunnies and Chicks are packed inside colorful eggs. Stickbot has nearly 200 million views on YouTube, and many kids make their own YouTube channels dedicated to their own “spinoff” or inspired themes. Kids love the open ended, imaginative play that these toys bring with them.  Stickbot also teaches kids a skill- how to do stop-motion animation movies, not to mention some patience. I love the combination of tech and no tech in this- they need to really use their minds, create- THEN use tech to record. It’s one of my favorite toys my son has- and the price is great at $4.99 each.


Care Bears Care-Moji Figures continue the “blind bag” trend- and these are adorable “bags”. The mini collectible Care-Moji friends have a mini Care Bears character stylized figures inside. Each 2” figure comes inside of an adorable bear-shaped capsule (I love all these fun “blind bags”, the creativity is so much fun). There are 12 different figures to collect, play with, or display. Each capsule sold separately. $3.99 each.

Bunny Surprise and Lamb Surprise are the latest (and most “Spring” appropriate) of the Puppy and Kitty Surprise family of toys-  These soft, huggable mommy Bunny or Lamb Surprise plush (with a plastic face) comes with a “surprise” number of babies in her litter – either three, four, or five per doll.Kids will have fun seeing how many babies she has, and then cuddling, grooming, and taking care of all the precious little bunnies and lambs (as well as mom).  I had one of these “Surprise” toys as a child, and it’s fun to see my child play with one, as well. Mommy Bunny Patches and Mommy Lamb Bliss are sold separately. $24.99

Do your kids have an allergy to eggs? Are you vegan? Still want to participate in the whole egg-dying tradition? Check out Eggnots, the ceramic egg kit. There is no longer a reason why kids have to be separated during these activities during class or scouting (etc), or have to bypass the activity for Easter should you not want to. These ceramic eggs are an alternative so that everyone can still participate. Prices start at $9.99 at

Destinations that improve your mental health

There are many great reasons to book a plane ticket and jet off to a faraway destination. Travelling injects excitement back into our lives, while teaching us more about the world, different people and cultures, as well as teaching us about ourselves. Travelling forces us out of our comfort zones and gives us the opportunity to spread our wings and see new perspectives. Travelling not only teaches and informs us, but it also relieves our stress and is said to improve the mental health of most people. While psychologists firmly believe that travelling impacts our lives and our minds positively; they also believe that, to an extent, it depends on where you travel to. Places that lifts one’s spirits through its beauty, uniqueness, creativity, history or just for the incredible weather is best for those that suffer from mental health issues. Those that feel anxious in big crowds and city ‘chaos’, or those that are overly empathetic to the point where it affects their mental health, should reconsider travelling to places that are incredibly busy, and places that have a history of turmoil, upset and unrest.


Take a look at the list of places that are known to put a smile on every traveler’s dial!


Goa, India | Spirituality

Even if you’re not a spiritual person there’s no doubt that there are forms of spirituality (such as yoga and meditation), that certainly help us to be more mindful, content and present. India is the home of spirituality. Most of India either practices Hinduism or Buddhism, both of which are centered around love, compassion, karma and making your inner and external world a better place. They focus on improving the self in order to project this into the world and live a life of peace and purity. Although most parts of India have been heavily affected by poverty and unemployment, their outlook on life is exceptionally moving. They may not have much, but they have many things that money cannot buy. Visiting a place such as this, as a tourist who seeks out happiness, truth and inner peace, your eyes will certainly be opened to a whole new way of thinking and living. Do yourself a favor and explore their teachings, their meditative techniques and their way of living. It will do wonders for your soul.


Botswana, Africa | Natural Beauty

Botswana is one of Africa’s most beautiful destinations. Most of the country has been left untouched, and nature plays out in its purest form. Spending time in the great open plains of the vast grasslands, where wild animals roam free in their natural habitat, feeds the soul in ways that cannot be put into words. It gives one perspective on life, nature and the world at large. It helps us to grasp the notions of intuition, and even love and compassion. Realizing that there’s so much more to life than the hustle and bustle of traffic, 9-5 jobs; or getting caught up in our own lives and emotions, is a priceless awakening. There’s very few places on earth where one can get in touch with nature on this kind of level, and experience extraordinary sights and encounters every minute of the day. Imagine seeing a pride of lions in action; the charismatic eyes of a leopard or experiencing the gentleness of mother nature in the form of wild beasts caring for their young. It’s an experience so extraordinary that you’ll have to book an African safari to truly understand what we mean.


Barcelona, Spain | Architecture and Vibe

Barcelona is an incredibly energetic city – it’s rather difficult to feel gloomy here! During the summer, Barcelona comes alive. People are walking, rollerblading, cycling and skateboarding down the seaside promenade; they’re soaking up the sun on the many gorgeous beaches, they’re eating ice-creams and indulging in Spanish cuisine and they’re marveling at the incredible architectural masterpieces dotted throughout the city. There really is no time to be bored in Barcelona! While it’s a great place to relax as well as get some exercise and feast on great food, there is also a lot to be learned here. Barcelona is home to many of the grand works of the world-renowned architect Gaudi, who designed the Sagrada Familia and the famous Casa Batllo, to name a few. These buildings are centuries old and hold great historical meaning. For anyone who needs a pick me up – the city of Barcelona is one of the best remedies on earth!


Seychelles Islands | Sun & Sea

Who wouldn’t want to kick back and relax on a tropical island? Seychelles in definitely the best way to rejuvenate and relieve yourself from stress and anxiety – it is immersed in natural beauty; with it’s white sand beaches, crystal clear waters and palm trees, it is the epitome of paradise. If you’re not getting some much needed vitamin D (which is a natural happiness pill), you could be swimming with the tropical fish that call the colorful coral reefs of the Seychelles, home. The Seychelles islands really are a breath of fresh air, and a breathtaking one, too!


Copenhagen, Denmark | Creativity

One of the greatest ways to express oneself is through art and creativity. This practice helps one to express their emotions and feelings, and acts a release. Many people with mental health issues find tapping into their creative side helps them to manage their stress in one way or another. Visiting a creative hub like Copenhagen is a great idea for those who seek out creative inspiration and who find joy in marveling at artistic works. A place like this could certainly spark a creative curiosity and may be just the thing you need to lift your spirits, or even find your hidden talent! Copenhagen is also a beautiful city and the people are known to be some of the friendliest in the world – yet another fantastic reason to spend some time there!