Great Animal Group!

Here are some “fun facts” about turtles, provided by, a great not-for-profit group. Check them out! 🙂

10 Common Turtle Myths
Myth 1: Turtles are easy to care for – just buy a nice tank.
False: Turtles are wild animals. They have territories that can be many miles wide. Putting them in a tank is cruelty. All they do is pace all day long like a caged beast. Think of it this way: it’s like you and me spending the rest of our lives in the bathtub. A turtle needs a large habitat or a pond to approximate nature not a tank.
Myth 2: Turtles usually live about five years.
False. In captivity, a well cared for turtle can live 25, 50 or more. These animals have been on the earth for 200 million years or more, longer than dinosaurs. They will have to be in your will and your children’s will and then some.
Myth 3: Turtles do not need veterinary care like dogs and cats.
False! The problem with turtles is because of their very slow metabolism, they do not show the signs that they are sick until the illness has progressed very far. The signs and symptoms you should be very aware of include: Closed and swollen eyes, loss of appetite, sitting in one place, daily pattern changes, and runny nose and eyes. If any of these are observed, you need a vet!
Myth 4: It is best to buy turtles and tortoises at a pet store.
Absolutely false. Pet stores should sell pet supplies not [Read more…]

Winners Posts

Quick question-
Do you guys want me to keep posting the winners on the site?  Does it matter if you are not the winner. LOL?  I know some blogs do and some blogs don’t- what do you think?  To post, or not to post?


Hey guys!  Sorry for the no-posties!  And if you sent me email since Friday- I am slowly getting to it.  My best friend had a housewarming party yesterday, and I was there pretty much all day.  Today was an event with one of our animal rescue groups- this weekend kind of lost me!  LOL.
But I am putting up the promised contests now- sorry it is a day later then I expected!  Have a good one, bloggy buddies!


So glad it’s Friday!  In hate with the snow.
I have a question for you- anyone know how to get “Stumble” added into the posts?  I’m having quite a time figuring this one out, LOL….

I’m also working on 3 contests for you guys for tomorrow- Lucky Ducks!  🙂
Have a great day,


Plow and Hearth Contest! Win a 50$ Gift card

My husband sleeps really, really well. He’s a FABULOUS sleeper! Right through the night, every night. Heavy, too. Nothing wakes him. Kid crying, dog vomiting, me going into labor….you name it- he sleeps through it!
The problem? I DON’T!
He is such a loud snore-er! I really hate sleeping in the same bed as him sometimes- I love the man, but good grief- I need some sleep!
We have tried everything- Neti Pot to clear out his passages (which helps WHEN HE USES IT, haha), one of those snore-mouth-guard things, etc. When I saw this Sleep Wedge in the Plow and Hearth E-catalog, I had to try it!

By the way- how much do you love those E-catalogs? I really like that the whole catalog is available online, and that you can flip through it, just like the paper version.
OK, back to the Sleep Wedge!
It is a cool wedge that goes underneath the person to prop them up and help them breathe better. How does it work?

“Nighttime Relief That Won’t Disturb Your Bedmate

Slips between your fitted sheet and the mattress to gently elevate your torso, relieving discomfort and promoting healthier sleep. Perfect for people who suffer from acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion or sinus and breathing problems. Comfortable quilted satin pillow-top cover zips off for machine washing.

Fits under sheets or pillow and gently slopes from 1″ to 5″. Textured topstitching promotes circulation and prevents heat buildup. USA/Imported.”

My take? It would be better in a bigger bed, LOL- ours is only a double bed. It is a really large wedge, which is a good thing, because it gives the sleeper more room to sleep on. The downside is, that you can’t snuggle with the person on the wedge, because they are higher up then you are, LOL. But, you can always get two of them, then you can both breathe well and still have snuggle time! 🙂

So- want to pick something out from Plow and Hearth? [Read more…]

Twisted Thursday!!!


Have Sippy Will Travel


Blessed Elements
Welcome to our blog hop. We hope you meet new friends, exchange quality comments and blog again with us next Thursday. Don’t forget to go the Twisted Scavenger Blog to sign up for our UBuild [Read more…]

Heirloom Wooden Toys- and a coupon

Happy New Year! We’ve tidied up the warehouse and have put a lot of great toys and games on sale, so be sure to stop by for some deals!
We’re also working hard to update our products with new items and new vendors. See below for some we think you’ll love:

Fire Engine by D and Me
Featuring: Handmade Toys!
We’ve been carrying these toys for years, but decided to make them easier to find. These are from great American companies, making toys the old-fashioned way – by hand! The rustic design and natural look and feel make these wooden toys instant heirlooms. Use coupon code “handmade” for 10% [Read more…]

Shmirshky, a review

New Book! This one is a little bit out of my “normal” reads, LOL, but informative nonetheless. It’s about women who are going through menopause, and pre-menopause. I’m a bit young for this now, but it is good to know what’s to come! It’s not like people discuss this stuff on the regular- though maybe they should. If all women go through some kind of menopausal issues- why not at least understand what’s going on?

It’s a but much at times- the author is trying really hard to be funny and witty, and sometimes it’s just like GROAN, ok, yep. Got it. And the words Shmirshky and Erlick are used every other second. But it is not a dry read, it’s not boring, and that is saying something when the topic is as “touchy” as this one. If you are going to read a book on the subject- and we all should- give this one a try. It’s a quick read, and like I said- you won’t be bored. It also has some good suggestions for going to the doctor and things to watch out for. Kind of like a “What to Expect When You’re Expecting….the Menopause Years” (LOL)

Are you a woman? Or do you [Read more…]