How to Protect Yourself Against Infections During Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, everyone has advice to give. So much so, in fact, that while
their intentions may be good, if you were really honest with them about it, on a good day,
it can get to be a bit annoying, while on a bad one, it has the potential to make you a bit
paranoid; especially when it comes to discussions about your up-and-coming labor or
contracting some kind of illness or infection.

In both instances, remain calm. Being pregnant is a miraculous time that you should
enjoy, and even with all of the information that you are given, simply focus on the things
that will make your pregnancy the most pleasant and stress-less time for

One of the ways that you can do that is to protect yourself. Here are five things that
you can do to guard yourself against the risk of contracting an infection during this very
special time.

Always wash your hands. This is something that we all should be
in the habit of doing, whether we’re pregnant or not. Unfortunately, we tend to overlook it
at times like when we’re eating out or preparing food. If you don’t always have soap and
water nearby, remember to purchase some portable antibacterial gels. You can even
make your own by combining half a cup of alcohol to two cups of Aloe Vera gel.

Don’t share your utensils. The older we get, the less a lot of us
tend to eat after other people unless they are our spouse or child. However, during the
time of your pregnancy, you are far more susceptible to contracting a virus than before,
so even when it comes to your own family members, try and always use your own
utensils and cups.

Make sure it’s “well done”. Before you got pregnant, you might
have preferred to eat your meat with a little pink on the inside. Until that baby is born,
though, that [Read more…]

Finding New Friends- H0P 4 Ways!

Welcome back to week 64 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! We missed you last week but were enjoying a bloggy vacation! But we’re back now and ready to hop! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing too tough though. So here we go!

Want to Save Some Cash?

Living Social has a deal up for grabs that you can Support Troops! Pay $25 and get $50 towards a care package or other morale efforts for US troops. Plus for doing this, you will get a t-shirt! Filled with items like snacks, toiletries, and phone cards, each care package not only provides troops with a reminder of home, but helps those serving a world away reconnect with their loved ones. By showing your gratitude and appreciation for those who serve, you can do your part to honor our nation’s true heroes.

Here are a few deals that are up for grabs at Publix Stores this week. Now prices vary a bit different because of stores and region, but prices should be close!


Hop Along Friday!

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday!
As most of you may be aware of, GFC will no
longer be available to self hosted blogs and non blogger blogs
shortly. We don’t want to leave all of those people out! So, we are
adjusting our hop to include everyone! There are other ways to
follow blogs such as Google+, Networked Blogs, and various other
options. We want everyone to link up!

Here is what we would love for you to do. Please link up your blog and
at the end of it, leave how you would like to be followed.

Example: Chubby Cheeks Thinks *Google+”

This way, readers aren’t coming to your blog and are at a loss for how
to follow you. It is simple [Read more…]

Win the Nintendo Gaming Giveaway

One of you will have the opportunity to win this awesome prize- any kid or fan of games would love it! Reviewed by Iowa Mom, her experiences are below. Please read on and enter to win!

Recently the Iowa Mom family went on a little vacation with our year older, yet still young children. Lengthy car rides up until this point were chaos and I was lucky to arrive with my hair still intact. This we wizened up and packed each of our children their own DSi and DSi XL to help make the ride a little smoother. While I typically do not promote game play for more than an hour a day, the continued play with numerous fun and educational games to choice from allowed my husband and I the need 3.5 hours of uninterrupted quiet time we need to get from point A to point B. Word to the wise from mom to another, never travel empty handed again!

The Nintendo DSi XL is a high-powered handheld video-game system with an extra large, wide viewing angle screen, and a full size, easy to hold stylus. It comes with features like touch-screen control for a unique gaming experience. Snap photos with the built-in camera, edit and send them to friends, play back your music with Nintendo DSi Sound, or browse the Internet with the Nintendo DSi Browser. From playing games to just playing around, the Nintendo [Read more…]

@Fritolay Chips Review and Giveaway

It’s summer time, which means BBQ’s and time to hang out with friends. With so many get togethers, there is a need for snacks. There are two basic categories of snacks -healthy and not healthy. Of the not healthy category, there is salty and sweet. Personally I like salty, be it potato chips, pretzels, nuts, etc.
Frito Lay has a whole plethora of new flavors and even textures to try out.

First up lets take a look at Ruffles Ultimate Kickin Jalapeno Ranch potato chips. These chips are from the new line of deeper thicker chips meant to stand up to the thickest of dips and not crumble under the pressure. Does it actually work? We will get tinto that in a bit. The flavor of these is unique and interesting, in a very good way. The ranch is a bit muted and not over powering, and the jalapeno is more of a side note, where the spice is less of a main player in your mouth, and you get more of that fresh jalapeno flavor. The chips are perfect for dipping. Not only are they built to hold up to big dips, but the flavoring is also meant to be a great side note to a dip. These work quite well with a nice french onion dip or even a dill spinach dip. I would not suggest a ranch dip, because that might be a bit too much ranch for one sitting. But hey, if ranch is your thing, go for it.

Up next we have some new corn chips from Tostitos. First up we have Scoops, these tortilla chips are bowl shaped and can fit quite the large amount of salsa. [Read more…]

Yahoo’s Remake America Remakes a Local Family

Clearly, this is a time of economic struggle, most of us have fallen on hard times. Yahoo! has a weekly series that launched March 8, 2012, titled ‘Remake America’ that follows the lives of real families as they attempt to get back on track and achieving “their American dream.” The reality series will offer a lens, through the eyes of real families, into the political issues at the forefront of the 2012 elections, including the impact of unemployment, healthcare, veteran affairs, and the housing market.

These families are not any different from most of us. Their stories are so similar to most people I know, that they are simply un-extraordinary. In fact, when you watch the stories, I can almost guarantee you that you or someone you know has been through something worse.

But that’s sort of the problem, isn’t it? That extreme hardship has become the norm in a country that used to be known for bounty. Don’t get me wrong- this is no Darfur, of course- but relatively speaking, we are not stable and cannot offer our children the things that other generations were able to. There is no consensus as to when we will recover. Enter- the Great Recession.

In order for surviving businesses to “cope”, those that still have their doors open have cut costs and labor, or sent their jobs overseas- hurting Americans when we need jobs most. Many people have lost their jobs, or become severely underemployed. Many Americans are now without benefits, and home foreclosure and the jobless rate is at an incredible high. Those who are lucky enough to HAVE jobs are often forced to work long hours with no overtime, or to do the jobs of 3 people with no extra pay and no bonuses, no raises, nothing but stress to thank them. Many have unrealistic work loads placed on them, or are required to take on additional tasks outside their normal routines. What is to be done?

Say hello to a local family to my area, John and Michele Kocotos. John was laid off from his position in the Red Cross, and Michele was forced to get her Master’s Degree in order to keep her job as a head teacher in a local daycare.

I recently got the opportunity to sit down and chat with them, and they are very nice people- the kind you would meet at church or your children’s [Read more…]

@SesamePlace Will be in NYC Tomorrow! #VisitBucksCounty

Want to hear some exciting news?
Sesame Place will be touring NYC all day on Thursday, June 28, with stops at:
Columbus Circle
Museum of Natural History
MET Museum
Near the Plaza Hotel
Chelsea Piers
Central Park

They will be telling fans via Twitter where they can find us throughout the day, so make sure you follow @SesamePlace [Read more…]