Woohoo! $1.00 off five PowerBar Products

$1.00 off five PowerBar Products

Active Date: July 16, 2012

Expiration Date: September 15, 2012

$1.00 off Meaty Bone dog snacks

$1.00 off Meaty Bone dog snacks

Active Date: July 16, 2012

Expiration Date: November 16, 2012

We found another one! $1.00 off four Canine Carry Outs dog snacks

$1.00 off four Canine Carry Outs dog snacks

Active Date: July 16, 2012

Expiration Date: November 16, 2012

New Coupon – $1.00 off Comet stainless steel cleaning item

$1.00 off Comet stainless steel cleaning item

Active Date: July 16, 2012

Expiration Date: August 14, 2012

Top 5 Tips for Teaching Your Kids How to Cook

Do you ever have moments on the way home where you find yourself thinking (or
perhaps even saying out loud), “I wish that someone else could cook tonight.” And
then you think about the fact that your spouse will be home late (and really is better at
breakfast foods, anyway) and that the only time your kids step foot into the kitchen is to
eat (or get something to eat).

It’s for this reason alone, that if your children are of elementary school age, they are
definitely old enough to start learning the basics when it comes to cooking. Sure, they
may not be able to do any Thai food recipes any time soon, but with a bit of consistent
instruction and a lot of patience, some basic meals can be taught; meals that will be able
to give you at least a night off every once in a while.

If you’re looking for some great tips on how to teach your kids how to cook, here are
some really good ones that will have them begging to be in the kitchen for more reasons
other than rummaging through the fridge.

Get them excited about (preparing) food. Do you remember when
you first started teaching your kids how to eat? You tried different kinds until you figured
out which ones they liked and which ones they didn’t, right? When it comes to providing
your children with the motivation that they need to start cooking, it’s a good idea to follow
a similar formula. Ask them what kinds of food that they enjoy. If it’s Mexican, go with
some tacos. If it’s pizza, that’s pretty easy to make too. This brings us to the next point.

Start off easy. You don’t want to overwhelm them with lots of
reading and measuring, so start off with recipes that [Read more…]

Nelly and Cesear Kids DVD Review and Giveaway

In nature, there are a lot of cute little creatures in all shapes and sizes. From little mice, who are cute as long as they are in a cage and not running around a kitchen or across Grandma’s foot (LOL) during Christmas dinner to a slippery frog hopping about the garden munching flies. A frog and a mouse are the stars of a new Kids Collection from Organa Kids called Nelly and Caesar. This collection comes to us from France in a neat mix of 2D and 3D animation. Some is CGI and some is hand drawn, at least that’s what it looks like to me. The effect is a whimsical look which is distinct and special. To the dads out there it looks a bit like a high quality RPG. You expect to grab a controller and start [Read more…]

Teaching Children How to Be Polite

We’ve all had moments when we’ve encountered blatant rudeness. Someone will
bump into us without saying “Excuse me” or when we answer the house phone, the
person on the other end will demand to speak with someone without saying “Hello” or
introducing themselves.

These are just two examples of what it’s like to live in a world where some people
are simply not very polite. And yet, could you imagine how much nicer it would be if all
of us made it a point to exemplify good manners as a way of being courteous to those
around us?

When it comes to teaching your children how to be polite, this is just one of the
reasons why it’s imperative that you do. It’s not just a way of being respectful to others,
but it’s also an extension of having respect for yourself.
Although there are many things that you can teach a child when it comes to developing
good manners, here are five that are essential for everyone at every age.

Say “Please” and “Thank you”. It’s one of the most common
life etiquette tips, but it’s also one of the most effective. By teaching your child how to
say “Please” and “Thank you”, you are encouraging them to let people know that when
it comes to asking for something, they are willing to nicely do so; that yes, the old saying
is true: “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” A “Please” and “Thank
you” puts people at ease, which makes communicating with them, especially when it
comes to something that you want, much easier.

Shake hands and make eye contact. There aren’t a ton of kids
who do either one of these days, but there are some huge benefits to both actions. For
one thing, when you are introduced to someone, it’s always polite to shake hands with
them and look them in the eye as a way of letting them know that you appreciate the
opportunity to meet their acquaintance. At the same time, you’re also teaching your child
how [Read more…]

Get it now – $0.75 off one (1) Dry Idea Roll-On or Clear Gel

$0.75 off one (1) Dry Idea Roll-On or Clear Gel

Active Date: July 6, 2012

Expiration Date: August 30, 2012