What’s up, all? What is more fun then being healthy and happy? Being healthy, happy, AND having soft skin of course! There are some great products at Swanson health products. First we cover the healthy, with Resveratrol 100. Resveratrol is a powerful herbal anti-oxidant. What this means is, when taken it helps naturally slow down the aging process of cells. Meaning it helps you feel younger/be younger one cell at a time. This product is all natural and also important, isn’t a giant pill that is difficult to swallow or tastes bad an hour after eaten, I’m looking at you multiple vitamin. It just makes you feel a little better.:)
Now some fun stuff. Alpha Lipoic Acid, Olive Oil & DMAE Hand & Body Lotion is a wonderful lotion. The lotion is based on surprise olive oil and also soybean oil. This lotion is very smooth and rubs right in getting your skin silky smooth. Works especially well right after the shower. Now something for the everyday skin care, Red Elements Daily Moisturizing Creme. This cream not only moisturizes but also protects with spf 15. I’ll say this right now i think all daily facial creams should have spf at least 5 in them. The higher the better, and spf 15 is just the right number to get a little warm glow without burning or glowing in the dark from your lack of pigment.
Alright all one more before your bed time rituals, this one is Vegecol Facial Toner Alcohol-Free. This toner acts as a cleanser, soother and light moisturizer. What I like about this is, no alcohol burn. Just a light pleasant fragrance and an effective toner.
Okie dokie so there you have it, some great healthy products that won’t break the bank and work really well. By the way if you order now, there is a flat rate $4.99 shipping promotion going on right now AND buy 1 get 1 on most products. Enjoy everyone!
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DISCLOSURE: A product sample was provided for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Open to US shipping addresses only. Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends June 12, 2011