Giveaway Gala
Just Like June:
Barbar BT Hair Dryer 12/2
Have Sippy Will Travel:
Win Douglas Cuddle Toy ends Dec 14
ScentSicles ends Dec 12
Barney Christmas DVD ends [Read more…]
Just Like June:
Barbar BT Hair Dryer 12/2
Have Sippy Will Travel:
Win Douglas Cuddle Toy ends Dec 14
ScentSicles ends Dec 12
Barney Christmas DVD ends [Read more…]
The following is a guest post by Outside the Box Mom:
The natural inclination is to make a list of the things you’re out of, then go to the grocery store to buy them. WRONG! If you do that, you have just agreed to purchase them at whatever price they are selling for. How do you pay a lower price? I introduce to you, the sales cycle.
What is a sales cycle?
The period of time between the best sale price and the regular price.
How long does it usually last?
12 weeks (3 months).
How much do I need to buy?
Enough to get you through to the next low sale price.
How do I know the best price?
Most shoppers keep a mental list of the best prices. You may also want to keep a price book, which is just a list of items you buy, brand names available, store name, price, and the date the price was noted. After reviewing this, you may decide on only a few stores to shop at, a preferred brand for each item, or the best time of year to purchase certain items.
What do I buy when?
Learn when to buy soup, cereal, turkey, fruit, packaged foods, and more. See comprehensive lists at the Krazy [Read more…]
So, I have been getting requests for a few more Bon Jovi pictures from a whole lot of you- so here are a couple more. Here are just a few more from the NYC Mario event. Hope this helps 😛
Sorry ladies and gentlemen, the rest of the pics I have are all of his kids, my kids, and some other [Read more…]
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done. for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Do you know someone or are you someone who has a not so green thumb? Maybe a blue thumb or a browning wilting thumb. Well then you my dear need to learn about bulbs. The basics are thus: plant in the fall/early winter and in the spring you get gorgeous flowers that will grow back every year. With careful watering/feeding and planning it is possible to keep them coming back for about five years. Take a visit to learn more about bulbs and check out some of the ladies of the site. My favorite is Marcy, super mom who will do her best to get her daughter to win the science fair. Although not the most ladylike definitely the most fun of the three in my opinion.
Another [Read more…]
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of LG DoublePlayâ„¢ for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Alright everyone how many of you spend way too much time using your cell phone for things it has a really hard time doing?
I do for one. My little phone is ok, but not a smart phone by a long shot. More of a C maybe C+ student phone, no where near an A, A+ phone. The LG DoublePlayâ„¢ is more of an A+ phone. The phone has a whole mess of features that help not only up the speed and ability of the phone but also the ability of the user to actually use it.
I know of a few phones with touch screens, and a whole lot of them with keyboards [Read more…]
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