Balance Bars- Review and Giveaway

Did you know that in a recent study out of the University of Bristol found almost 80% of New Year’s resolutions are broken within the first month of the year. I think this statistic is insane, yet completely believable. By setting unattainable goals and little support, this is an unfortunate reality. There is some hope for those of us trying to lose weight and get healthier, and that is with Balance Bar. Their most recent campaign is all about helping people “Outlast” their new year’s resolution. But teaming up with a certified life coach and Balance Bar Guru, Amber Rosenberg, you too can have a healthier outlook on life and shed those pounds in a healthy way.


To start here are a few helpful tips:

1) Set short-term goals as well as long-term goals. Instead of shooting to lose a pants size, try instead to set a smaller goal like replacing that afternoon stop at the vending machine with a healthy snack. Try cutting out that soda with lunch and opt for the fruit juice or water first. Balance Bars make this easy because not only are the healthy but also are the perfect size to bring along with you wherever you [Read more…]