4 Travel Scams to Avoid- Know Before You Go

Travelling within or outside a country for a vacation can be quite thrilling. The thought of spending your nights in a cozy hotel or perhaps visiting restaurants in Memphis for some crazy Korean noodle is exhilarating. But all this excitement can get ruined by travel scams. 

Research by AHLA indicates that travel fraud has become rampant with Americans making 28.5 million fake bookings per year. This translate to about $5.2 billion annually. Stop Online Booking Scams Act has been in place since 2016 to crack down scammers. However, the world is still wild, and you have to play your part.

Watch out the following travel scams and learn how to avoid them. 

Fake Booking Websites

Thanks to the internet that you can now book a hotel for your vacation or business trip at the comfort of your couch. But scammers will try to get ahead of you. Today, you can book a hotel directly on their website or use a third party. Scammers will come up with a website- acting as a third party and convince you to book with them.

In fact, most of them will give you a huge discount, and if excitement overshadows your instincts, then you will get scammed. Scammers might also create a website that looks like the real website or that of a known booking site like Airbnb. Once you make your “booking”, they will disappear with your money. 

To avoid this version of a travel scam, ensure you book directly with the hotel. But if you decide to make your bargaining using a third party, ensure the webpage is trustworthy. Read reviews and seek recommendations from friends and relatives who have used the site.

More so, ensure Better Business Bureau approves the site

Car Scam

When you visit a foreign country, you might decide to hire a car and drive around to any place you want. Thanks to wayfinding signage that will direct you to any point of interest. Cars are convenient, comfortable, and provides personal security and privacy.

Now, you rent a car, but upon bringing it back, the owner claims you have to make extra payments for damages you didn’t know. If you don’t have any proof, you will end up paying for expensive repairs you didn’t even cause. 

If you want to avoid this kind of scenario, take photos of the car and document any damages. If possible, go around with the owner taking photos to clear any doubt. Also, keep the car out of the owner’s sight. Some people might get malicious and send someone to mess the vehicle or steal to make you pay for it.

Additionally, buy travel insurance to help you claim in case of any issue.

The Taxi Overcharge

You land, and you’re trying to fight off with jetlag. All you want is to get to your hotel room and catch up with some cuisine. You call for a taxi, and the driver tells you the meter is broken.

Others will tend to charge you more than necessary. 

To avoid being overcharged, ask the hotel front desk the rate from your pick-up point. Cab services like Uber have almost constant rates. Although rates can sometimes change, the variant won’t be huge.

Most of the tourism boards allow you to report fraudulent cab drivers. That’s why it’s essential to have the driver’s ID number to report any incidence. Finally, ensure you only board a licensed cab.

Free Gifts

By now, you should know that nothing is for free. This travel scam works whereby a friendly person approaches you for a chat and then place a hat on your head, or bracelet on your wrist. Once you have the gift, then they will for demand money.

These scammers won’t accept their items back. Instead, they will try to cause a scene hoping you will pay than getting embarrassed.

Don’t accept anything from anyone. But in case they put it on you, return it and be adamantly firm about it. 


Travelling should not be stressful or scary. Heed to the above advice and your trip will be enjoyable and scam-free.

8 Travel Tips For Women Seasoned Travelers Swear By

Samantha Feuss

These days there is a trend going on around the world where people want to travel. Especially solo trips have taken over the world with a storm. As we all know, women are not behind men and can do whatever they want. A recent survey by Booking.com proofs that 65% of women travel on their own.

Undoubtedly, traveling is fun, but you also must be health-conscious, especially when you are traveling alone and to a different country. Being a solo women traveler is tough. You have to take care of yourself. Buying an insurance policy will help you cover your travel and health-related problems. 

Moreover, you should also opt for travel insurance which has provisions for insuring your health in foreign land. Health insurance provision in the travel insurance will provide you financial support in case of hospitalization due to health issues. And you can enjoy the vacation without any trouble.

The idea of packing your bag and going on a solo trip might seem exciting, even natural (thanks to social media), going on a trip alone can be a bit challenging. 

But don’t let your fears hold you back! Here are some travel trips for a safe and comfortable solo female travel experience.

Do your homework

For many travelers, planning and researching are almost as fun as traveling! Take some time off from searching most beautiful beaches and coolest cities, take some time to look up safety information for where you are headed. Information like 

  • What are the exchange rate, customs restrictions, and visa requirements
  • How’s their public transportations system and are there certain taxis you should avoid
  • Which neighborhood you should avoid 
  • What cell phone plan you should buy
  • When it comes to your hotels, how are its rating for safety
  • What are their local customs and traditions so you can carry yourself accordingly

Also, you can avoid the outfits that scream “tourist!”. You can learn about there culture so that you can show as much respect you can. You can also try to learn some phrases and words in the local language; it makes a lot of difference.

Light packing

  • Use packing cubes to store your accessories and clothes. Packing cubes are inexpensive, light, and total game-changer in keeping things organized.
  • Secondly, pack clothes that can you can wear in multiple ways.

Also, you should carry a day bag in which you can fit all your relevant documents like:

  • Passport
  • Camera
  • Medication 
  • Credit cards 
  • Smartphone 
  • Jewelry
  • Other valuable essentials 

Make sure you take this bag with you everywhere. And also you should be carrying backup copies of all essential travel documents on your phone, computer, and in your luggage.

Share your itinerary

Always share your plan with someone whom you trust. ( a friend, family, or a colleague back home). Keep them informed about

  • Your accommodations 
  • Flight details 
  • Full itinerary
  • Credit cards 
  • Travel insurance  


  • Share reception’s number of your accommodation for emergency purposes.
  • Plan everything for a day and share it with your friends or family.
  • Connect with your loved ones via daily emails, texts, social media updates, or regular skype chats.

Sharing your itinerary with your loved ones will not only assuage the fears of your loved ones but also be useful in case of any trouble.

Trust your instincts 

  • If you are traveling alone, always trust your instincts.
  • If you are feeling something is off, walk away from that person or place immediately. 
  • Always trust your guts.
  • If you feel like you have every right to change hotels, get out of a cab, fly to a different city, or walk away from someone or someplace.
  • Always stay alert of your surroundings.   
  • Leave the area immediately if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. 

Moderate your alcohol consumption 

Getting drunk while you are traveling is a big no-no. Alcohol dulls your senses and slows your reaction time, which in turns make you vulnerable to others. That doesn’t mean you should altogether avoid drinking. You should take care of the following aspects:

  • Instead of drinking slowly, pace yourself.
  • Eat before and during drinking
  • Have a glass of water in between each drink
  • Always take drinks directly from the bartender
  • Resist the pressure to keep up with others, who might be able to drink more than you.
  • Limit your consumption
  • Make sure you have someone who can help you to go back to the hotel without being the target on the streets.   

Safety should be your priority 

You are in a different country, with a diverse society with a diverse background of people. Your preference should be your safety. Here are some safety rules that you can follow:

  • Travel during the daytime.
  • Avoid walking by yourself late at night.
  • Carry a safety whistle or pepper spray at all times.
  • Travel via cabs, prefer using Uber, Ola, or any other apps as they provide driver’s details.
  • Always carry your accommodations emergency number whenever you go out.

Get Travel Insurance 

Do you need travel insurance? Absolutely. It could save your life, and currently, with so many online providers, there’s no reason not to get it. Getting travel insurance can provide you loads of help. Some of which are mention below 

  • Whether your luggage is lost
  • You end up in a political coup
  • You end up in a natural disaster 
  • You need to go to the hospital while on the road
  • Or you are robbed 

Travel insurance will reimburse all your expenses and will provide you with the security you need.

If the very worst happens and you end up losing your life, right travel insurance will allow your family to bring your body home without paying tens of thousands of dollars and getting wrapped up in mountains of red tape.

In short, if you can’t afford travel insurance, you shouldn’t be traveling in the first place.

Spend some extra money on staying safe 

 It’s essential to have additional budget toward staying safe.

Let’s say your flight lands on a rough city late at night, in that case; you should spend more money on the guesthouse that will pick you up from the airport instead of taking a cheap bus into the town and trying to find a hotel on foot.

 It means paying more to stay in a central neighborhood with lots of lively activity instead of a cheaper, quiet residential area where you feel isolated.

Build an extra financial cushion into your trip and use it for situations like these — ones where you could be a little bit safer if you spent a little more.


                                     No Matter What Don’t Go Easy On Your Health 

Life is too short, so you should enjoy, experience and explore new things. But regardless of all these, you should never compromise with your health, especially on a foreign trip. Your normal health insurance may not cover hospitalization expenses in a foreign country. However, a travel insurance plan with health insurance cover may even give you cashless hospitalization benefit. You may ensure that health insurance covers women with specific health issues well.

If you are traveling solo, your travel insurance with women specific health insurance could be your best companion for a worry-free trip.


Three Tips to Help You Find the Best Hotel in Nairobi

Visiting a stunning country such as Nairobi can be one of the most life-changing experiences of your entire life. With all of its amazing sites, beautiful people, and incredible culture, you’ll be overwhelmed by just how much there is to take in. Finding a quality place to settle down after your days exploring will be incredibly important. However, many new visitors have found that finding the perfect hotel can actually end up being more of a challenge than they initially expected. Making sure you stay in a reputable and equally luxurious space will be incredibly important and so here are the top three tips that you should keep in mind to find the perfect hotel for you and your traveling companions today.   

Beautiful Rooms 

Nowadays, hotels are expected to show their rooms ahead of time and with good reason. Guests want to know exactly what kind of accommodations they’re paying for before they agree or sign any sort of room agreements. When it comes to finding your ideal Nairobi hotel, making sure you take a good look at the rooms available on the hotel website will be absolutely critical. That way, you can feel confident that you’ll know what to expect upon your arrival. 

Awards and Accolades 

Another important factor that can help ensure you end up in the best hotels in Nairobi city centre will be to check whether or not they’ve earned any sort of awards or accolades in the last recent years. These awards are often recognition of exemplary work and maintaining the highest possible standards. By staying at a hotel that’s earned this sort of recognition, you can rest assured knowing that you’ll be paying for a not only a room that you’ll feel comfortable in, but an experience that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. 

In-House Dining

While you certainly want to get out and enjoy all the wondrous opportunities that the city center will have to offer you, sometimes you just want a quiet night in after a long day of exploring. For that reason, you’ll want to make sure you’re able to find a hotel that offers an in-house dining experience. Having a quality restaurant right downstairs will mean you’re able to relax and enjoy yourself without having to worry about finding a great restaurant or dressing up for the occasion. You can just wander down to the restaurant right on the premises and enjoy a beautiful meal right there. 

Visiting a country such as Nairobi offers travelers new and exciting experiences with the likes of which they’ll never be able to find anywhere else. Finding a great hotel can be the perfect way to really put the finishing touches on your trip. However, sometimes finding that one-of-a-kind hotel can be more difficult than you’d expect. Keep these tips in mind and find accommodations that live up to all your expectations and more today. 

The Top ‘Must See’ Tourist Places in Sweden

Don’t you think it becomes intricate to define a winsome place having number of sightseeing, adrenaline antic, history, culture and delicious food? Well, it happens when we deem of all these mentioned things, and we lost in its imagination. 


To bring them in reality, and make you a part of it, you have the utmost option of visiting Sweden, which is an amalgam of modern life with nature. Sweden is a Scandinavian country, which is embodied as the most charming tourist destinations. This year, Sweden has to be on top of your travel bucket list.


Every part and side of this country attracts who like a magnet; moreover, you will be mesmerised by the cities’ architecture. To give the best surprise to your family in these vacations, or to satisfy the quest of a wanderer, without delay, plan for this spot. On every step in this country, you will remain awe-struck.




When Sweden starts unlocking its treasure, you will encounter magnificent places. In all of those, Österlen is a province in Sweden, which is rich in the stunning scenery and awe-inspiring culture. The swarm of tourists have a glimpse of this location to come across diverse history. 


Moreover, to experience the place differently, firstly take a walk around Simirishamn harbour where you can have a glimpse of apple orchards, small fishing villages and feel the serenity. Enjoy a new corner of the world where city rush would be far away from you. 


Travel and travel more, to unravel!




The site which is noteworthy and you can’t miss is  Stockholm, capital of Sweden. It boasts with its progress, modern style, and embraces all the superior things like awesome drinks, food, fashion and updated technology. It is the most celebrated place for tourists who enjoy in Stockholm and forget the hustle of life.


In Stockholm, you can witness city culture, deep history by visiting the Vasa Museum, displaying the unique and unknown culture of the place where exhibitions are conducted. Other than this, if you love to taste different foods, a variety of restaurants are available to taste luscious cuisines. Apart from food and museum, sway in the fresh air of Stockholm and enjoy outdoor cafes and bars. 


Picture Source: Theculturetrip


Budding towards a new place may raise questions, but keeping them unanswered and getting them a solution there, by reaching would be an exceptional way. To do the complete planning and leaving no stone unturned, book your tickets and just make sure to consider the Air Canada baggage policy to be sure of missing nothing important. 


[NB: Keep all your BAGGAGE ITEMS PROPERLY as you need to be aware of the things to carry.]


For air booking with your favourite airline, consider Faremart.com which has access to nearly 450 airlines and provides satisfactory air travel services to the seekers with full support and assistance on your travel.




Summer days are treasured as a gem in Sweden when tourists flock to relax and to be a part of the breeze. Marstrand Island is a royal place and is considered as Hollywood of Sweden. It boasts in the royalty, intriguing history as well as an area of celebrities. 


Image Credit: Flickr


This island welcomes trippers from diverse cities and countries, offering them the best of the place. It encompasses wooden holiday homes, sailing boats, navy-blue Ocean with rugged rocks. To enjoy your holidays by forgetting everything, just visit here once with family and experience to the fullest. 


To reveal more, the island is commonly known as “Sailing Metropolis of the West Coast” and bestowing rights to excavate different shopping stops, entertainment and unforgettable nightlife. 


Be a part of the glam trip!




Let’s have a dip in something unique and covered with nature. The place is no other than Skåne for some breath-taking views and turns your dreams into reality. The picturesque views and extraordinary and you can bask in the luxury of nature where no one will disturb you. 


Skåne has airy deciduous trees and has paranormal views to capture for a lifetime. Other than this, go for cycling in the Southeast trail, which is something uncommon from your location. For all the beach lovers, spend most of the time on damp sand near the seashore, which will eventually lead to bliss. 


Picture Credit: Pixabay


After great fun, who won’t be hungry? To satisfy your craving, set yourself off for pizza buffet in Skåne having smacking tastes. Some travellers wonder to have such a mouth-watering and scrumptious pizza, which is hard to get back at their home town. 


If you believe that you will have an end to places in Sweden that is not possible in a few days. You need to have flabbergasted holidays to explore Sweden. 




Attractive sites always have a charm of dragging globetrotters towards it. In a similar manner, Sweden does not hold itself back to boast some magnificent places. In all the gems, one of the wonders is Abisko. 


Abisko is a small village in Sweden near the north of the Arctic Circle where you can see the wonders of nature. To ask a question, have you ever seen the night sky of any other colour other than black? It may sound uncommon, but it is possible.


Voyagers head to Abisko from faraway places and have a view of the green and blue sky at night. It has astonishing sight which at times makes it difficult for sightseers to believe on their eyes. If you are ready and done with backpacks, head towards Sweden and don’t miss the opportunity to have a vision of beautiful nature.


High Coast


If you are in love with Sweden, then High Coast would even enthral you. It is a must place for all the adventure lovers. Trippers can perform hiking at High Coast Trail. 


High Coast is wholly engulfed with spectacular scenery and been marked as the tallest cliff in the country. Usually, it is known as a haven of the artist displaying their phenomenal creativity in shops, galleries and much more. Being in the High Coast would offer you several adventures, and unique Sweden made dishes which you can even take back home. 


The high cliffs, rocks look lovely in High Coast and to have a view, add this place in your travel bucket list and come for a visit. Perform the adventures and feel in the lap of nature in Sweden. 




In the Scandinavian country, Gothenburg is exceptionally beautiful to visit. The area basks in the culinary lush, which remains jam-packed with tourists who travel to taste the delicious food. Accompanying the food, Gothenburg has to disclose an amazing nightlife to blow your mind.


Picture Source: Greatruns


Live streets at night dazzle the charm and make you enjoy roaming around in the streets at night with friends or family. Afterwards, move towards Liseberg Amusement Park and Archipelago where you can keep yourself in tranquillity and serenity.  


Let’s cross the line; let’s get in sublime! 


Putting an End to Sweden Trip


Life is very short, and to leave it without enjoying is not justice to it. As travelling is an eminent part of life, so visiting diverse lands act as the soul of it. Being on vacation, enjoying Sweden sightseeing is no less than sublime. 


Sweden is an enchanting place, which mesmerises tourists towards it and makes them stay here for long. While the time of leaving, you would feel like visiting the sites once more, to have a view of beautiful things in your mind. 


Along with this, you can buy some souvenirs to take back home for memory. The more you try to get in the places, the more you will unearth. 


Get ready for the ultimate fun!


Child-friendly travel: The initial checklist

There was once a time where travel was a simple affair. Then, the kids came.

Few would disagree that this brings a different complexity to enjoying your holiday. Now, you’re perhaps not choosing destinations based on vibrant nightlife, but more on what it takes to keep the little ones happy.

Of course, planning such a getaway is easier said than done. This is what today’s guide is all about, as we look at four areas you should be looking to keep on top of as you plan your child-friendly holiday.

Consider Cities Like Portsmouth

If you are planning a trip to the UK, you might have your heart set on London – and this isn’t a surprise.

However, when traveling with your little ones, a degree of common sense needs to enter the picture. It’s cities like London which bring crowds of tourists and if your family is young, this is something that is going to be difficult, and stressful, to deal with.

It means that this presents the perfect opportunity to think outside the box. Consider somewhere like Portsmouth, which still has plenty to do but without the tourist-heavy crowds which can really weigh your trip down.

Stay longer in each location

For those of you who might be looking at staying in several locations across your trip, this point is for you.

Again, if we return to your younger days, there’s no doubt that “city hopping” was a big thing. Staying a day or two in one city, before jumping to another, was the fashionable thing to do.

Unfortunately, such an approach doesn’t work quite as well with little ones. This is the exact way to prompt more stress; the process of moving between places isn’t easy and needs to be reduced by any means possible.

As such, try and stay longer in each location. It might mean that you don’t manage to tick off each and every destination on your list – but trust us, it will save you in terms of stress.

Be shrewd with your baggage

Next, it’s time to be shrewd about your baggage. As we all know, as soon as parenthood comes upon us, a trip to the shop becomes a huge adventure. It means that many of us automatically think that we should consider packing up everything we have with us for our trips away.

Well, it doesn’t have to be like this. Let’s not forget that the more things you take, the more stressful trips become. There are more things to lose, and tired shoulders don’t play well into anyone’s mood. Ultimately, you need to remember that if the worst does happen and you desperately need a particular item, you can simply buy it in your destination country anyway.

Plan your flights around sleep patterns

Of course, this final point can sometimes relate to your budget. After all, we all know how flights at certain times can shoot up in price.

Nevertheless, if you do have the luxury of choosing, try and plan your flights around sleeping patterns. If you know that your little one sleeps on the plane, try and opt for a night flight. Alternatively, if you know they are going to be awake for the entire flight, going for the opposite course of action should be your way forward.

8 Best Ways to Spend Time While Travelling as a Student

Although travelling is considered valuable experience for every individual regardless of age, for a college student, there is much more to it than it may seem. It is believed that travelling while being an undergrad brings more benefits. It helps young people gain new perspectives, grow as individuals, develop confidence and compassion, as well as achieve more independence. Sounds like a good deal, right? 

Now, what if we tell you that students can get even more benefits from their trips with a few simple tips? In this article, we are going to tell you how to spend your time abroad most effectively.

Top Travel Tips for Students


Do you want to travel with purpose and get the most of these experiences? Here are some of the most fun and beneficial ideas on how to spend your time on trips:


Excursions and Tours


One of the most obvious but yet effective ways to spend time abroad is to take free (or paid) excursions around the chosen destination. Every touristic city offers a lot of tours, both walking, and on wheels. So we call for students to consider those. Attending famous sights, visiting galleries and museums, learning a bit more about the history of the place history, and just enjoying the unique architecture of your destination will help you spend marvellous time while travelling as a student!


Take a Language Course


One of the best ways to explore new countries and their culture, at the same time, achieving the most benefit of your trip is to study a local language. Taking a language course in the state of its origin will help you spend time with purpose and understand the culture better! Finally, knowing a foreign language will be a great benefit to your future employment.


Blend in the Local Culture


One of the biggest benefits of travelling is that it allows people to learn about new cultures from the inside. Thus, one of the best ideas for students’ pastime abroad is to really integrate into the local culture. There are quite many ways of doing this. For example, attending local festivals and other cultural events may be a good idea. Also, students can try a new cuisine, take tours to culturally-important sights, etc.


Focus on Education


Whether having a short trip abroad or taking a gap year to discover the world, one of the best ways to spend this time is to engage in education. There are much more educational travelling opportunities that most students think. You can participate in various exchange programs, take educational tours, or just continue getting your degree remotely. In any case, we encourage you not to forget about the main idea of being a college student even if you are going abroad. 


What if you won’t have enough time? You have much more control over your education than one can imagine! After all, if you are really running short of time to complete a specific task, you can always turn for help of an essay writing service and get a high grade with fewer efforts! Besides, there are plenty of educational opportunities abroad. 


Make Friends Among Locals


Every trip abroad is a unique opportunity to make good life-long connections, so don’t miss that part. Making local friends is great in so many ways! First of all, they can give students an insight into local history, tradition, and culture. Also, they can make a good company during your trip. Finally, a local person can give you the best advice on spots to visit.


Gap Year Programs


It may seem that spending a whole summer abroad is enough to explore your destination and get the most of the trip. However, that’s not quite true. As long as you get a bit settled and ready for exploring, the time starts flying way faster. Another good idea is to reconsider the period of your stay. Much more valuable and memorable experience is gained from gap year programs, so we encourage students to consider such opportunities.




Want a travelling opportunity that will reflect positively on your resume? Then getting an internship abroad is your best bet! Becoming a foreign intern offers quite a few benefits. First of all, it is a great opportunity for students on tight budgets as it allows them to combine working and exploring the world. Secondly, it always looks good on a resume, so it is a good investment in your future.




Another great idea is to engage in different kinds of volunteering activities while travelling. Quite many programs are available for young volunteers, and they are often either very cheap or free. This is a brilliant idea on how to spend time while exploring the world because it adds a higher purpose to your trips. Becoming a part of such programs helps in making friends and exploring the world. Besides, having some volunteering experience also looks good on a CV.


Travelling while still being in college offers completely new perspectives and brings lots of benefits. Thus, we encourage all students to grab every opportunity that comes along their way! 


Wrapping up this article, we would like to give you one more tip – don’t let the budget matters hold you back! There is a common belief that travelling comes at a really high price. However, it may be not as expensive as most students think. To prove this statement, get a true insight from someone who’s already done it, and you will realize that it is more affordable than most belief.

Why Cruising is the Perfect Vacation Choice for Any Season

When you hear the term “cruise,” you may envision an expensive, warm weather vacation that honeymooners take to tropical locations.

And while you can certainly find cruises ideal for love birds and which feature plenty of sun-soaked days on an expensive ship with stops at pristine beaches, cruising is a much more well-rounded vacation option than you may realize.

As for how and why cruising is practical for any time of the year — and ideal for groups of any size and with varying budgets — consider the following:

Cruise Ships Travel the World Over

If you want to relax in the warm sun, both on board the ship and at tropical ports of call, by all means book a cruise to Mexico, the Caribbean or the South Pacific. However, there are plenty of other options that will allow you to see gorgeous parts of the world while wearing something other than a swimsuit.

For example, Princess offers a number of Alaska cruise packages that are available for any season. So, if you’ve saved up some have vacation time for the winter and want to experience glaciers, wildlife and national parks, this type of cruise will be perfect for you.

Bottom line: If you pack the right type of apparel, cruises are an ideal travel option regardless of when and where you go.

Cruises Offer Great Value

Taking a cruise doesn’t have to be a budget-busting experience. In fact, they tend to be the perfect choice for money-conscious vacationers. Even the shortest vacation can get pricey when you factor in airfare, hotel stays, meals and other costs. But when you book a cruise, just about everything is all-inclusive. Better yet, some cruise packages include airfare, which makes them an extra-attractive option for people on a budget.

Cruises are Ideal for Couples and Large Family Reunions

When it comes to vacation options that are well-suited for couples and extended families alike, it’s hard to beat a cruise. Of course, cruises offer varying amenities, themes and activities, which means you can choose a vacation ideal for you and your guests.

For instance, some cruises focus on creating experiences for the whole family, including activities for the kids and fun for the adults. Additionally, you can enjoy family time together — everyone can gather together for dinner in the ship’s dining room — and have free time where everyone does their own thing.

Meantime, couples can enjoy romantic strolls on board the ship while watching the sunset and explore the ports of call together. Some cruises even offer options for singles who want to meet that special someone.

Cruises Make Sense for Those Averse to Planning

If planning an itinerary gives you heart palpitations, a cruise is an ideal solution to your trip anxiety. When you choose a cruise, the schedule is already planned for you, so there is no worrying about which hotels to book, what activities to plan and which restaurants to try. Granted, you do have to select your cruise package and dates of travel, but the friendly cruise ship crew will handle everything else.

It’s Always a Perfect Time for a Cruise

It must be nice to know you don’t have to win the lottery or travel with only your sweetie to enjoy a cruise. Once you start looking at your options, you’ll realize cruises are ideal for any budget and any size group during just about any season of the year.

Going on a Cruise Out of Miami? Read This Guide!

A cruise out of Miami is the most relaxing way to unwind during the spring or summer. When you step out on the deck during the cruise, you’ll feel ocean breezes as the ship sails to its destination. A good Miami cruise will give you endless attractions to enjoy, both on the ship and in various cities by its ports of call. If you’ve never been, you really are missing out because a good cruise is a vacation unlike any other. In this guide, you’ll learn how to prepare for a short or long cruise after arriving in Miami.


Transportation Around Miami Before the Cruise


The best way to travel around Miami before a cruise is by using public transportation. When you need to visit a store or restaurant, hop on a bus. You get to see the city from a unique perspective, plus it’s only $2 to ride a bus in Miami. Miami can be an expensive place to visit, so this is definitely a win-win.


Thanks to the roads in Miami, the process of navigating the city by train is simple. The trains run through Miami to the north and south, and they have Wi-Fi. In order to ride the train, you’ll need an Easy Card since you can’t pay for a trip using cash.


Convenient Hotels Near Miami Port 


If you arrive in Miami ahead of time, consider staying at the Hyatt Regency Miami because it’s only 10 minutes away from the Port of Miami. Since cruises are notoriously indulgent affairs, you’ll benefit from working out at the hotel’s fitness center a bit beforehand. Or, just kick back and relax at the spa before your ocean trip.


The Holiday Inn is another ideal place to stay before taking a cruise since it’s only one mile from the Port of Miami. It also has a fitness center along with other features, such as free Wi-Fi and an outdoor swimming pool.


Food Worth Trying Before Boarding the Ship


There are several items that you must try before stepping on the ship. In Miami, the food scene attracts thousands of people. The city is known for its distinctive, fusion-heavy cuisine that includes fresh crab, fish tacos, bold Cuban sandwiches, and key lime pie.


If you’re only going to spend one day in Miami, order a delicious Cuban sandwich for lunch from Las Olas Cafe. El Exquisito also sells Cuban sandwiches; however, they’re much larger. One sandwich has enough meat for two people!


Cruise Tactics


A cruise ship has many dining spots where passengers can order either quick snacks or elegant dishes. If you want to sample the fancy food, don’t just bring your swimsuit. You should pack formal clothing, too, because most places on a ship that provide elevated cuisine have a strict dress code.


While you’re on the deck, you’ll see landscapes and buildings from a distant. You can admire these sites easier if you use a pair of binoculars; photography buffs will want to pack that long prime or zoom lens to capture the perfect shot.