How To Teach Children Emotional Intelligence

Children are exceptionally bright and often think they know everything by the time they reach ten. In fact by this age they will have developed many of the life skills they need, with a little help from you that means the ability to talk to others, self-confidence and emotional intelligence.

Part of this can involve choosing an early learning center such as the Star Academy Kids which will really believe in your child and help their inquisitive minds engage with the world round them. Choosing the right early learning centre is an important part of boosting their emotional intelligence. Here are some of the other measures you can do to teach emotional intelligence:


It is important to understand that there are times when your child simply can’t deal with what has happened. You might feel frustrated by their inability but you need to emphasize with them.

A good example of this is dealing with a child that doesn’t want to do what you’ve told them to. Instead of just telling them that’s the way it is accept that they have an opinion. Let them know that you know and understand their perspective but that they need to do it how you’ve asked.

You will be acknowledging their position which will make them feel good; even if they still have to do it your way.


It’s important that your children are allowed to express their emotions. It doesn’t matter of they’re scared or angry or even upset, by allowing them to express themselves you’ll prevent them from repressing emotions throughout their life.

You can build on this by encouraging your child to communicate their feelings, even if you have to wait for them to calm down! You can also use this to bond with them. For example, if they are nervous about speaking in front of their class you can tell them you used to get nervous too and encourage them to talk about their feelings.


It doesn’t matter if you know your child is wrong. When they are angry let them vent and then acknowledge their feelings. What this will show them is that it’s acceptable and good to vent your emotions but that there is a time and place to do this.

In this process you’ll allow them to reach a calm and cooperative place and use healthy expression, this is good for your body and mental health.

Problem Solving

Everyone reacts strongly to certain issues in life. You can teach your child to handle this response from a young age. Allow them to vent and then talk to them regarding their emotions. You should discuss what they can do to deal with the issue in hand and allow them to take the appropriate action.

You’ll teach them that they need to work through their own emotions before dealing with the issue and finding an appropriate solution.

The idea of using emotion to change your approach is one that everything can apply in life; if your child witnesses you doing it then they will certainly copy!