Star Wars Big G Cereal Prize Pack

What’s better than watching the epic first episode of the Star Wars Saga? Watching it in 3D with your fellow Jedis, of course! From the thrilling Podraces to the final lightsaber battle, you can enjoy Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace like you never have before. General Mills Big G cereals want to help celebrate the 3D launch by featuring collectable Star Wars pens in-pack of participating cereals.

You can collect all eight exclusive Star Wars pens that feature iconic Episode I characters including: Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Queen Amidala, Yoda, R2D2, C3PO, Jar Jar Binks and Darth Maul
Participating Big G cereals include Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Having a #TysonBreakfast for Dinner with #CBias

So- You know what it’s like to have “one of those days”? Like- ALL DAY?
I’m guessing you do. My Little Man and I were running around like chickens without heads all day- then when we got home, it was “Momma, I’m hungry!” Of course, dinner was not ready. But all was not lost. We recently got these Breakfast Bread Bowls from Tyson, and I have to say- they worked really well as dinner in a pinch, too.

Yes, I’m a cheater. What can I tell you. But these are just so easy, quick, ready to grab in a hurry that my night went a whole lot smoother. I was glad to have them in the freezer. They are the perfect size for on the go eating, and I can totally see me taking this with me to let him eat [Read more…]

Spot It! Review and Contest

My kids range from 9 years old down to 3 years of age. Finding games to play with our entire family isn’t always easy. Whether a board or card game, someone is usually not old enough to play, or the older kids are simply too old to play a younger game. No one likes being left out of a game right? This makes it difficult at times to make everyone happy on game night. When we do find a game that let’s everyone jump in and enjoy it becomes a regular favorite that we just have to share with others!

This week our game night battles came to a happy end with Spot It, from Blue Orange Games.

Spot It! is a fun, fast paced and or even slow paced depending on how old the kids are game loading with lots of fun. There’s 4 different ways you can play this game which makes it even more enjoyable. All variations of the game are easy to understand and three out of my four kids were able to get the hang of each variation.The one game that we enjoyed the most was called – The Tower. Here’s how you play it

We [Read more…]

Finding New Friends- H0P 4 Ways!

Welcome back to week 53 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing too tough though. So here we go!

1. Please follow your hostesses My Saving Game, Have Sippy Will Travel and The Advetures of J-Man and MillerBug on one of our social media platforms.Leave us a [Read more…]

Win Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream!

Ben and Jerry’s has a new line of ice cream out! You can snag some delicious Greek Frozen Yogurt in 4 delicious flavors!!

Grab a spoon and explore the latest Ben and Jerry’s creation that is uniquely Greek! We’ve combined the creamy richness of Greek Yogurt with our notorious colossal chunks and swirls to bring [Read more…]

Daily Deals- Coupons, Savings, and More!

Seasame Street

Right now at Eversave you can pay $23 for a 10-piece set of Sesame Street flashcards, wipe-clean books and CDs, shipping included! This Offer expires: 11:59 PM – Apr 16, 2012.

Plus new members will receive $1 Credit for signing up!!

Bare Necessities

Right now at you can Buy One Bra and Get One for $10. They have sizes from AA all the ya up to L. This deal will Ends 04.24.12.

Kid Lockers Right now you can score an Extra 10% Off Kids Lockers Thru April 15! Just use Code: Lock10[Read more…]

Getting Your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables

Last year, it was reported on that only 22% of children between the ages of 2 and 5 are currently
meeting the government’s regulations when it comes to vegetable consumption. This isn’t good news
because we all know that especially when it comes to a child’s development, vegetables are a vital
nutritional resource; they’re a building block chocked full of the vitamins and minerals that they need to
become healthy and strong individuals.

However, if you have a child, you also know that if they don’t like veggies, it can be an extreme battle of
the wills when it comes to getting them to eat them. The truth of the matter is that kids don’t care much
about what all of the research says. All they know is that “Vegetables are icky.” For them, it’s just that

If you’re someone who’s at your wits end when it comes to getting your kids to eat their vegetables, here
are some ideas to try.

Do some taste tests. Although there a few, it’s rare that children hate all vegetables. In other words,
if they don’t like peas, they may like carrots. If they won’t want squash, they may be open to some corn
on the cob. Don’t get immediately discouraged because the salad that you make continually remains on
their plate every time you make it. Get creative with your presentation methods. Hold a taste test contest
at home where a first prize ribbon is awarded to the vegetable that your child likes the most (and eats
the most of). There are a couple of benefits to this. One, they had to eat at least a spoonful of a couple of
vegetables to know which one they liked and two, they got rewarded for actually finishing a portion of
their favorite one.

Let them create some of the menus with you. If you’ve ever gone back and forth with your child
about why they should finish the food on their plate, before long, you may notice that it’s not so much
about the vegetables, but them feeling like they are being forced against their will to do something that
they don’t want to do. In the wise words of [Read more…]

Crayola Prize Pack Review and Contest

There are few creative outlets you can give to kids that would keep them as entertained and expressive as a box of crayons. The difficult part of this can be- how to make crayons and art supplies fresh, new, and different. Crayola is constantly innovating and releasing new products that do just that.

One of their newest products is the Color Wonder sets. They aren’t crayons, but markers- so these may be better for the over 3 year age set. Color Wonder are markers that only color on special Color Wonder coloring pages. These means no marker colors on clothes, walls, tables, cars, ceilings or your pet.

The new Color Wonder Tiny Tubes are the same Color Wonder markers and coloring sheets in an easy to carry container that fits in a cup holder, which makes them perfect for travel. These tubes come with 18 coloring sheets, three markers and the tube for carrying it all. Each coloring page is also has a light adhesive on it, so the artwork can be stuck up to be shown off. Your little Picasso will love that aspect, LOL.

The sheets are very easy to peel off so no worries about ruining either the art or the surface the art is being stuck to. After driving for too long on a road trip, sometimes you really want it to feel like home as you start to nod off and what better way then some [Read more…]