For one day only, Wednesday November 5th, select K’NEX building sets will be on sale for 50% off or more! This includes select Lincoln Logs, TINKERTOY, Nintendo, Plants vs. Zombies, TITANFALL, and Family Guy building sets in addition to our fantastic K’NEX and K’NEX Education sets! Be sure to get yours before they are all gone!
K’NEX building sets on sale for 50% off or more
Preparing Your Child for Surgery
In a perfect world, your child would never get sick, and they certainly would never need surgery. Unfortunately, these are things you just have to be prepared for as a parent. It does not matter how careful or protective you are there are some things that you just can’t predict or prevent. One minute your child is fine and the next they have appendicitis. Even getting their tonsils out is a big deal to them (and you). Sometimes, you really won’t have time to prepare for surgery. It will be a spur-of-the-moment thing and you’ll just need to deal with. However, other times you know about the surgery in advance, which gives you time to properly prepare.
Ask Questions
You need to have answers to all your questions, if you are going to answer your child’s questions. You want to be able to talk to them confidently. If you say, “I don’t know” or act unsure, they won’t feel like they can trust you when you tell them they will be fine.
Understand Post Care
When your child gets out of surgery, your mind will be racing. The doctor is explaining post care specifications to you, but you aren’t actually hearing a single world. Have prescriptions filled ahead of time and go over post care before the surgery.
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Fun Halloween Cocktails
Halloween – it’s not just about pumpkins and haunted houses, it’s about getting creative and having fun with friends – with everything from costumes to cocktails.
Nothing says Halloween fun like a frighteningly delicious drink which is why we’ve shared our favorite seasonally-themed cocktails that will be sure to brighten any holiday festivities – literally!
Because each drink is made with the new line from SMIRNOFF Vodka – SMIRNOFF Sours. With glow-in-the-dark bottles for each flavor (Green Apple, Watermelon and Fruit Punch), the luminescent liquid and bottles will make for a memorable Halloween.
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National Brush Day
Not toilet brush, nor hair brush, but tooth brush day is coming up very soon. Actually it is the day after one of the biggest candy days of the year, Halloween. National Brush Day is observed on November 1st, the day after Halloween, to reinforce the importance of children’s oral health and to promote good tooth-brushing habits recommended by dental experts.
More than 51 million school hours are lost each year due to dental related illness, resulting in parents losing 25 million work hours annually. Cavities and oral infections can cause severe pain and can increase a child’s risk for dental issues and poor health throughout their lives.
3 in 4 parents report that their kids sometimes or frequently forget to brush their teeth, according to a national survey just released by the Ad Council. In an effort to help parents better understand why ignoring dental health can have serious consequences, and educate families about good dental health habits, the Ad Council and The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives created new Public Service Ads (PSAs) for their Kids’ Healthy Mouths campaign. The new PSAs are humorous depictions of life lessons which make the point that while parenting can be tricky at times, getting kids to brush for two minutes, twice a day can be easier than most other things parents will try to teach their children easier then lets say teaching your child to ride a bike in 2 minutes.
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Poise – For Light Bladder Leakage
Thanks to Poise for sponsoring today’s discussion!
Poise is the solution to light bladder leakage. Poise is reinvigorating the light incontinence category with the introduction of new, shockingly thin and surprisingly absorbent Poise® Microliners, which help women with light bladder leakage (LBL) manage their little leaks with confidence.
One in three women experience Light Bladder Leakage (LBL), which can be triggered by everyday occurrences like coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise. Many women rely on feminine care products or nothing at all to manage their little leaks because they don’t know there are solutions designed specifically for LBL or they don’t think incontinence products are for them. As the leader in the light incontinence category, Poise brand offers a variety of pads and liners to make it easy to find protection for every woman’s needs.
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5 Easy Ways for Parents to Reduce Stress
As a parent, you have likely gotten used to dealing with your fair share of stress. Others may joke that stress just comes with the territory of being a parent, but that doesn’t make it any less damaging to your health. Of course, there are always going to be stressful situations, but if you are walking around in a permanent stress bubble it is time to welcome a little peace inside of your busy brain.
1. Get Up Earlier – Okay, you are probably screaming at the computer right now that you barely get a decent night of sleep as it is. Simply getting up 30 minutes before everyone actually knows you are awake gives you time to start your day on a positive note. If you rush out of bed and deal with chaos for the next hour getting everyone out the door for school, this anxiety is going to follow you. Start the day reading, practicing yoga, or doing something you love, and your chaotic morning may not seem so bad.
2. Deep Breathing – Deep breathing can be done whether you are stuck in traffic, burning dinner, or just ready to snap. Just take five very deep breaths. The inhale should begin deep in your diaphragm. Inhale through the nose. Exhale through your mouth.
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Win @NETGEAR data storage system #BragWithReadyNAS
Organic India Tea
We love tea, especially my little guy. Organic is that much better, both for us and for the environment. ORGANIC INDIA has over 18 different flavors of its signature organic Tulsi, Holy Basil herb, that helps reduce stress,aid in digestion, balance metabolism, support anti-aging and overall immune system. Not only does it taste great, but you can sip your way to a healthy season with this calorie free drink, great cold or hot. These teas are perfect iced or cold brewed as well as traditionally hot.
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