We love camping, and this is a great time of year to head out to your favorite campsite (or find a new one to explore). What to pack, besides your tent and sleeping bags? We have a few suggestions for the Best Items for Active Parents.
One of the most important things to bring with you is lighting. You don’t want to wonder what you are about to run into on a middle of the night bathroom run. Recently, VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools and Mountain Khakis came together to bring out a very cool camping torch that is also a survival tool kit. A powerful light when you need it, you can also unscrew the cap to find mini disks that have different tools one might find useful inside. Lightweight at only one pound and impact resistant, it comes with 12 tins inside, including the flashlight disk itself, instructions, a compass, water purification tablets, first aid supplies, and more. The flashlight has four modes of LED light on it as well- medium, high, red, and SOS. Available for $130 at https://www.mountainkhakis.com
I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like to mess about with my hair when I’m camping or otherwise outdoors. Basically, I just want it kept out of the way. I really like Seirus, they offer a variety of options to keep you protected from the sun and as dry from sweat as can be in a no fuss manner. They have these multi-functional what they call “neck tubes” on the site, and that’s a pretty accurate description since that’s exactly what they look like. They can be worn around your neck to protect from the sun, around your head as a stay put headband that keeps the hair out of your face and sweat out of your eyes, a balaclava, and quite a few other ways to wear it- super versatile. They are quick drying, very breathable, and have a UPF of 25 built in. The site posts videos on the many ways to wear them- check it out. $19.99 at https://www.seirus.com
Looking for something a little more straightforward? They also offer a UPF50 Hinged Headliner as extra protection from the sun as well as a liner and extra warmth under helmets and on bitterly cold days. There are multiple headliners and balaclavas to choose from, prices vary from $16-$35 at https://www.seirus.com
ELEVENPINE has created the most comfortable shorts (available for men and women) and undergarments that are fantastic for parents on the move. Whether you are chasing the kids up and down the trails or kayaking to your campsite, these super comfy performance items will keep you feeling your best. These patented shorts can convert via side zipper from form-fitting to relaxed fit as you prefer. This makes them ideal to wear no matter the activity, from yoga to biking to camping and more, these will fast become your “go to” shorts for all your activities and travels (as well as relaxing afterward). They are also moisture wicking, so they dry quickly without giving you those delightful moisture rashes. Both the men’s and women’s shorts offer easy to access pockets, and there are multiple shorts to choose from. For women, there are also different lengths available, which is a second miracle (I repeat, pockets! Real ones, not those silly waistband “fakies”) considering how difficult it can be to find a performance short that is longer then five inches. A style and length for everyone, there are multiple options available. Bike liners for men and women are also available. Prices vary depending on item, visit www.elevenpine.com for details and to choose.