We love camping, and this is a great time of year to head out to your favorite campsite (or find a new one to explore). What to pack, besides your tent and sleeping bags? We have a few suggestions for the Best Items for Active Parents.
One of the most important things to bring with you is lighting. You don’t want to wonder what you are about to run into on a middle of the night bathroom run. Recently, VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools and Mountain Khakis came together to bring out a very cool camping torch that is also a survival tool kit. A powerful light when you need it, you can also unscrew the cap to find mini disks that have different tools one might find useful inside. Lightweight at only one pound and impact resistant, it comes with 12 tins inside, including the flashlight disk itself, instructions, a compass, water purification tablets, first aid supplies, and more. The flashlight has four modes of LED light on it as well- medium, high, red, and SOS. Available for $130 at https://www.mountainkhakis.com
I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like to mess about with my hair when I’m camping or otherwise outdoors. Basically, I just want it kept out of the way. I really like Seirus, they offer a variety of options to keep you protected from the sun and as dry from sweat as can be in a no fuss manner. They have these multi-functional what they call “neck tubes” on the site, and that’s a pretty accurate description since that’s exactly what they look like. They can be worn around your neck to protect from the sun, around your head as a stay put headband that keeps the hair out of your face and sweat out of your eyes, a balaclava, and quite a few other ways to wear it- super versatile. They are quick drying, very breathable, and have a UPF of 25 built in. The site posts videos on the many ways to wear them- check it out. $19.99 at https://www.seirus.com
Looking for something a little more straightforward? They also offer a UPF50 Hinged Headliner as extra protection from the sun as well as a liner and extra warmth under helmets and on bitterly cold days. There are multiple headliners and balaclavas to choose from, prices vary from $16-$35 at https://www.seirus.com
ELEVENPINE has created the most comfortable shorts (available for men and women) and undergarments that are fantastic for parents on the move. Whether you are chasing the kids up and down the trails or kayaking to your campsite, these super comfy performance items will keep you feeling your best. These patented shorts can convert via side zipper from form-fitting to relaxed fit as you prefer. This makes them ideal to wear no matter the activity, from yoga to biking to camping and more, these will fast become your “go to” shorts for all your activities and travels (as well as relaxing afterward). They are also moisture wicking, so they dry quickly without giving you those delightful moisture rashes. Both the men’s and women’s shorts offer easy to access pockets, and there are multiple shorts to choose from. For women, there are also different lengths available, which is a second miracle (I repeat, pockets! Real ones, not those silly waistband “fakies”) considering how difficult it can be to find a performance short that is longer then five inches. A style and length for everyone, there are multiple options available. Bike liners for men and women are also available. Prices vary depending on item, visit www.elevenpine.com for details and to choose.
We love camping, and this is a great time of year to head out to your favorite campsite (or find a new one to explore). What to pack, besides your tent and sleeping bags? We have a few suggestions.
One of the most important things to bring with you is lighting. You don’t want to wonder what you are about to run into on a middle of the night bathroom run. Recently, VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools and Mountain Khakis came together to bring out a very cool camping torch that is also a survival tool kit. A powerful light when you need it, you can also unscrew the cap to find mini disks that have different tools one might find useful inside. Lightweight at only one pound and impact resistant, it comes with 12 tins inside, including the flashlight disk itself, instructions, a compass, water purification tablets, first aid supplies, and more. The flashlight has four modes of LED light on it as well- medium, high, red, and SOS. Available for $130 at https://www.mountainkhakis.com
I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like to mess about with my hair when I’m camping or otherwise outdoors. Basically, I just want it kept out of the way. I really like Seirus, they offer a variety of options to keep you protected from the sun and as dry from sweat as can be in a no fuss manner. They have these multi-functional what they call “neck tubes” on the site, and that’s a pretty accurate description since that’s exactly what they look like. They can be worn around your neck to protect from the sun, around your head as a stay put headband that keeps the hair out of your face and sweat out of your eyes, a balaclava, and quite a few other ways to wear it- super versatile. They are quick drying, very breathable, and have a UPF of 25 built in. The site posts videos on the many ways to wear them- check it out. $19.99 at https://www.seirus.com
Looking for something a little more straightforward? They also offer a UPF50 Hinged Headliner as extra protection from the sun as well as a liner and extra warmth under helmets and on bitterly cold days. There are multiple headliners and balaclavas to choose from, prices vary from $16-$35 at https://www.seirus.com
Mountain Khakis are one of our favorites to wear camping, or really just great for being outside in general. These clothes are durable, breathable, soft, and great for layering in weather that can’t make up it’s mind. Nothing trendy, these will keep their appeal year after year, and they will be wearable for years as well. If you are new to the brand, you might want to start at the beginning. The Men’s Original Mountain Pants are, as you may have guessed, the ones that started it all. Organic, reinforced 2 play cotton and canvas, multiple reinforced pockets, reinforced heel cuffs, and more- you can probably tell these pants are built to last. They come in relaxed and slim fit, with 6 colors available at $84. 95 each at https://www.mountainkhakis.com
If you want to top them off, we really love the new Pearl Street Collection flannel shirts. Soft, wicking fabric that stretches to give you that perfect feel, it still has a classic fit and look. The material keeps you warm and dry without overheating you. Since it has stretch to it, you can go rock climbing, chop wood for your campfire, go ziplining- whatever- and the shirt moves with you. These are available for both men and women, with three color choices for men and two for women. They are $89.95 each at https://www.mountainkhakis.com
If you’ve ever considered camping in northern New York, Lake George offers some amazing destinations for a family-friendly getaway. Picking the perfect campground not only brings you and your family closer to nature but also saves money because you won’t have to pay for a hotel room and dine out at every meal. Located at the southeast base of the Adirondacks, Lake George has something for inexperienced campers, seasoned campers and everyone in between. Here are some of the best Lake George campgrounds this beautiful area has to offer.
Lake George Escape boasts 178 acres of beautiful greenery surrounded by the scenic Adirondack Park, which can offer mountain adventures. It’s a prime location, close to the major speedway, which means easy access to local attractions. The resort alone offers an endless number of activities for the whole family to enjoy. Take a turn on the new 19-foot water slide, try your hand at life-size board games or have fun playing frisbee golf or laser tag. Spend the day swimming, fishing, tubing or boating on the Schroon River and make it back in time for Mystery Dinner Theater. For an added charge, kids can go fossil hunting and gem mining. And if everyone is looking to escape the camp, a full day of water park activities await at Six Flags Great Escape & Hurricane Harbor, which isonly a short distance away.
If you’ve wanted to camp on your very own island, look no further. Several state-owned islands are home to almost 400 different campsites, accessible only by boat, and available to the public. The Lake George Islands campsites are broken up into three groups: the Glen Island, Narrow Island and Long Island. Island camping is a fun way to enjoy a true Lake George getaway. From islands perfect for a couple’s romantic getaway to sites big enough for hosting group getaways, there’s a little slice of heaven for everyone. Every site offers a little something different, but they often fill up fast. If you’re interested in this unique family experience, it’s wise to book in advance.
Moose Hillock offers a never-ending stream of entertainment for the whole family. Its claim to fame is the huge pool featuring a Caribbean beach entry, waterfalls, waterslides and caves, which is decked out with LED lights and surround sound. Every weekend, the resort offers a variety of themed games and activities. Families can participate in events such as basketball competitions, family dodge ball tournaments, water balloon fights, volleyball and more. The private areas of the park are great for setting up base camp and exploring the surrounding Adirondack Park or enjoying water activities at Lake George. It is also less than ten miles from downtown Lake George.
Only three minutes from Lake George, Adirondack Camping Village — a secluded and serene location — is the ideal family-friendly campground in the mountains. Even though rustic, this getaway spot still provides some homey comforts for guests. Relax in the heated pools, watch the nightly movie or roast marshmallows over a fire. Kids can visit the playground, have fun in the game room or hop on the daily hayrides. If that’s not enough, nearby attractions include Six Flags, boat cruises on Lake George, Saratoga Raceway, Fort William Henry, Prospect Mountainand Million Dollar Beach.
Established in 1927, just south of the Village of Lake George, is a popular, nature lover’s resort with a historical twist. Because this option is located near Prospect Mountain, great views are guaranteed, but many come to see the remnants of colonial-era military activities. The campground itself is near a self-guided historical trail at Lake George Battlefield Park. If you’re not a history buff, you can opt for a quick walk to the beach and enjoy swimming, fishing, sunbathing and more. Plenty of hiking opportunities allow avid hikers a gorgeous 100-mile view into five different states from the peak of Prospect Mountain. You can also take the family for a day of shopping or amusement parks, which are available nearby.
Hearthstone Point Campground is located on the west shore in the southern end of the picturesque Lake George. Unique to Hearthstone is a Junior Naturalist Program where young campers can enjoy completing educational games and activities to earn an embroidered naturalist patch at the end of their training. Hearthstone Point is perfect for families who enjoy lake activities and hiking. All types of watercraft are permitted here, and hiking trails wind all around the grounds — even down to a swimming beach.
Sailing in dangerous weather tests your skills and guts, but with the right amount of knowledge of what you’re doing, having the right boat, backed by efficient preparation, a sudden weather change won’t cause you to fret.
Apart from the usual mechanical and safety checks, a turbulent weather dictates wider planning and thought. For larger boats, keep loose objects secure inside the boat, make sure internal cupboards and doors are closed and objects inside are properly packed. Put off the water to the heads, then empty the bowl.
Remove the bags from the bunks and put them on the floor, as long as they won’t be in the way. Secure mats on the deck because they can slip if not well fastened. Also secure fold-down tables and similar fittings. Make sure that potholes and windows are closed and rig deadlights. Do a swift check for security. In terrible situations, I have witnessed clears destroyed by the wind, so you should open your clears to allow the wind easily flow through.
If you have a tender, check again that it is properly tied. Tie the anchor down, so it doesn’t become a missile, give the fenders a doubleknot, and secure any boat hooks, lines, and life rings. The engine room also requires a check-over. Examine fluid and oil levels and test bilge pumps for adequate operation.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about sailboats from https://www.marineservices.co.nz/sailboats, it’s that they are can by fully or partially propelled by sails. As such, being able to handle your boat in turbulent weather can be as personal as the skipper himself. No two boats respond the same way given the same sea conditions. For every hull design, there’s a different reaction to the sea-variables and even boats with the same design may act differently based on their trim and load. Every skipper must be fully aware of the distinguishing characteristics of his boat and know how it will react to specific changes in conditions.
A smart captain knows he should always look at the weather forecast before taking off from the dock. If you know how to read them, wind conditions and cloud formations also provide lots of information.
In past times, all we had was the local radio and if you weren’t a constant listener, you would have found yourself in trouble. But now, we have smartphones which bell a push notification for serious weather alerts.
But what if you lose cell signal or your phone dies? Yes, a battery charger or a backup cell battery could come in handy, but even that’s not sufficient. Cell phones aren’t invulnerable. Anything could kill them, from overheating, to playing our music all day long. They even fall in water and we lose them occasionally. Never depend on a smartphone!
You should have the ability of slowing down your speed so as to ride up and over the waves, instead of driving the bow right into them. You would also not like to get to the top of the wave and all from the backside, burying the bow. In worse situations, slow your speed until you’re making bare steerage way and keep your boat’s position at an angle of 45 degrees to the swells.
As you reduce your speed, the strain put on the hull and superstructure is lessened. Continuous pounding can break windows and ports. You don’t want to know how much water can come in a 12″ porthole.
Most of the general preparations and techniques handling heavy weather can be used for crossing ocean bars, only that bar crossings have to do with sharp, short pressure waves, which have to be carefully handled. In addition, space to move is usually limited and the depths may differ. When making preparations to cross a bar, we make use of local knowledge, wear PFDs, and follow navigation marks.
Sometimes you can run ahead of the waves by riding the crests. Never forget that what goes up, must come down, either the wave or your vessel. Outrunning the waves is tricky and usually leads to broaching. This means you crash into the wave in front, usually as a result of overspeeding on your part, which results into the waves behind pushing the boat sideways along the trough. A sharp and sudden turnabout of breaching can cause capsizing.
Sailing in turbulent seas depends on knowing how to operate your boat safely. You can practice with some of the above techniques which are manoeuvres, on calmer seas, to be well prepared. However, I can safely recommend signing up for a USCG Auxiliary Boating class, or even two, maybe on Weather& Boating or a well-rounded Seamanship course and Boating Skills. Majority of the accidents on water are usually caused by an error on the human part. It will be easier to handle boating in rough areas, if you’re really comfortable handling your boat.
Be calm and safe and you’ll have a smooth sail!
As many might be falling off the New Year’s resolution band wagon, life coach and author Dannie De Novo has a few tips to help people succeed year-round with daily rituals. Dannie, author of Get in a Good Mood & Stay There, says “Your good mood New Year’s resolution success will live and die by the habits you put into place to secure your desired goals. So, it stands to reason that the better the habit, the better the results you will see.”
But the idea of instilling new habits doesn’t usually sound like a fun thing to do. “That’s why I advocate for the adoption of rituals, which are nothing more than patterned behaviors but with a slightly more positive vibe,” Dannie continues. “When you adopt rituals, you train your brain to go through certain programing automatically. At that point, the behavior you desire is no longer ‘work’—you just do it.”
Ritual #1 Meditation
The more frequently you practice meditation, the more the effects sustain themselves throughout your day and throughout your life. Daily meditation practice equals daily sustained good mood.
You don’t have to devote more than a few minutes each day to meditation and you don’t have to be perfect in your practice. Keep it simple. Focus on your breath. Focus on a mantra or affirmation. Focus on the quiet. What your practice should be is meaningful for you. With meaning and connectedness, comes happiness.
Ritual #2 Gratitude
Gratitude is feeling or showing appreciation toward someone or something. A gratitude practice is a daily commitment to focusing your energy and thoughts on what you appreciate. There are few things you can do to build and maintain your happiness as important as exercising daily gratitude.
Gratitude shifts our thinking to the present moment. Gratitude allows us to celebrate what we have now and what we have accomplished. It also allows us to refocus our energy on our dreams and goals.
Ritual #3 Remind yourself of your why
If you don’t remind yourself each and every day why you made the decision to seek and hold on to your good mood, you won’t keep going after that goal.
Remind yourself often of why you made your decision. Take a piece of paper, write out your resolution in big letters at the top, and under your resolution list all the reasons why you are going to accomplish it. Make these statements positive. Place this paper in a visible area and make yourself read it and really reflect on the reasons why you started on this journey and why it is so important for you to continue.
Ritual #4 Be a dreamer
Your imagination is the gateway to your good mood and, ultimately, to your ideal life. You have the amazing ability to form the picture of any life you want and, by so imagining it, then living the life you desire. When your mood is dark and small, so is your world.
Carry with you the attitude of a dreamer. Never stop dreaming—even when things aren’t going your way. See yourself living life in a good mood and hold that picture in the forefront of your mind. You deserve to be happy.
Ritual #5 Something that makes you feel good
I love nature. When I am in and around it, I feel good mental, physically and spiritually. So, I make being outside for each day one of my rituals. I also think movement is important for my good mood. Daily exercise or some kind of movement helps keep everything in balance.
You should be incorporating rituals that make you feel complete and like a better version of yourself. Whether those rituals include journaling, reading, doing affirmations, spending time with pets, spending time with loved ones, or laughing, the idea is the same. Make these good mood activities daily practices that help contribute to an overall good mood.
About Dannie De Novo: Dannie is an author, attorney, coach, entrepreneur and podcast host who loves horses, traveling and learning. Her book Get in a Good Mood & Stay There launched in 2018. She spends her days finding ways to help those who aren’t experiencing the most fulfilling version of their lives. Her greatest job and joy is serving as mom to an amazing beacon of light and hope, her daughter, Carson. To learn move visit: www.DannieDeNovo.com
Plunging into frigid ocean waters with nothing more than a bathing suit on is not necessarily something that a person would do willingly. Unless of course, you are one of thousands of participants taking part in the five plunges that are planned in Cape May County, New Jersey in the next four months. Whatever your reason is to willfully run into a freezing ocean during the winter months, there are some benefits, both entertaining and charitable, to taking the plunge.
How about getting together with your friends? Plan to make it a weekend stay in Sea Isle City for the Polar Bear Plunge set for Feb. 15-17. Revelers have been taking the bitter cold dip in the ocean waters of Sea Isle for more than 25 years. It is not all about the plunge on this third weekend in February. There is plenty to do so plan to be busy from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon.
The official plunge will take place on Saturday, Feb. 16 on the beach between 38th and 40th Sts. beginningwith a costume contest at 12 p.m. at LaCosta Complex at JFK Boulevard and Landis Avenue followed by the Plunge at 2 p.m. www.lacosta-seaisle.com www.seaislechamber.com or www.lacosta-seaisle.com
Sea Isle’s plunge weekend ends on a charitable note on Sunday, Feb. 17 with Mike’s Seafood 5K Run and 1.5-Mile Fun Walk for Autism at 12 p.m. on the city’s promenade. Registration will take place at 9 a.m. at LaCosta. You can also pre-register by visiting www.polarbearrunwalkforautism.
For some participants, plunging for a charitable cause makes the dip into the freezing temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean a little more doable. One such event is the Fallen Heroes Plunge which helps to raise funds for families of police officers lost in the line of duty.
Fallen Heroes Plunge weekend is Feb. 22-23 in North Wildwood. The official plunge takes place on Saturday, Feb. 23 at 11 a.m. at 16th St. and the beach. Weekend activities also include a pizza party on Friday, Feb. 22 and a post plunge party at Keenan’s Irish Pub located at 113 Olde New Jersey Ave. at Noon on Saturday, Feb. 23. Participants can preregister at www.fallenheroplunge2019 or on the day of the plunge at the 15th St. Lifeguard Station beginning at 8:45 a.m. www.FallenHeroPlunge.com
Stone Harbor’s Shiver Weekend set for Mar. 15-16 invites plungers to take a frigid dip in the ocean to benefit Family Promise of Cape May County, a charity that supports, counsels and works to place homeless parents and children in permanent homes.
The Stone Harbor Chamber of Commerce has planned a weekend of events beginning Friday night at the Pre-Shiver Party at The Reeds at Shelter Haven located at 96th St. and Third Ave. For a $20 entry fee, enjoy a delicious buffet, a cash bar and a gift auction.
Fred’s Tavern will host a “Kegs & Eggs” breakfast on Saturday, Mar. 16 before the race. Plungers will receive a Shiver swag bag that includes a Shiver tee or hoodie and are encouraged to wear costumes and/or create a float to commemorate the Shiver. A Deejay will even play a theme song at your request; activities will begin at 12 p.m. at the parking lot at 96th St. and the beach. The official plunge begins at 1:15 p.m. After the plunge, it is back to Fred’s Tavern at 314 96th St. for a post-Shiver party. Visit www.stoneharborbeach.com to register for the Shiver and find a list of activities for the weekend.
In Ocean City, event organizers put a twist on the traditional ocean plunge. The Business Persons Plunge, as it is called, requires that participants wear business attire and carry a brief case. Rather than jumping in, participants march into the ocean from the shoreline at the beginning of Memorial Day Weekend to celebrate the opening of the ocean. The Business Persons Plunge takes place on Friday, May 24 at Noon at Moorlyn Terrace St. and the beach www.oceancityvacation.com
While the idea of plunging into the ocean in frigid temperatures may seem completely insane to you, the list of plunge events and happenings shows that organizers have come up with creative ways to bring visitors to the Jersey Cape in the winter months.
Including a porch to your outside space enhances your deck safety and inserts a perfect frame for better curb appeal. Depending on the style of your house, one can choose different porch railing designs to complement your space and give it a new and fresh look. However, you should keep the different ideas in mind. Right from conventional designs to chic modern look, you have different options to consider. Here are some deck railing ideas for your home improvement.
You are not obliged to follow the linear rules when going for deck railing. Going for curvilinear balusters will wipe out the confined jail look and add to the aesthetics of your porch.
Multilevel decking wipes out the issue of positioning a deck on a slope. Going for wood spindles will add to your modern deck look. Wood is a great idea wo mat decked of your house. Going for a match color scheme will also help.
Perfect for families with pets and children, lattice style deck railing covers lower half while permitting light breeze to drift through. The above half of the deck is widely spaced to allow a good view of the surrounding.
If you want a contemporary deck for your modern house, then going for railing of bronze with copper flashes will be a great idea. The metal adds an amazing patina to your deck.
If you do not want to go the orthodox way, then think outside the box. Go or deck railing made of stainless steel combined by connector fittings. The galvanized steel will give it a radiant and perfect look.
Usually the decks are 36 to 42 inches in height but if you are a private person, then go for bamboo fences which fits perfectly in the interior of your deck. The rolls will be the highlight of the area.
When you stand on your deck railing, you should feel the like the captain of your ship. Well the prow decking gives you the exactly same experience. The white paint and railing stands out from the construction of your house. A small round garden adds to the charming visibility.
If you have a modern house, then you can use large brick pillars with flat tops and narrow metal grids together for your porch. Copying the grill of your windows here would be a good idea. You can choose any color scheme for the brick and metal grids.
If it is all about the spectacular view for you, then see through deck railing will be the best idea for you. the large seating area with safety and no sense of enclosure will serve your purpose very well.
If you are looking brilliant house improvement and deck railing ideas, then click here to get more details.
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