5 Steps to Good Eye Health


We often take our eyes for granted. We stare at our phone, computer and TV screens for hours on end. We don’t get enough sleep. It’s easy to forget that our eyes need a lot of care too. Follow our quick guide to ensure your eyes are in tip top condition.

  1. Our eyes need regular check-ups. The time between appointments will vary. This is likely to depend on age, overall health and any pre-existing conditions. It is important that you visit your optometrist regularly and report any concerns you have straight away. Don’t wait until your next appointment to do this.Your optometrist will check your eyes for any signs of illness. He or she will also test to see whether you need glasses or contact lenses or if your prescription has changed.

If you wear contact lenses, make sure you follow your optometrist’s advice. Always use a reputable contact lens supplier like Lens Direct.

  1. Maintaining overall good health will be beneficial to your whole body as well as your eyes. This includes eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. Food containing omega-3 fatty acids may help protect against macular degeneration and cataracts. This includes salmon, tuna and other oily fish. Other foods linked to good eye health are eggs, nuts, beans, citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables.

Drinking enough water each day is also vital to our health and wellbeing. Make sure you keep your body hydrated by consuming the required quantity of fluids. Water is vital for producing tears and ensuring the eyes remain moist.

Lack of sleep leads to numerous health issues, many of which are serious. We need seven to nine hours of sleep each night for our body to replenish and restore itself. Tiredness also affects our eye health leading to many problems including eye spasms and dry eyes. If we’re sleep-deprived, our eyes look puffy and over-tired.

  1. Smoking is bad for your health. Period. The damaging effects are widely publicized. Smoking has an adverse affect on so many areas, including our eyes. I could also decrease your lifespan. So our advice is to quit. Right now.
  1. Protect your eyes from the sun by wearing sunglasses. Make sure you purchase a pair that offers 99% to 100% protection against UVA and UVB rays. Too much exposure to harmful rays can make you more prone to conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
  1. If you work at a computer every day, make sure you look away from the screen. Rest your eyes by looking away every twenty minutes. Also, make sure you take regular breaks by getting up out of your chair and walking around.

Make sure that your screen is positioned away from any glare. If necessary, request that your desk is moved and opt for an anti-glare screen. Ensure your glasses or contact lenses are suitable for your job.
Much of this is common sense. Many of these tips are part of living a health-conscious life. If you eat healthily, exercise, get enough sleep and visit your eye doctor regularly you’re already part way there.

House Monkey Twitter Party! #HouseMonkeyTribe


House Monkey Twitter Party 3-29-16 at 9p EST RSVP bit.ly/housemonkeyrsvp

Join Blog­gin Mamas & House Monkey as we host the #HouseMonkeyTribe Twit­ter Party on Tuesday, 3–29–16 at 9p EST/6pm PST! We’ll be chat­ting about the new House Monkey app and website.

Date: Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

Time: 9:00–10:00pm EST / 6:00–7:00pm PST

Hash­tag: #HouseMonkeyTribe

Pre­sented by: @monkey_tribe and @BlogginMamas

Mod­er­a­tors: Eng­lish– @HeLoEnterprises Span­ish– @BBabushka

Co-Hosts: @EnzasBargains, @havesippy, @DarciBean, @MamasMission, @MommyPowers

About House Monkey

House Monkey is a home management solution (app & website) to efficiently organize & motivate the tribe living in your home to get everything done! Bring the concept of spending time together and caring for your home back to life with the digital tool perfect for your tribe.

Get 30 days FREE by using code I4dLNT in the coupon code. The coupon code is case sensitive! After 30 days you have the OPTION to get a year’s subscription and pay just $28.99 for the first year.

$28.99 yearly fee includes:

· All standard features of House Monkey – the preferred home management system

· 1G of data for your home used at your discretion (videos, chat, appliance manuals, receipts, etc.)

· Unlimited members in your family’s account

· Access to your account via both the mobile app and the website

· Accessible on any platform (PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets, mobile web browser)

· No ads


Dur­ing the Twit­ter Party there will be a chance to win one of the fol­low­ing prizes by answer­ing var­i­ous ques­tions about House Monkey. Win­ners will be selected at ran­dom from all eli­gi­ble entries.


One (1) prize pack, including a One-Year House Monkey subscription + Stephen Joseph Monkey Backpack and lunch box (ARV $71)

One (1) prize pack, including a One-Year House Monkey subscription + SOZO Cuddle Mat (ARV $84)

One (1) prize pack, including a One-Year House Monkey subscription + Kangovou Stainless Steel Dish Set (winner’s color choice) (ARV $99)

First Prize

One (1) prize pack, including a One-Year House Monkey subscription + Stephen Joseph Critter Table and Chairs set – MONKEY (ARV $109)

Grand Prize

One (1) prize pack, including a One-Year House Monkey subscription + 4 tickets to your local ZOO (ARV $149)

RSVP Prize

One (1) prize pack, including a One-Year House Monkey subscription + SOZO Monkey Hooded Towel (ARV $50)

RSVP Below!!

Terms and Con­di­tions


By RSVP’ing to this event and uti­liz­ing the #HouseMonkeyTribe hash­tag, the atten­dees acknowl­edge hav­ing read and agreed to these terms and con­di­tions.

Twit­ter Party Prize Give­away begins March 29th, 2016 at 9:00 pm ET and ends no later than March 29th, 2016 at 10:30pm ET (the “Twit­ter Chat Entry Period”). Entrants enter via fol­low­ing @monkey_tribe, @HeLoEnterprises & @BlogginMamas, and post­ing a tweet with the #HouseMonkeyTribe hash­tag dur­ing the Twit­ter Chat Entry Period. Five (5) Win­ners will be drawn ran­domly by random.org at approx­i­mately 12 minute inter­vals dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. One (1) Win­ner will be drawn ran­domly via random.org from the event RSVP’s on the Mr. Linky wid­get.

Prizes include:

One (1) prize pack, including one (1) One-Year House Monkey subscription + One (1) Stephen Joseph Monkey Backpack and One (1) lunch box Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $71, for one (1) win­ner.

One (1) prize pack, including one (1) One-Year House Monkey subscription + One (1) SOZO Cuddle Mat. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $84, for one (1) win­ner.

One (1) prize pack, including one (1) One-Year House Monkey subscription + One (1) Kangovou Stainless Steel Dish Set (winner’s color choice). Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $99, for one (1) win­ner.

One (1) First Prize pack, including one (1) One-Year House Monkey subscription + One (1) Stephen Joseph Critter Table and Chairs set – MONKEY. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $109, for one (1) win­ner.

One (1) Grand Prize pack, including one (1) One-Year House Monkey subscription + four (4) tickets to winner’s local ZOO of choice. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $149, for one (1) win­ner.

One (1) RSVP Prize pack, including one (1) One-Year House Monkey subscription + One (1) SOZO Monkey Hooded Towel Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $50. One (1) prize pack to be awarded to one (1) win­ner who RSVP’s via the Mr. Linky wid­get.


Each win­ner receives one (1) prize pack. Entrants who fail to com­plete said actions will be dis­qual­i­fied and an alter­nate win­ner will be selected from all entrants who entered dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. Win­ners will be noti­fied via DM (Direct Mes­sage) on Twit­ter with a request for an email address to send prize claim infor­ma­tion. Win­ners will have 48 hours to reply to the DM with a valid email address. Win­ners will have an addi­tional 48 hours from when prize claim infor­ma­tion is sent, to claim their prize and pro­vide ship­ping info, or a an alter­nate win­ner will be selected from amongst all entries received dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. All prizes will be awarded pro­vided they are validly claimed by April 1st at 11:59AM EST.

Entrants agree to release and hold harm­less the Blog­gin’ Mamas, Heather Lopez Enter­prises, LLC, Twit­ter, and any other orga­ni­za­tions respon­si­ble for spon­sor­ing, ful­fill­ing, admin­is­ter­ing, adver­tis­ing or pro­mot­ing this give­away, and their respec­tive par­ent, sub­sidiaries, and affil­i­ates and each of their respec­tive offi­cers, direc­tors, mem­bers, employ­ees, agents and sub­con­trac­tors (col­lec­tively the “Released Par­ties”) from and against any and all claims, expenses, and lia­bil­ity, includ­ing but not lim­ited to neg­li­gence and dam­ages of any kind to per­sons and prop­erty, includ­ing but not lim­ited to inva­sion of pri­vacy (under appro­pri­a­tion, intru­sion, pub­lic dis­clo­sure of pri­vate facts, false light in the pub­lic eye or other legal the­ory), defama­tion, slan­der, libel, vio­la­tion of right of pub­lic­ity, infringe­ment of trade­mark, copy­right or other intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights, prop­erty dam­age, or death or per­sonal injury aris­ing out of or relat­ing to a participant’s entry, cre­ation of an entry or sub­mis­sion of an entry, par­tic­i­pa­tion in this give­away, accep­tance or use or mis­use of prize. Entrant agrees to indem­nify, defend and hold harm­less the Released Par­ties from and against any and all claims, expenses, and lia­bil­i­ties (includ­ing rea­son­able attorney’s fees) aris­ing out of or relat­ing to an entrant’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in this give­away and/or entrant’s accep­tance, use or mis­use of prize, includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, lia­bil­ity for per­sonal injury, dam­age, or loss.


Dis­clo­sure: Blog­gin’ Mamas is man­ag­ing this Twit­ter Party. Indi­vid­ual co-hosts are receiv­ing com­pen­sa­tion for their par­tic­i­pa­tion. All prize ful­fill­ment is the respon­si­bil­ity of the spon­sor.

Charlotte’s Web CBD For Your Health #WHYCW #ad

There is a whole lot of chatter on hemp, CBD, and its possible positive health effects with everything from a source of rich in vitamins and nutrients like Omega(s) 3,6,9, antioxidants and neuroprotectant, to its ability to help with general muscle and joint aches. Then there is its possible ability to increase awareness and brain function.  Lots to think about.


All of these claims would be great if true, but as well know, how can we really know if something works without trying it? Well that is where I have good news for you all- Charlotte’s Web CBD is available everywhere right now.  We were given a sample to try out, and at the very least it is definitely a tastier alternative to some other vitamin supplements. We have only been using it s few days, so I can’t tell you much about long term effects. I’m hoping it can help out my joints.

Also contrary to the beliefs of some, it is non-euphoric or non-intoxicating, so it is safe to have at the beginning of your day before work. The flavor we tried was chocolate mint and it does have a soothing mint flavor as well as a subtle chocolate flavor which doesn’t overpower your pallet in the slightest. A nice Earthy flavor that is pleasant by itself, or would go well mixed in with a nutritional drink.  That’s from my husband, I don’t like mixing things into things, ha.

Keep in mind CW is for use by anyone, not just those with medical conditions. In fact, as a rich source of vitamins and nutrients, it can be the perfect supplement for people of all ages that are in pursuit of a balanced diet and lifestyle. CW is a hemp extract which is all made in the United States in Colorado in small batches where quality is of the utmost importance.


Most people don’t know that in 2003, the US Government patented Cannabinoids as Neuro-Protectants and Anti-Oxidents. This is evidence of the potential power in the use of products derived from the Cannabis plant, such as CBD-Rich Hemp.

CW Botanicals is the only hemp oil derived exclusively from the proprietary CBD-Rich Charlotte’s Web™ hemp. CW Botanicals is the exclusive provider of premium Charlotte’s Web™ products made from their own proprietary hemp genetics, grown internationally as well as in Colorado. These products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of CW Botanicals. The opinions and text are all mine.

Chuck E. Cheese’s Little-Big Night Out and WIN a Prize Pack

Not that you need any special reason to go, kids love Chuck E. Cheese’s!  But on March 31, Chuck E. Cheese is beginning the celebration for National Volunteer Month in April with a nationwide fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters.


The event lasts from 3-9 p.m. at all Chuck E. Cheese’s stores. The more people that go, the more fun you have- and the more funds are raised to help BBBS find matches for all the Big-less Littles in the area. This is a great way for parents to talk to their kids about giving back, and have fun while doing so.


Chuck E. Cheese has had a past partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the first Little-Big Night Out and 15 percent of sales nationally will be donated to the organization. Additionally, throughout April customers can donate $1, $5 or any amount of their choice at the register to the nonprofit organization to help match “Littles” with “Big” mentors.


For more information on Little-Big Night Out, and the general fundraiser page—where any school or 501(c)3 can sign up to host a CEC fundraiser, check out these links-



One of you can win  a guest pass (good for a large pizza, 4 drinks and 30 tokens) + 1,000 tickets.  Ends 4/22/16.  Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Spring Cleaning When You’re Short on Time #SpringClean16 #Walmart #ad

Disclosure- This post is sponsored by Kimberly-Clark and The Motherhood.

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As the flowers blossom and the Earth finally starts to defrost (at least certain days), it is that magical time of year for home owners called Spring Cleaning.  During this time of year, millions go to their local stores and grab he necessary supplies to bring their home back from the dreary closed windows and doors time of winter and clean out the dust and cobwebs. It’s nice to have some fresh air inside, and that fresh smell is even better with a totally clean house.  The perfect place to start this Spring Clean Up Prep is Walmart.  Walmart has all the best products including Viva® Big Roll Paper Towels, Cottonelle® Toilet Paper Double Rolls, Cottonelle® Clean Care, and Scott® 1000.


Spring cleaning can be a big job.  With Viva, you get the ability to clean more than just spills so you can unleash clean in your home.  Cottonelle cleans everything that needs cleaning in the bathroom area, and Scott 1000 gives you the quality, performance and long-lasting value you want in 1,000 sheets.  With these products on your side all clean up jobs are within your reach from bathroom floor to the kitchen sink and everything in between.  Walmart even has a specific place to fulfill all your Spring cleaning needs in one stop, The Motherhood.


A few tips for your Spring Cleaning this year are:  Start early and give yourself time.  Try to enjoy your cleaning and make a routine of it, so it is less of a chore and more automatic.  Music makes everything more fun, so pump up the tunes and rock out while doing your particularly unfavorable duties.  Just watch the air guitar while dusting the breakables.  Insist on help, do not ask for it, get the whole house involved- the more help you get the quicker the work gets done.


Be sure to check out your local Walmart today for money saving deals and the best values for all your Spring cleaning needs.


Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

Looking for an easy Easter? How about a meet and greet with the famous Bunny?  If you don’t feel like cooking or cleaning up yourself, consider Breakfast with the Easter Bunny this weekend at Stella 34 Trattoria, at Macy’s Herald Square. The Easter Bunny will be at the restaurant delighting children and taking photos with guests over breakfast. As the Macy’s Flower Show has just begun, the restaurant is fully decked out with spring blossoms.


Reservations are available at www.stella34easter.com

WHAT: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

WHEN: Saturday, March 26 and Sunday, March 27.

WHERE:  Stella 34 Trattoria, Macy’s Herald Square, 151 W.34th Street, 6th Floor, NY, NY 10001, 212-967-9251

HOW MUCH:  $40 for children 3-10 and $45 for adults (plus tax and gratuity)


  • A delightful Italian breakfast featuring assorted pastries, sweet and savory entrees, coffee, tea, and juices
  • Keepsake photograph with the Easter Bunny
  • Takeaway treat and gift bag
  • A Prosecco Bellini for adults



Assorted Breakfast Pastries Whipped Butter and Mixed Berry Jam


Breakfast Pagnotelle Egg, Bacon, Mozzarella, Salsa Rosa

Crespelle Sweet Crepe, Vanilla Custard, Mixed Berry Jam

Continentale Sliced Prosciutto Cotto, Yogurt, Granola, Fruit Salad

Italian Eggs Benedict Poached Eggs, Pecorino Scone, Mortadella, Zabaglione


Coffee, Tea, and Juices

Classic Prosecco Bellini  For Adults

Sounds a lot easier to me to make a reservation then to spend the whole weekend cooking- then cleaning up afterward.  Adding on the bunny is an extra treat, my son will love to visit with the bunny, and I’m sure most kids will as well.  There is a lot included, even thought for our kids it all pretty much stops and ends with the bunny, doesn’t it?  LOL.  Good food with no hassle sounds right up my alley this year, and I’m sure to plenty of you as well.

Visit www.stella34easter.com for reservations.

Have a happy and blessed Easter!

Mario and Luigi Paper Jam for the Nintendo 3DS

Mario and the crew are back for a brand new adventure that pairs the 3 dimensional Mario with his Paper version, Paper Mario, and his world of characters in the new Mario and Luigi Paper Jam.  The story of the game involves Paper Mario pages to come out of a book which exists in the world of Mario and Luigi.  The characters brought over are both friendly and not, ranging from Paper Mario to Paper Bowser.


The action in this game is played out in role playing style where the player takes turns attacking with various skills to defeat the enemy.  What sets Mario and Luigi apart from classic role playing games is that they include player interaction by either bouncing like an acrobat on an enemy or tapping as many fireballs volleys as you can (etc).  Battles are action based rather then waiting for your next turn.  This makes the game accessible to both younger players as well as more experienced players.  The 3DS is the perfect console for this type of game, because with it you can just put your game to sleep and come back to it at any time.  I do have this word of warning- once you start playing, you are not going to want to stop.  With funny dialogue and silly interactions, the game is accessible and engaging to all levels of player.

Paper Jam also supports Amiibo’s as special power ups that can be used in battle.  Each Amiibo can store character cards, and during battle the player can call upon these cards via the Amiibo to get powers like temporarily improving your stats, healing your characters, and even making your enemies easier to defeat.  Amiibo’s definitely make the game more interesting and are highly suggested, as they are used across multiple current generations of Nintendo systems from the new 3DS XL to the Wii U.

Mario and Luigi Paper Jam is available now for the Nintendo 3DS retailing for $39.99 and available at both the eShop and retail locations.

Fun New Video Games

Disclosure- We received the below in order to facilitate this review.  All opinions are our own and honest.

If you are looking for fun new video games, here is what is in our systems right now.  Check them out, they are great picks for kids of all ages.


The Pokemon games have been known the world around for their fun role playing and Pokemon collecting fun.  The action is more directed via third person through a trainer.  There is a series of RPG Pokemon games where you play not as the human trainer, but as Pokemon exploring a dungeon filled with other Pokemon to battle, adventures to have, and lots of action and treasures.  This game is called Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and the most recent game in that series is Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon for the Nintendo 3DS.

In this game you pick your character as well as your “friend” Pokemon, and are transformed into a young Pokemon who must explore dungeons to help solve a mystery which is effecting Pokemon in a terrible way- by turning them to stone.

Throughout Mystery Dungeon, it is possible to meet all 720 known Pokemon -even rare ones and mega evolved Pokemon.  There also many ways in to interact with this game as well, with Wonder Mail players can receive special items via code of QR cods.  Street Pass is also available in Mystery Dungeon, where when you pass another player their Pokemon assist in the next adventure.Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon for the Nintendo 3DS is available now for $39.99 in the e Shop as well is at retailers everywhere.


A little something for the dads- Fire Emblem is the long running RPG with tactical movements on a grid environment.  Each environment has various obstacles and story line elements from Dragon Veins to deep canyons.  The series spans over 15 games and often refers to a weapon or shield, seen as the power of war and dragons.  Each character has a turn in your party, and then the enemy gets a turn for each of their characters.  There are also ally characters which you help and defend throughout the course of the game.  The most striking element of this game is the story line.  It starts out as many role playing games do, with a lost main character just trying to fit in.  From there is spins out of control and an important decision must be made, stay with the family that raised you, side with you biological family or choose neither.  Depending on your pick is which game you will play each with its own unique story which weaves your player into some interesting adventures and situations.  There are some “interesting” situations, like stroking your loved one’s face and blowing on them to “cool them off”, which make me say that this game is for mature players only.

Fire Emblem Fates Birthright and Fire Emblem Fates Conquest retail for $39.99 each and the Special Edition with all three games retails for $79.99.  And will be available 02/19/16.  While Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation will be available for download on 03/10/16 for $19.99  or on 02/19/16 with the Special Edition.


Mario and the crew are back for a brand new adventure that pairs the 3 dimensional Mario with his Paper version. Paper Mario and his world of characters in the new Mario and Luigi Paper Jam.  The story of the game involves Paper Mario pages that come out of a book which exists in the world of Mario and Luigi.  The characters brought over are both friendly and not, ranging from Paper Mario to Paper Bowser.

The action in this game is played out in role playing style where the player takes turns attacking with various skills to defeat the enemy.  Battles are action based rather then waiting for your next turn.  This makes the game accessible to both younger players as well as more experienced players.  The 3DS is the perfect console for this type of game, because with it you can just put your game to sleep and come back to it at any time.  I do have this word of warning- once you start playing you are not going to want to stop.  With funny dialogue and silly interactions, the game is accessible to all levels of player.

Paper Jam also supports Amiibo’s as special power ups that can be used in battle.  Each Amiibo can store character cards and during battle, the player can call upon these cards to get powers. Amiibo’s definitely make the game more interesting and are highly suggested as they are used across multiple current generation Nintendo systems from the new 3DS XL to the Wii U.

Mario and Luigi Paper Jam is available now for the Nintendo 3DS retailing for $39.99 and available at both the eShop and retail locations.


Mario Tennis has been an evolving franchise since the Nintendo 64, and with each iteration the game gets prettier with slicker graphics and tighter game play, as well as a few new bells and whistles.  Mario Tennis Ultra Smash is the newest iteration in the series.

The most prominent addition the Ultra Smash is the Mega Mushroom, which makes your character explode in size to tower over everything at least triple your original size.  This can be both a blessing or a curse depending on how well good you are in the game.  There are a total of 16 characters available in Ultra Smash, some of which are unlocked through playing the game and completing specific tasks.  The game also sports the ability to level up your Amiibo to the best tennis partner ever, improving both their stats and giving them new skills.

Mario Tennis Ultra Smash is available now for the WiiU from both retail stores and in the eShop.  The game retails for $49.99.