Here are some “fun facts” about turtles, provided by, a great not-for-profit group. Check them out! 🙂
10 Common Turtle Myths
Myth 1: Turtles are easy to care for – just buy a nice tank.
False: Turtles are wild animals. They have territories that can be many miles wide. Putting them in a tank is cruelty. All they do is pace all day long like a caged beast. Think of it this way: it’s like you and me spending the rest of our lives in the bathtub. A turtle needs a large habitat or a pond to approximate nature not a tank.
Myth 2: Turtles usually live about five years.
False. In captivity, a well cared for turtle can live 25, 50 or more. These animals have been on the earth for 200 million years or more, longer than dinosaurs. They will have to be in your will and your children’s will and then some.
Myth 3: Turtles do not need veterinary care like dogs and cats.
False! The problem with turtles is because of their very slow metabolism, they do not show the signs that they are sick until the illness has progressed very far. The signs and symptoms you should be very aware of include: Closed and swollen eyes, loss of appetite, sitting in one place, daily pattern changes, and runny nose and eyes. If any of these are observed, you need a vet!
Myth 4: It is best to buy turtles and tortoises at a pet store.
Absolutely false. Pet stores should sell pet supplies not [Read more…]