Top Tips for Traveling With Your Dog

Here are some top tips to consider when traveling with your dog 

Did you know that 85 million Americans own some type of pet? While there are all different kinds of pets out there, undoubtedly, the most popular pet is the dog. 


In fact, over 60 million households in the US have a dog. And it’s no wonder why so many people own dogs – they can be absolutely life-changing. 


However, with all the benefits that come with owning a dog, there are some drawbacks. For example, figuring out what to do with your dog when you’re on vacation can be a huge hassle. 


But we’ve got some good news for you. 


You no longer need to leave your pup behind and make accommodations for it. Instead, you can take your dog on vacation with you. But, before you travel with your dog, there are some things you need to know. 


Check out this guide to learn the top tips for traveling with your dog. 

1. Choose Dog-Friendly Locations 

First things first, you want to plan for traveling with your dog ahead of time by picking a location to travel to that is dog-friendly, starting with the country. 


It may come as a surprise to you, but many destinations around the world are not suitable for domesticated dogs. So, be sure to check the US travel site about your country of choice to find out how pet-friendly the location is, if your dog will need any shots, and any other precautions you need to take. 


In addition to the country, you should also make sure you choose a dog-friendly accommodation. Luckily, dog-friendly accommodations are wildly popular. For example, check out these dog-friendly cottages


Lastly, you want to make sure the airline or form of transportation you take is also dog-friendly. And, keep in mind that some airlines require your dog to sit below with the cargo. If you’re not comfortable with this, you’ll want to choose a different airline. 

2. Pack for Your Pet 

Just like humans, dogs also like to have some creature comforts with them when they travel.


Dogs love routine, so try to keep everything as close to their routine as possible by bringing all of their creature comforts from home. This includes food, treats, bowls, leashes, brushes, and medications. 


It’s also usually a good idea to bring your own water from home. While this may sound excessive, dogs can have major sensitivities to different water systems, so it’s best not to tempt it. 

With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to have a great vacation with your pooch

3. Be Prepared for Emergencies 

No matter how careful you are when traveling with your dog, emergencies can happen. For example, you can lose your dog or your dog can get sick. 


If you’re traveling in a country where you don’t speak the language, then make sure you can say some “dog-friendly” phrases in the local language. For example, “I lost my dog”, “Have you seen my dog?”, or “Is this place dog-friendly”?


Also, you want to be prepared in the event your dog gets sick. Talk to your veterinarian, and see if they can recommend a local vet in the area that you are traveling to. 


With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to have a great vacation with your pooch. Comment below if you have any questions about these dog-friendly travel tips.

Sensory Overload: The Best San Francisco Sights, Smells, and Tastes

In 2016, San Francisco welcomed 4.41 million overnight visitors, according to Statista. Despite the elusive fog, Pacific Coast sights and scents continue to make this hilly city a hot tourist destination. The suggestions below are sure to guide you through San Francisco’s bests.

Serenity in the Commotion of Visiting a Big City

Image via Flickr by Goodnight London

Want to escape some of the city crowds and spend time in some of the more tranquil parts of town? Be sure to book the ideal getaway using InterContinental Hotels Group to find San Francisco hotels with proximity to one of these harmonious corners of the city. 

If a pamper day is in your future, look no farther than Kabuki Springs for a relaxing spa experience followed by a serene experience in the communal baths. Once you’ve allowed Asian-style treatments to calm your senses, continue to indulge them throughout the city. Let nature spoil your senses with a stroll through San Francisco Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park. Fifty-five acres of an urban arborist oasis showcase over 8,500 different types of plants from around the globe. Raise your awareness of and appreciate the olfactory delights in the Garden of Fragrance, designed in 1965 as a garden experienced entirely by smell and touch.

Alluring Seaside Sights

For urban views with a coastal twist, be sure to scale the 210-foot tower in Telegraph Hill for 360-degree views of the city and bay. This fluted tower, funded by and named for Lillie Hitchcock Coit as a memorial to the city’s volunteer firefighters, has earned itself a spot on Foursquare’s The 15 Best Places with Scenic Views in San Francisco. If you’re looking for a more natural location for beautiful views, Corona Heights Park is the place to be in the city. The metropolitan skyline receding into the vast sea provides the ideal landscape to discover.

Venture out for some fitness with a view and take a walk or jog over the Golden Gate Bridge. At 1.7 miles one way, you’ll receive a great workout while gazing upon the San Francisco Bay, Gulf of the Farallones, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and the city of San Francisco itself.

Tempt the Palate

The restaurant possibilities in San Francisco are endless; however, some key establishments deserve your attention. Start your day with a classic American breakfast or brunch at Sweet Maple. With friendly, attentive service, and top-quality locally sourced organic ingredients, you won’t wonder why everyone raves about the Millionaire’s Bacon or the Big Hip deep-fried French toast. Any restaurant with a bottomless mimosa and bloody mary option is a great place to start your morning.

The El Techo is the one-spot stop for beautiful rooftop patio views, vibrant decor, street eats, and thirst-quenching cocktails. Line up early to gain a spot at this highly coveted eatery. If it’s stylish seafood you’re looking for, look no farther than Waterbar. If the spectacular water views and magnificent seafood alone don’t pull you in, then their high standards of sustainability, variety, and excellence for the sourcing, preparation, and presentation of food will.

Exploring this city is a way to overload the senses and create lasting memories embedded deep within your being.

4 Simple Ways to Eliminate Stress When Traveling as a Family

Vacations are planned with hope and optimistic anticipation. Unfortunately, sometimes vacations can cause more stress than they can relieve. Because of this, we listed a few simple ways to alleviate a great deal of unnecessary stress that can be brought on by a family vacation. 


Rent a Car

When you rent a car, you are on your own timeline. You can relax at the restaurant because you do not need to worry about the last public transportation bus leaving at a certain time. You can stay out as long as you like, or if the kids are getting fussy, you can leave as early as you like. Public transportation with kids is more stressful than it is worth. 


But sometimes car hire can be very stressful, too. Because of this, be sure to plan your rental in advance, so you get a car that is roomy enough for your family. Renting the car online well in advance will also save you money. Plan a little ahead as to what will benefit your family the most.


It is also nice to rent a car even for road trips so that there is less of a chance for the car breaking down. Since rental cars are almost always new and boast low mileage, they are less likely to fall apart in the middle of a road trip. Or if heaven forbid a car accident occurred, you can return the car and swap it for a new one on the road as opposed to waiting for your vehicle to get fixed.


Plan Relaxation for Yourself and Fun for the Kids

Whether it is a ski trip or beach getaway, be sure to have activities planned for the kids. These trips are simple because a day of skiing easily wears kids out while you can go and get a massage or shop. The beach or pool also wears kids out, but you can still keep a close eye on them as you work on your tan. 


Smart planning for the activities you and your kids can enjoy will keep everyone happy. The kids will stay entertained and have fun while you get to sit back and relax. If you plan on taking on the task of entertaining your kids the whole trip, you will likely be more exhausted from the trip than you were before the vacation. So plan your relaxation beforehand and keep the kids busy during that time so the whole family can get the most out of the vacation.


Pack Games and Distractions for Travel Times

The travel itself is the hardest part of vacations with the family. Whether it is a long road trip in a crammed car or a flight with limited leg room, it is never fun to manage children in compact spaces for long periods of time. 


In order to combat this, be sure to pack many distractions. It can be in the form of handheld video games or movies. It can also be word games, card games, or coloring. Just be sure to have distractions available for your kids to stay entertained. 



Hanger has no mercy when it seeks victims. Both young and old are not immune to their mood being affected by an empty belly. Pack or buy plenty of snacks along the way so there is always something to keep the family satisfied. A great deal of drama can be avoided with simple snacks.


You can make the snacking fun as well by trying local small bites or favorites from home.


Vacations are always planned with good intentions but sometimes they can be a nightmare. To avoid any extra stress, keep these tips in mind so you can enjoy your time away with your family.

How to Travel with No Money: A Guide to Help Fund Your Adventure- Guest Post

The following is a guest post. The opinions are those of the author.

Thinking of traveling but don’t have adequate money to facilitate your trip? Well, don’t worry yourself too much. There are many incredible ways to travel with no money and in an affordable way.

You don’t need to be rich to travel. You just need to be creative on how to travel with no money. And the best way to do this is by learning smart ways to find and save money for travel.

Read on to discover some of the best tips to help you travel for free or save tons of money on your adventure:

1. Discover Ways to Earn Free Flights

The biggest hindrance when traveling, especially abroad, is the cost of flights and accommodation. If you can find a way to do away with both of these factors, you can travel to almost anywhere in the world.

There are many ways to earn free flights today. You can sign up for several travel credit cards, use them to collect points, and get mileage for free. Credit cards have many rewards that people fail to explore because they aren’t aware of them.

Sign up for an airline card plus a general rewards card and collect points on both of them. When traveling, combine the bonus balances from the two cards and earn yourself a free or very cheap flight to your destination.

2. Hunt for Free Accommodation

It’s easy to get free accommodation today at your destination if you’re willing to do a thorough search. Many people are trying this technique and find it to be one of the best ways to cut travel expenditure.

There are many reasons and services that locals would allow you to stay at their house for free. Various websites link travelers with such locals. Couchsurfing is a good example.

Your host may offer you a room, couch, or even an air mattress during your stay. Don’t be shy to ask for free accommodation, even on your social media site. Today, a simple statement on Twitter such as, “Hey guys, I’m traveling to this city on this date – does anyone want to host me?” can get you free accommodation and a tour guide.

3. Take Advantage of The Sharing Economy

In recent years, people have become more willing to share services that make traveling easier and cheaper. Aside from sharing accommodation, it’s now easy to find fellow travelers willing to share rides, meals, gear, train tickets, and more.

When you use websites that link you with locals acting as small tourism companies, you can cut your travel costs by more than half. Locals offer the same services that traditional travel industry companies do, but at a lower price by far.

They know where the cheapest product offers are, what restaurants and bars have the best services and prices, as well as the best ways to commute around your destination with the lowest fares.

4. Get a Payday Loan

If you find a travel opportunity that you must take advantage of but don’t have the cash to fund it, a payday loan can come in handy. A payday loan is the easiest way to get quick cash without having to bother friends, family, or colleagues.

It’s easy to apply for a payday loan if your credit score is okay and you meet all the other requirements by a lender. If you have previously made applications but keep getting denied for payday loans, talk to your lender and see what could be the problem.

If your credit score is the issue, you can consider taking a payday loan for bad credit. You can also take time to rebuild your credit score so that you qualify next time.

5. Offer a Service in Exchange of Free Hosting

There is so much that you can do for a host to allow you to stay at their place for free. For example, you can offer to watch their house or pets while they are away. This could entail feeding their pets, watering their plants, or even watching their kids.

The host rests easy, knowing their house is in good hands while you get the chance to enjoy free hosting. A good example of websites where you can find such clients is and

You can also do something to benefit the community around your destination in exchange for accommodation. For instance, you could help the locals build houses or schools, or even teach them English.

Another great way on how to travel with no money is working for the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. This is a platform that allows you to work on a farm in exchange for free rooms and food. It’s a great way to explore new places with no money.

6. Crowdfund Your Trip

It may sound crazy, but it’s possible. Crowdfunding is simply getting people to come together and fund your goal. It’s mostly utilized by startup companies seeking capital to grow their business, but travelers can use it too.

You only need to go to sites like GoFundMe and Indiegogo to explain to people why they should fund your trip. If your story is relatable and somehow inspirational, you’re likely to get all the funding you need for your trip. Most volunteers traveling to a destination to help a community often get recognized in such platforms.

7. Airbnb Your Home or Apartment for Travel Funds

Airbnb is currently one of the best ways to find accommodation for travelers. It’s cheaper than hotels and easy to find.

The good thing with this platform is that it can also help you fund your trip when you want to travel with no money. Just place your home or apartment on Airbnb for the period you’ll be away and earn on it. You’ll most likely make more than you will spend at your destination.

Tips on How to Travel With no Money

Money is a significant determinant of whether one should travel or not, but it shouldn’t always be the deal breaker. Try out all the above tips on how to travel with no money, and you’ll realize how easy it can be to fund your adventure.

Read on to find more informative and exciting topics on travel on our blog. 

What Are The Benefits Of An Annual Travel Insurance Policy?


There are millions of people around the world who love to travel and take a trip at every chance they get. If you are one of these people you are most likely very aware of how important travel insurance is. But were you also aware of the option to buy an annual travel insurance policy? This type of policy is perfect for anyone who travels frequently and is looking to save money on travel insurance. A lot of companies will have different annual policies available, so it is certainly worth looking into if you are a frequent flyer.


You may be wondering if an annual insurance policy will be the right choice for you, as there are some benefits and some drawbacks depending on your travel frequency. A lot of this is going to depend on the numbers and figures, but there are other things to consider too. We have put together a few things to think about before you decide on your travel insurance policy.


Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of buying travel insurance on a yearly basis.


Who Doesn’t Like Saving Money?


This may sound pretty simple to most people, but who doesn’t like to save a few bucks here and there? Depending on how often you travel, an annual policy could end up saving you big time. If you take numerous trips per year look back at your records and add up how much you paid for insurance on each individual trip. The number you come up with may be larger than you think, as things can add up fast. With an annual policy, you know exactly what you are going to spend each year and will be covered for every trip you take. This may add up to big savings when comparing all the separate insurance purchases.


It’s So Easy!


Another great benefit to buying a yearly insurance policy is how simple it is to deal with. If you only have one company and one policy to deal with, it is going to be much easier if you have to talk to someone or even make a claim. You will be more familiar with what your policy offers as you won’t have to relearn things every time you take a trip. You are basically streamlining your insurance for the year and this is going to cause less stress and headaches when you go on holiday.


You Never Know What Will Happen


We could really say this about everything in life, but you really can’t plan and prepare for everything. Having an annual policy in place may very well keep you protected from the unknown all year long when you are out of the country. If you have a medical emergency when you are away you want to make sure your policy is in place, and with an annual policy, there is no chance of forgetting to take out travel insurance as you are already protected. It is much nicer to have year-round protection for emergencies that don’t happen than to have something happen and then be stuck with the bill.


Do You Travel Enough?


Only you can decide what type of travel insurance policy is going to be the right choice for your situation. There are a lot of factors to weigh up when deciding on the best policy, so be sure not to rush your decision. Take a look at the benefits versus the cost with an annual plan and you may find yourself in a position to save money and have a more convenient insurance experience. You have a lot of different choices when it comes to travel insurance, so be sure to do your research.

Ireland – a travel guide

So you are planning to travel to Ireland but have no idea on what to expect? Well, you need not worry as this is just a destination like any other. Having said this, it is always important to understand the traditions of a country and their way of life to avoid misunderstandings and awkward situations. The Irish people are known to be laid back, relaxed, and genuinely welcoming. However, it is important to understand the dos and don’ts in Ireland to help you socialize much better.

Meeting and greeting people

When meeting new people in Ireland, always keep it casual. You will be surprised to learn that the Irish are generally talkative and love engaging even with total strangers. In most cases, such discussions will revolve around the weather as there is so much to talk about the weather in Ireland. However, you do not want to touch on politics unless you want to engage in a long and heated discussion on the same.

Handshake or a kiss?

The Irish may use several forms of greeting, but the most preferred is a casual handshake. This is especially so for strangers. However, friends and relatives may go for a kiss on both cheeks. So unless you are already acquainted, keep it casual to the handshake and you will be good to go.

Ordering and paying

For as long as you will be in Ireland, you will have to interact with the food service or pub personnel.  Usually, these settings do not have table service. When you get to a bar, for instance, you will order and pay for your drinks then decide on whether to take them home or simply sit at a table to drink. Notably, Irish bars do not have the tab system. As such, expect to pay for your food or drinks as and when you are ordering.


Tipping is a universal practice, and Ireland is not an exception. However, most restaurants in Ireland prefer to apply a service charge which technically replaces the tip, but in cases where you still feel the service has been good, a 10 – 15% tip is acceptable. Some more casual restaurants will, however, have a bowl or plate where you can leave your tip, and this can be distributed among the staff. As much as most of those in service do not necessarily depend on tips for their income, they will still appreciate the gesture nevertheless.


Ireland banned smoking in public spaces in 2004. This includes places like restaurants, bars, offices, shops, public transport and all other public indoors places. As such, you can only smoke in your home or in designated smoking zones.

By following these customs and traditions, you can expect to have a good time in Ireland. To be on the safe side, make friends with the locals who can help you better understand other aspects of their culture ranging from religion to politics and general knowledge. With all said and done, Ireland is a great place to visit and you can be sure of having a good time during your stay at Donegal Thatch Cottages.

Amazing Temples in the World

There are approximately 4,000 different religions practised in the world today. I find it quite fascinating that while we’re all human, we’re so different from each other. And these numbers are only what seems like a proper religion. There are many tribes practising different traditions which act like their religion. While some places are cordoned off for outsides, there are some temples you can check out to get a sense of the people and their beliefs there. If you’re respectful, I see no harm in exploring around.

Learn about a different side of history

While most of the history is composed of wars and conflicts, along with new discoveries and such, another side of it is the religion. I think it’s interesting to learn about different traditions and beliefs as well as the reason behind it. Some religions evolve with time while some stay the same. On my trip to Bangkok in Thailand, I visited a few of their temples and pagodas. The huge Buddha statues and the utmost respect people have for him. It was fun to tour around and learn about it all. 

Wat Rong Khun, Thailand

Located in Chiang Rai, it’s also known as the white temple. The colour white actually symbolizes the purity of Buddha. Looking like something out of a wintery fairy-tale, the architecture itself symbolizes a lot of things. The glittering glass used in places is a representation of the infinite wisdom of Buddha. Due to Thailand’s culture, architecture is a mix of Thai and Hindu. The overall vibe is very serene as there’s a tranquil lake upfront. There are many paintings of Buddha inside and new ones are being added. 

Tigers Nest Monastery, Bhutan

Lodged on the side of the cliffs in the upper Paro Valley, this is one of the most sacred locations in Bhutan. The second Buddha who introduced the religion in Tibet, Guru Padmasambhava, is said to have meditated here for a long time. Built back in 1692, this monastery is 3000 meters above sea level. As you can tell, people have to go on a long challenging trek just to get here. But I personally think that the whole mystical vibe and the views are worth the effort. If you want the full experience try to visit during the festival of Tsechu, which honours the second Buddha.

Temple of Heaven, Beijing

A huge complex of religious buildings that were established back in the 15th century by the Ming Dynasty to honour the sky. It’s one of the largest ancient temples in all of China. There is a round wall around it that represents the sky and a rectangle one outside that, representing earth. While considered a Taoist temple, back then it was used by the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties who lead prayers up to the heavens to help with the annual harvest. This heaven worship along with a ritual of sacrifice predates Taoism. This great temple is also a UNESCO heritage site.

Prambanan, Indonesia

This Hindu temple contains 3 buildings dedicated to Trimurtis, to Gods of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The one dedicated to Shiva is the highest and located in the centre. Each of the building has many rooms as well as a statue of the respective deity. From afar, you’ll see intricate designs and the visible proof of old age since it was built back in the 10th century. Since it’s dedicated to Hinduism, it’s built using the same architectural styles of other Hindu temples. It’s the largest religious complex in all of Java. Take a guided tour because while it’s a sacred place, it’s also an excellent historic site.

Golden Temple, India

Built back in 1604 by Guru Ram Das Ji, the fourth Sikh Guru, it’s one of the most sacred places for Sikhs. Located in the Punjab region of India, it’s not just painted golden but the marble building is actually gold plated! The way it shines in the sun makes it seem like some surreal holy place. It’s also home to the holiest text in Sikh religion, Guru Granth Sahib. With entrances on all four sides of it, it welcomes people from all over the world. Plus it’s also a wonderful place for positive charity as more than 35000 people are fed here for free. Follow the dress code to enter here and have a look around.

Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar

Located in Yangon, Myanmar, this place is the most famous Buddhist temple in all of Asia as its home to 8 pieces of hair of Buddha. In fact, this marvellous temple was built during the time of Buddha, around 2600 years ago. Taphussa and Bhalika, who built this impressive structure actually got a chance to meet Lord Buddha back in BC 588, right after he had been enlightened. He gave them 8 pieces of his hair which inspired them to build this temple. It was them plated with gold while the top parts are decorated with thousands of diamonds. If you’d like to see a good example of Buddhist architecture then make sure you visit here.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Deemed as the largest religious monument in the whole world, as it sprawls over 401 acres and reaches the height as high as 700 feet. It’s a delight to check it out, marvelling at the Hindu architecture of the place. It was built by Suryavarman II back in the 12th century in tribute to Lord Vishnu. Sadly, over the centuries the temple went through a rough time and was destroyed to some extent. It was later restored and fixed by the Khmer empire. This mixed some Buddhist influence in the Hindu architecture. The top of the temples was beautifully decorated and designed by the Khmer Empire. It’s also unique because unlike other temples it faces west. Take a guided tour of the place to view the many sculpted decorations and statues. The history behind it is also very fascinating especially due to the fact that it went such changes. The mix of ancient and the Khmer influence is pretty clear.

Mystique, Mediterranean and the luxuriously magical land of Morocco

In this fast-paced world, all of us are in a headlong rush to achieve our goals as fast as we can. For students it is achieving the highest marks, for some adults it means working longer hours for that Christmas Bonus. However, in the end, it does take a toll on you and the sheer stress of it can drive anyone crazy. That is why you might need a good long break that relaxes and revives you for the next quarterly. And what better way to relax than dive deep into the heart of comfort and pampering by opting for the best villas to rent in Morocco, ones that massage away the weariness from your bones?

Located at the Northern part of Africa and lining the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, Morocco can offer you just that and then some. Pastel hued with its turquoise waters and palm trees and ceramic arts, Morocco continues to rise in demand amongst people who want something different from the European experience. 

At the heart of its seemingly boho and eccentric cities, are resorts and villas lined up to offer you that luxurious experience that you have been craving. Many of these exude the local culture yet combine with it the world class luxury of exotic gastronomic delights by master chefs and sensually deep massages and restful evenings at the sauna. And if you wish for some privacy and a place away from the din of the city, here are our favourite luxurious villas that combine the best of all these worlds:

Villa Acqua

This stunning villa has three bedrooms with three ensuite bathrooms that can accommodate up to six guests. It is located in a secluded area within the one of the medieval cities of this country. This seclusion offers you privacy to enjoy your luxurious getaway in peace. It is an ideal vacation spot for a large group or a small destination wedding. There is an L shaped pool lined with lush olive and palm trees and you can dive in to wash away the sweltering heat of the day. Or maybe an afternoon of music and Barbeque calls more to your soul. Head to the Petanque court invites you for afternoon games or enjoy golfing the lush golfing fields. After a full day of spas and massages and wines that make your taste-buds dance, link arms with your partner and watch the sun set beyond the palm trees, as you sip on delicious cocktail concoctions that the staff brew for you.


Villa Noelle

Located in Tassoultante, Morocco this villa provides a high scale private estate for you and your family. You will be enthralled by the well-maintained gardens and lush greenery of the palm trees. Noelle is designed in such a way that it reflects the Moroccan culture and its art. The villa buildings are splashed with colours that complement yet contrast each other and breathe culture and class. Local pieces of art adorn the rooms and expert chefs offer up platters full of one gastronomic delight after the other. End the day by lounging by the pool with your friends, wine in hand and the wind in your hair and swishing among the olive branches.


This exquisite villa can accommodate up to twelve guests in its six spacious bedrooms. The villa is located in a lush park which doubles up as a golf course and provides a comfortable stay for both golfers and families. Amelkis provides a lot of amenities and horseback riding is just one of them. Amelkis is not just for relaxing, though, and, for the ones who seek a little adrenaline everywhere, you can join the Equestrian club and zip through the expansive grounds atop glorious beasts that are friendly and fierce. The best part? Amelkis is known for its expert chefs and the delicacies that they offer up on platters to its guests. And once you are done enjoying all that, you can head to the spa with world class amenities and enjoy massages that pamper your heart and your aching muscles.



Loka is a uniquely styled villa that classily combines comfort with sheer serenity. Located in a secluded area just outside the city’s cultural centre and golf courses, it gives all the access and amenities that come with living near the city yet does away with all the din and noise of the busy streets. The villa itself is grand and spacious and has ample sample for anyone who wants to read a book beneath a palm tree in peace. It can house up to sixteen people in its lush expanse yet it never seems crowded, making it one of the best options if you are travelling in groups. The villa breathes old imperial air with its palatial and grand interiors. Also, world class spa facilities for you to let the stress out of your system. Palm trees line the pool and one can just lounge there with book and wine or take a dip in its sparkling blue waters. And after a long day of play and shopping, you can satiate the wolves in your stomach with scrumptious delicacies that the kitchen staff prepare fresh for you and only you. Bring a perfect end to the night with friends by your side and cocktails in hand and the roaring fire in the fireplace queitly ushering the cold nights away.