In honor of this Tuesday’s “National Young Readers Day,” the price of the kid’s
book/app, BRAVE ROONEY – normally $2.99– will be lowered to $0.99 for
both Tuesday and Wednesday.
In addition, if you go to the author’s Facebook page
and answer four fun questions about the number “99,” you’re automatically
entered to win [Read more…]
How the Number “99” Can Get You a Great Kid’s Book/App
911 Dogs and Brave Rooney- contest, apps, and more!
Dogs express bravery and courage in so many ways – whether out of loyalty for their owners or just intuitively. The bravery exhibited by the search and rescue dogs of 9/11 has brought moist eyes to millions of people around the world. The rescue survivors can be seen in this slide show from the NY Times. We’ve all noticed the occasional story on the national or local news of some heroic deed performed by man’s best friend. Write a few words about a brave dog you’ve known or owned. It needn’t be something dramatic or heroic but just some unselfish [Read more…]
New Facebook- How to see Posts from your Favorite Bloggers! (Cough) LOL
I spent the past few days trying to figure out how to “fix” this problem, that you guys can’t see my posts now. Which is a MAJOR bummer- and then I came across this wonderful post from Deals 4 Dummies– Jeana said I could cross post, since I am a major dope and would never have been able to explain it so well- THANKS JEANA!! Of course, her page is cited- so if you want to see Have Sippy Will Travel’s posts, just look for that page where it says Deals 4 Dummies. If you are a fan for BOTH pages- do them both and you will see them all 🙂
I can’t wait to have you back and seeing my posts. I hope this helps!
Hi all! So I’m sure you all have noticed the recent Facebook changes. I really didn’t think much about them until I realized that today, I had been blogging my little heart out and that I haven’t gotten very much reaction from you guys. I had a room full of crickets. And it didn’t feel nice
I started to get a little sad, and then I realized that many of you have probably been MISSING all the deals I have been posting lately because of those new Facebook changes!! Ack!! What in the world am I doing slaving away at my computer all day finding you deals and freebies if you are going to MISS them?!??!
If you want to make sure you aren’t missing out on my deal feed on Facebook, I need you guys to do something for me really quick.
Don’t worry – it won’t hurt
- In Facebook, click on the down arrow in the upper right hand corner (next to your name) and choose “Account Settings”.
- Now choose “notifications” on the left side menu.
- UNCHECK the “email frequency”. You want it to be BLANK like the picture above. (thanks, Freebie Corner)
- Now, go to your Facebook Home Page
- In that center column is your news feed. I need you to scroll down until you find one from me. It doesn’t matter which one, just find one.
Now hover your mouse over the top right corner until this little blue arrow appears. Click it and choose the first option “Mark as Top Story“.
Ok so what you have just done is told Facebook
- Leave my notifications alone and show me everything
- “HEY – I want to see my deals from Crazy Coupon Mommy – Quit hiding them from me!!!“
So from now on, you should start to see the deals again. Supposedly FB “learns” what you like by your actions so this may take a while to get through. If you want to make sure it happens faster – then do this every time you see a post from me and that will make sure they get the hint!!
Another way to make sure you never miss a deal from your favorite coupon blogs on Facebook is to Make a List. This is a new feature and my friend over at My CNY Mommy made a great video tutorial on how to do it – have a looksey!
Nintendo 3DS- Daddy’s Corner (Warning- High Geek Factor!)
Hey all, Daddy here! As a huge gamer myself, I was psyched to get to try out the new Nintendo 3DS– the newest in handheld games.
I am sure we have all seen the new TVs where you wear some clunky goggles. Then like magic the TV pops to life and reaches out to grab you. Are the effects cool? Definitely. Are the goggles? Not at all.
Nintendo comes along and says, enough, no more lame goggles. With a wave of their creative thought cloud, out comes a new handheld which is able to display 3D with a slide of a switch.
First of all the 3D is amazing, there is one thing you should know and that is. When playing you MUST keep the system about half an arms length away from your eyes. Do NOT pull it close to your face, or the effect will distort and you’ll have to readjust. I have to say this can be a bit annoying but I do like the ability to turn 3D off and just play on a super powered DS. The graphics are better then the DS and the PSP, so even with the 3D turned off, you still get an incredible gaming machine.
Another neat feature of the 3DS is its cameras and its ability to play ‘augmented reality’ games. What this means is, the area you are playing in turns into your game setting. An example of this is the AR games, these are games are scanned out of special cards. One of them is an archery game where the game takes place on your table, in your living room or kitchen. It really is a crazy concept and the future is very bright and in 3D too.
Unfortunately I can’t really give you much of an opinion on any games currently out there. I have seen videos and Starfox 3D looks insanely fun. I personally want to grab Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D. I am a sucker for Zelda and Ocarina is absolutely awesome.
I am very much looking forward to Super Mario 3D Land and Metal Gear Snake Eater 3D. A very interesting game which will be coming out is : Bravely Default : Flying Fairy, it is an RPG from Japan so there is no promise it will see release stateside but check out this video and try not to think how cool it would be to see Princess Leia asking for help in 3D. 🙂
Router Review AND Contest! Daddy’s Corner
Answer: The Internet. If your connection to the Internet seems to be more of a chore then a pleasure it might be time to rethink some of your tech. There are a few components to look at first of all, call your provider. Ask them if they see any errors on their end that would cause there error. Nine out of ten times this won’t really help, but it is worth a try. Next up check your wires, look for frays and lose connections. Don’t try to repair the wires just get new ones.
Setup of the router was incredibly easy. Took about an hour and that includes setting up the security. Interesting tidbit when switching to a new router we had a friend who complained the internal log caught allot of blocked traffic. Odd part is there was a clear increase in speed. So not only was their router slower but also less secure and thus leaking bandwidth. Some more nifty characteristics are the ease of use. Lest say you are having some guests over and they aren’t of the highest regard. You can set up a private network allowing only limited access to the Internet. There are also parental controls which can be used to limit access time and also sites themselves.
Today’s middle and high school students have grown up with mobile technology and feel most comfortable in a wireless environment for anytime/anywhere studying, interactive web research, easy collaboration and communication and parent accessibility. The wireless home learning environment also more closely aligns with how they use technology at school. The Linksys E4200 router from Cisco (
This router is a great upgrade and an easy one to install and use, With a little knowledge and some studying up it has a whole lot of bells and whistles.
Enjoy 🙂
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win. In your comment, please- along with which size you would prefer 🙂
(Please leave a separate comment for each entry)
+2 entries
-Subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel by email, and confirm subscription or via RSS
+3 entries
– Follow me on Twitter ( or you can use my adorable button to the side!) and tweet about this contest
#Win Computer Router from Cisco #Contest #technology @HaveSippy
*can be done daily
Please make sure you follow first!
+2 entries
3 Princes and a Princess 2, Closer to Lucy, Have Sippy Will Travel, and The Thrifty Things. You can Follow GFC, Twitter, or Facebook- each is worth an entry.
– Email a friend about this contest, with a CC to me at
(you get an extra entry if they enter, too!)
-Add my button to your blog, and leave me the link so I can find it
– Follow me on “Networked Blogs”
– blog about this giveaway, and link back to this contest (leave me the URL in comment, please)
-Add me to your blogroll, with a link back to me
– Vote for me on “We’re On The Fence!” (Just Click the Button to the left that says “We’re On the Fence” until it confirms you voted for your’s truly!) *Can be done daily
– enter another one of my giveaways
– comment on a non-giveaway post
– Like this post on Facebook, Stumble it, or hit G+1 button (each is worth one entry)
OOO, so many ways to win! Good luck!
DISCLOSURE: I received the above product in order to facilitate this post. All opinions are mine, yours may differ. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Open to US shipping addresses only. Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends Oct. 2, 2011
Brave Rooney App
8 Incredible Bible Verse iPhone Apps
What do you do if you want to regularly expose yourself to Bible verses
but you don’t want to always have to have a Bible on hand or to have to
seek out new verses each time you want new verses to ponder? That’s
easy. Just turn to your iPhone. Here are 8 incredible Bible verse iPhone
apps and some of the blessings that they can bestow upon you.
New Verses On A Regular Basis
These iPhone apps can give you Bible verses to mull over anytime you
want. You can get new ones daily, hourly, or just whenever you want
a new one to think about. You may not have large amounts of time to
sit down and read the Bible on a daily basis but to be active in your faith
you need to be studying it always. These Bible verse iPhone apps are an
excellent addition to any Bible study regimen.
These verses can help to provide you with inspiration. It is common for
people to get distracted by life and to forget to live up to their religious
ideals but these verses can provide the inspiration that will help you to do
that. These verses are priceless when you face tough times and when you
need to remember the presence of God in all things and all people.
When you aren’t sure what to do in your life then these verses can
provide guidance in addition to comfort and inspiration. They can help
you to make the right decisions and to keep your faith in mind no matter
what you may be doing. If you are looking for some direction in your life
then what better place is there to turn than the Bible itself?
Bible Verse Search
Some of these apps allow you to search for specific Bible verses just in
case you want to review your favorites or if you want to search for various
topics. If the Bible verses that you are receiving from the random verse
generator aren’t quite giving you what you need on any given day then
this is a wonderful option for you to use. As you build up your knowledge
of Bibles verses then this tool will be more helpful as you wish to revisit
the ones most relevant for you at any point in time.
The Whole Bible
Not all of these apps are limited to giving you random verses from a bank
of verses. Some can generate random verses but they also give you the
option of reading the entire Bible. The verses are a nice addition to any
study regimen but for true understanding of the Bible you will want to
be constantly reading passages. Some of the apps below even create
a program for you so that you can complete the entire Bible in only one
year’s time. This is a fantastic option if you are not doing that already.
1. Bible Memory Verses
2. ABC Bible Verses
3. Bible HD
4. Bible Verses Free
5. Fighter Verses
6. iBibleSpace
7. God’s Bible
8. Daily Bible Audio
Tom H. Reinecker is quite passionate about Christian education
and connecting students with accredited Christian online colleges.
Disclosure- this is a sponsored guest post. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.