Planning a trip? Check out these important tips

Anyone can travel, as it’s just a matter of getting from point A to point B. However, the manner in which most travel is subpar and they end up complaining about this and that. Overall, there are a lot of things they do or don’t do which leads to their lack of satisfaction. If you are planning a trip to the US for example, you should have a look at the tips we have prepared for you. Knowing these things and preparing ahead of your journey will make the difference between having a good journey and a bad one.

The paperwork

Documentation is essential for traveling and if you don’t have everything in order, you might not even get on the other side of the border. It would be a terrific shame to have to turn around and go home, without even setting foot in the country you wanted to visit so much. Everything from how recent your passport picture is to whether or not your esta application is in order, everything must check out before you leave home for your trip. This will help you avoid unpleasant situations and complications along the way.

Budget planning

If you’re thinking about going in without a plan, you should stop it, immediately. It’s pretty much the worst thing that could cross your mind. Having a budget is the only way you’re going to enjoy your trip. Without a budget, it’s pure lottery whether or not you will have enough cash for the entire trip. Your budget is your safety net but also your lifeline. You can count on that number to last you for as much as you’ve planned out. This also means that the budget needs to be realistic as well, so do some research and make sure you’ve calculated the various costs of your trip according to what things actually cost now.

Keep in mind that you’re not home anymore

Back home, some things might have been acceptable and others might have been completely unthinkable. In the country you’re visiting, things might be the other way around, for all you know. That’s why you should spend time learning the local customs and ensuring not only that you don’t insult anyone or break any laws, but you also don’t get too easily offended and know when people might come off as rude or offensive when they’re actually not.

Plan your calls

This might sound weird, but if you intend on keeping in touch with people back home, you should plan your calls ahead of time. Calling through regular carriers will cost you a fortune with international roaming fees. You can, however, talk to your friends and family for free, if you use WiFi. There are many ways in which you can initiate a phone call using a WiFi network, so you have to research in advance and see what establishments like hotels, bars, restaurants or malls have free WiFi that you can go and use for your checkup phone calls. This will save you a lot of money, which you can use on other things during your stay.

Visit the New York Renaissance Faire #NYRenFaire

Longing for a break from the routine, but don’t have the time to take a week off right now? Travel to distant lands and faraway time periods, all within a short drive from your home.  We recently visited the New York Renaissance Faire (or if you aren’t local to NY, you can find another in your area- visit the website’s main page for locations and dates) and it was a fun way to spend the day with your family and friends and get away from your routine.

Take a step back in time (but not too far back, it’s just fun and not a serious event) and get into the spirit by dressing up in the time period. Don’t have a costume? That’s OK, there are plenty of vendors there that have items to sell, from clothing to headgear to fantasy peices and beyond. You can be a knight, a princess, a squire, fairy, or anything in between.  We saw unicorns and minotaur this past weekend- really, only your imagination will stop you. There are also fun “theme weekends”, such as Pirate, Celtic, or Time Travelers weekends, where some Faire goers will dress accordingly, and shows will also reflect the idea.

The marketplace has, as mentioned, a fantastic selection of clothing vendors. Yes, you can try on before you buy, and better still, they will help you be fitted and learn how to get into things you might not know how to wear properly. Lacing up a floor length dress is not exactly pulling on a pair of sweatpants, is it? The shopkeepers are helpful and friendly (and usually very funny), so be prepared to have a good time shopping. Yes, guys too.

There are many other fun finds as well. All sorts of jewelry and shiny baubles (of course, what is a Faire without crowns?) to pick and choose from, plenty of toys, swords, shields-  if you are into it, you can even find chain metal and armor.  There are home decorations, spices, and a live glassblower that you can watch and then make purchases from. The kids loved watching him create, and honestly, so did the adults.


There are also many, many food options to be found at the Faire- some of the favorites of the Fairegoers being the giant turkey leg and the pickle vendor. Kind of an experience- I’d make sure you tried it out, even if you just visited because pickles really aren’t your thing. This year, the Village Bakery is redone and “re-envisioned” to be better then ever, and offers freshly made items like cakes, pastries, cheesecake, fudge, muffins, and sweet and savory rolls. Treats available for those watching their corsets, as well.

ren faire

While many of the attractions and vendors are the ones you look forward to seeing each year at the Renaissance Fair, this year there are some new ones you might want to visit. First, playing off the top TV hit “Game of Thrones” is the photo op “Gallery of Thrones”, which is an area of really beautiful, handcrafted thrones that you and your family can pose on (save them for those holiday cards later). Sounds simple, and it is- but it’s also fun and you will enjoy it. The Jousters have been a staple of the Faire (and a not to miss show) giving you a modern experience of an old sport, but this year a new team takes on the challenge.  Male and female knights take to the joust three times a day- make sure you see at least one show, and cheer your team on to victory.

Our favorite show had to be the Fire Circus Show, adults and kids all agreed. The entertainment was unmatched- if there was a stand alone show, I would have paid to see it.  Artist Geoff Marsh juggles with and without fire, water, and more, and includes kids chosen from the audience.  Better, he is hilarious, and keeps everyone rolling with laughter from start to finish. One of our favorite parts of the day, and a show that we highly recommend you take the time to see.

fire show

Open through October 1, 2017. Other locations and dates on the website. Tickets are $25 per adult, $12 per child, under 5 are free. General parking is also free. For an events schedule, please see


Tips for Planning the Ultimate Concert Roadtrip

If you need to take a break from the kids and rekindle your relationship with your partner, why not do something totally out-of-the-box and follow your favorite band on tour? Take a week out for some adventure and hit the road for some music, miles, and mayhem. A concert roadtrip is an exciting way to get closer together and enjoy some time together without distractions. Here are six tips to help you plan the ultimate concert roadtrip.

#1 Planing Your Tour

While the thought of randomly packing your bag and following a band may seem like a spontaneous move of inspired passion, the chances are it’s not a wise move. Take some time to sit down with your partner and review the schedules of your favorite bands that are performing in your state or neighboring states.

Plan your trip to include as many concerts as you can afford the money and time to attend. If you plan it right, you could be setting up the romantic road trip of a lifetime for you and your partner. Map out your itinerary and then give it to a close friend or family member, so they know where you plan on going.

#2 Snag Those Tickets Cheap

What does she like, what do you like? What are your favorite bands? At any given time of the year, there can be hundreds of bands touring the country and passing through your state. Do a search at and check out the availability and ticket pricing. Bruce Springsteen, Guns N’ Roses, U2, and Katy Perry, are just a few of the examples of modern music icons that frequently put on shows all over America.

#3 Arrange Your Transport

Put the miles on your car, or make more of the moment and rent a classic van like all the rockers used to drive back in the day. Make sure that your ride is roadworthy, and all the taxes are paid up, the last thing you need is to come back from having the time of your life at the concert to find your tour van impounded.

#4 Set Your Budget

Once you know your costs, you can allocate your budget and see what you can afford. Life on the road can have some unforeseen expenses, so make sure that you keep an emergency cash fund available and hidden in the car inconspicuously. With all the merch on sale at the concert, chances are you will want more than one reminder of the evening. Make a list of all your expenses, including food, drinks, entertainment, concert tickets, gas, tolls, and accommodation. Make sure that you stick to your budget when you are on the road and always plan to spend a little more than you expect.

#5 Take Snacks

Traveling can take it out of you, so pack some extra snacks to eat if you need an energy bump before the concert starts. Protein bars, granola, and trail mix make for healthy options that won’t give you a sugar crash halfway through the bands set.

#6 Bring a Power Bank

Being caught out at a concert with a flat phone will leave you worrying about whether the kids are calling, instead of enjoying the event. Avoid this annoyance by keeping a fully charged power bank in your concert bag and keep your attention on the entertainment, not on your dead cell phone battery.

The Final Note

A concert roadtrip is a romantic getaway that will leave you with plenty of memories. It’s not often that you get time away from kids, so use it to keep the spark going in your relationship and bring you closer together.

5 Highly Rated Stargazing locations you must visit

It is rather unfortunate that the stars cannot be viewed from everywhere anymore as the polluted skies have made it next to impossible for us to see stars at night. Hence, we need to travel with a telescope to certain locations to gaze at the stars. Without further ado, here are 5 highly-rated stargazing locations you must visit! The list isn’t in any particular order as it would be an injustice to place one location over the other.


  1. Western Australia Outback


There are many National Parks in the Western Australian Outback that are hotspots for star gazers. Out of the lot, the Nambung National Park north of Perth is regarded as the best spot for camping under the stars.


  1. La Palma, Canary Islands


La Palma is located around 260 miles off the coast of northwestern Africa. And, you can find stargazing enthusiasts regularly visiting the edge of Caldera de Taburiente just to get a clear view of the stars. The island of Tenerife has a close proximity to the Canary Islands and is also regarded as an astronomer’s paradise.


  1. Mauna Kea, Hawaii


Mauna Kea accommodates a state-of-the-art observatory named the Mauna Kea Visitor Center. The place, located at 9,200 feet, offers many stargazing programs. If you want to enjoy a panoramic view of Maui and gaze at emerging stars, you can also pay a visit to the top of the Haleakala crater.


  1. National Parks of the Southwest United States


The National Parks of the Southwest United States is truly a haven for stargazing enthusiasts. Many people visit the Grand Canyon to view the clear skies at night. You would also find astronomers setting up their telescopes at Glacier Point in Yosemite in the summer. If you want to view the dark skies properly, you should consider visiting the Death Valley.


  1. Atacama Desert, Chile


Since the Atacama Desert is one of the driest places in the world, it can’t exactly be described as heaven on earth. However, it is a paradise to stargazers and astronomers. The location enjoys clear skies throughout the year, allowing you to gaze upon stars every time you visit the location.


Helpful tip: We understand that it can be a little nerve-wracking to transport and travel with a telescope for the first time. However, there is nothing to worry about as you will do just fine with a little preparation.


Here are some tips for transporting a telescope.


  1. If you haven’t thrown away the original packaging for your telescope, you can easily use it to provide protection to your telescope during your travels. After all, the packaging usually comprises of customized styrofoam that can safeguard your prized possession.


  1. When transporting your telescope by car, it is essential for you to disassemble the telescope into two parts—the mount and the tube. You can use foam sleeping mats to safeguard the tube. The mount can be kept separately across the back seat.

Five Tips For Safe Overseas Family Travel

Traveling overseas is always fun and exciting, but it can also be scary, especially since you’re essentially venturing out into the great unknown.

Since you will want to ensure a safe and happy journey, especially if you’re traveling with your family members, researching how to travel safely before you actually embark on your trip will be a good idea.

Here are the top five tips for safe overseas family travel:

1. Invest In Travel Insurance

Many people believe that travel insurance is not a necessary expense, as it can often cost hundreds of dollars for each trip you embark on. But the truth is that travel insurance can be one of the wisest travel decisions that you make, because it will cover the costs of any medical expenses you incur and reimburse you should you cancel the rest of your trip. FastCover has a number of holiday and travel plans that you can peruse.

2. Leave Your Itinerary With An Emergency Contact At Home

Be sure that you have an emergency contact (two or three contacts would be even better) back at home, and leave your complete itinerary with them. The best emergency contact(s) will be a close friend or relative. Be sure to check in with them every day. If they don’t hear from you, they can then alert the authorities.

3. Scan Your Passport

Scan your passport and save a photo of it on your smart phone. If you ever lose access to your physical passport, you will be able to turn to your scanned one for details. It will also be easier to get a replacement passport if you have a scanned copy, in the event that the physical copy is lost or stolen.

4. Find Out The Emergency Escape Route At Your Hotel

For each hotel you visit, you will want to find out what the quickest emergency escape route is from your room. In fact, this should be one of the first things that you look for when you first arrive and check in. When enjoying the amenities and luxuries of the hotel, you’ll have good peace of mind knowing that you know the quickest way out in the event of an emergency.

5. Keep Your Valuables Hidden

Never walk around anywhere with your valuable possessions clearly visible, especially in a foreign country. It’s okay to keep spending money on your person, but you would be wise to keep your jewelry back at home or the hotel room (if applicable) and only use your phone when absolutely necessary. Be very mindful of your surroundings as well and practice good situational awareness skills. Jewelry, money, and electronics are prime targets for thieves.

Traveling Safely With Your Family

Safety absolutely has to be one of your primary concerns when traveling with your family or even just by yourself. There are a lot more safety tips out there for you to know, so you’ll definitely want to continue with your research.


5 Best Brunch Spots in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina is home to juicy steaks, aromatic wines, and yes, the most warming cafe con leche. And when it comes to late morning meals, they may have well been experts of brunch as well. The cafes in the city is where people would chat, read a book in solitude, or work on their papers or reports. But more importantly, it is where they get their daily cup of joe and a huge serving of food.

If you want a taste of Buenos Aires brunch, check out this list of cafes you should go to on your trip. Believe us when we say you will immediately book plane tickets and work on your visas for Argentina as soon as you finished reading this.

Las Violetas 

Treat yourself to an elegant brunch experience in a cafe that offers an old-world atmosphere at Las Violetas. Located at Recoleta neighborhood, by Almagro Av. Rivadavia the cafe has existed since 1884. There are not a lot of brunch spots where waiters don starched collars and shirt cuffs like a Victorian gentleman. Enjoy the Argentinian version of the French croissant called medialuna with a hot cup of coffee. You can also try many of their sharing platters like the María cala which has sweet bread, sandwich triple ham and cheese, your choice of drink (tea, coffee, or milk chocolate), and scones, among others.

Oui Oui 

Oui Oui is the most popular cafe in Buenos Aires, situated in Nicaragua, Palermo Viejo. It is a French-style cafe so, of course, it will be filled with breads, cakes, and pastries. Order their pan au chocolat, buttery croissants, and freshly baked baguettes. You should also try their scrambled, poached, bacon-doused, or Benedict eggs. If you are not up for a heavy brunch, check out their cake and muffin menu.

Tea Connection 

Obviously, Tea Connection’s expertise lie more on the loose leaf direction that ground coffee beans, but do not dismiss this brunch spot just yet. They have an extensive list of teas, categorised under Te Negro (Black Tea), Te Rojo (Red Tea), Te Verde (Green Tea), Infusiones (Infusion). You can also try out their comida natural or natural food menu which includes sandwiches, ensaladas, delis, and aguas de fruta. So if you are up for a healthy brunch, make your way to Gorostiaga, Las Canitas

Croque Madame 

Located in the courtyard garden of the MuseoNacional de Arte Decorativo (Museum of Decorative Arts), by the iron gates of the former ambassadorial residence. Once you are done viewing the exhibitions, you can check out their Croque Madame in butter, gruyere cheese, ham, and egg. Pair it up with Smoked Salmon with cream cheese salad and a hot cup of coffee. 


Out of all the brunch spots in this list, Bartola probably fits the “aesthetic Instagram” crowd the most with their decoration. Their use of pastel colours and the rustic feel of the whole cafe makes it an attractive cafe to visit. But more than that, they also offer the classic, delicious grub like eggs and pancakes, veggie sandwich with multicereal bread, and yogurt-granola. 

See? What did we say? You have probably started imagining yourself sitting at one of these cafes, enjoying a hot cup of java, enjoying a plateful of brunch fare, while looking out to the busy streets of Argentina. Go on and book that trip already and enjoy a satisfying brunch experience you will never forget.

7 Essential Items When Packing for a Cruise

Traveling by cruise ship is a unique and exciting way to travel the globe. But while your bags may be burgeoning at the seams, you may still have that nagging feeling that you’ve forgotten something important. No matter if you’re a seasoned traveler or you’re venturing on a cruise as a novice, the following are 7 essentials you won’t want to leave home without.

Proper ID

There is such excitement in visiting places that you’ve always wanted to travel. Whether it’s flying down the San Gabriel Mountains by zipline or traveling to exotic ports, you’re going to need the right identification during your cruise. A passport is one of the most important pieces of identification as it’s necessary when traveling abroad. It’s also accepted at airports within the United States. Birth certificates and a driver’s license are other important forms of identification. While you want to take the originals with you, you want to make a copy of everything and leave them at home. In case of an emergency, you can have a family member or friend fax or email you the copied documentation.

Carry-on Bag

Cruising excursions are one of the most exciting parts of the ship experience as it allows you to see various parts of the world through the port stops. But certain aspects of the adventure can result in a cruise ship injury to the passengers on the trip. Whether the accident was financial, mental or physical, an injury attorney can help you seek compensation to cope with the issues you may experience. Since you may have to wait for your primary luggage to get delivered to your state room, you can come prepared by having a carry-on bag with some of the essentials. This includes medication, sunscreen, reading material, first aid kit and water. When you’re looking for a handy tote to take with you on your port excursions, you’ll also have a small bag to store your souvenirs in.

Sun Block

First-time cruisers typically remember important essentials such as hats and sunglasses. But if you’re planning on venturing to tropical destinations, you’ll want to bring plenty of sun block. Choose something 30 SPF and above. The lotion should also be waterproof in case you go swimming. Your lips will also need sun protection. Lip balms with SPF can protect your mouth from blisters. The balm will also soothe chapped lips caused by the wind.

First-Aid Essentials

Although the onboard stores can house important essentials on your cruise, they can often be costly. They may not also have the brands that you favor. Before you leave home, you want to pack first-aid essentials. This could include cotton balls, antibiotic salve, gauze pads, cough drops, cold medicine, Imodium, Airborne, aspirin, band aids, vitamins and more. Personalize your kit to serve your needs.

Laundry Solutions

Getting your laundry done on the ship can be another costly expense. You can plan ahead by having several laundry solutions on-hand. Wrinkle release sprays can calm clothes that have become rumpled and disheveled. Stain removers can also help prevent stains from setting in. For undergarments and items that can be washed in your sink, include travel-size detergents in your travel bag. If you’re thinking about wearing an outfit more than once, you can also keep clothes smelling fresh with Febreeze or other scented sprays.

Power Strip

Cabin rooms are small, and you may not have the required outlets to charge your electronic gadgets. A power strip is another essential piece of equipment that can recharge your laptop, smartphone, camera and more.

Formal Dress

During the day, your itinerary may be filled with swims on the beach or sightseeing. But in the evenings, you may be expected to dress more formally. Dependent on where you’ll be dining, you may be required to have some type of formal dress. Women can adhere to dresses, skirts and dressy tops. Men may be expected to wear a suit, tie, collared shirt and tuxedo.

Cruising offers so many exciting opportunities to see the world. But before you depart, you want to make sure you have everything. The above tips can help you determine the necessary items from those that you can purchase onboard.

Top 9 Places to Visit in Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia

Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia are some of the most adored tourist destinations in the world. Whether you’re travelling with your family, touring with your coworkers or backpacking solo – the trio of Asian destinations has something to offer for everyone. They are home to ancient ruins, historic landmarks and beautiful flora and fauna. Singapore Malaysia, Thailand packages are highly revered for their tourist attractions like art museums, beaches, street flea markets etc. Before you book a Singapore Malaysia, Thailand package from Ahmedabad make sure the itinerary includes a visit to the places listed in the post. Read on.

Marina Bay

Marina Bay is the gateway to Singapore river and a marvelous cosmopolitan. It holds the Financial District, Clarke Quay and the central Civic District and is home to the most luxurious and urban landscape dotted with scores of restaurants, hotels, discotheques besides ample shopping avenues. You will be spoilt for choice.

Clarke Quay

For a glimpse of Singapore nightlife, Clarke Quay – a refurbished riverside development of old warehouses is highly recommended. There are many alfresco style eateries overlooking the water. There are numerous clubs and bars for people seeking more debauchery. Perhaps words cannot do justice to the futuristic and amazing jelly like the roof that houses several delights for shoppers and merrymakers alike.

Universal Studios

For media enthusiasts and movie buffs Universal Studios Singapore is a must visit, being the first amusement park of its kind to open in Southeast Asia. Amongst its several attractions, one might particularly enjoy themed parks like the Lost World, Ancient Egypt, New York, Hollywood, Madagascar. You will also find crazy roller coasters and more water-based fun.


Ayutthaya National Park

Make sure your Singapore Malaysia Thailand package includes a visit to the historical Ayutthaya National Park. The ancient city of Ayutthaya was destroyed by Burmese forces. Some structures managed to survive the onslaught and got buried deep for years until much of the city was excavated. Today, the site is a national park and houses a number of temples and monasteries such as Wat Phra Ram Temple and Wat Chaiwatthanaram monastery, palaces and statues. One of the major attractions of the national park is the overgrown Buddha head located behind Mahathat Temple. Ayutthaya National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and your Singapore Malaysia Thailand tour is incomplete without visiting this historic site.

Bangkok’s Grand Palace

The Grand Palace is a 218,000-square-meter city. The complex houses magnificent palaces, ancient Buddhist temples, throne halls. You will need at least three hours to explore every part. During your visit, survey the upper terrace featuring the golden chedi. A couple of most noticeable attractions awaiting you at the site are a smaller version of Angkor Wat and the Royal Pantheon. When booking a Singapore Malaysia Thailand tour package, make sure the itinerary includes a visit to this historic site.

Elephant Nature Park

A must visit for animal lovers, Elephant Nature Park is a haven for abused and injured Asian elephants. During your visit learn about these gentle giants including their feeding habits. You can also interact with them, feed them and bathe them. All the proceeds collected from admissions go towards maintaining the park and buying food for the elephants.

Petronas Twin Towers

Inaugurated in 1999, the Twin Towers were the tallest buildings till 2004. Standing at 450 metres each, the towers have 88 floors and are connected through a bridge 170 metres above the ground. From the bridge, you can get a magnificent view of Kuala Lumpur. The towers lighting up is a sight to behold, which is why while choosing a Singapore Malaysia Thailand tour package from Ahmedabad or any other Indian city you must make sure the itinerary includes a visit to these magnificent towers.

Perhentian Island

A must-visit for nature lovers, Perhentian Island is a tiny archipelago whose two main islands are: Besar and Kecil. Most parts are unpopulated, making them the first choice for tourists who want to spend some quiet time away from the maddening city crowd. The islands are home to beautiful beaches famous for their white sand, pristine water and tall palm trees. Here you can also try a number of adventure activities such as scuba diving, snorkelling and canoeing.

Taman Negara

Sprawling over an area of 4,000 Taman Negara is a national park that is home to a number of endangered species such as Malayan tigers, crab-eating macaques and Asian elephants. To witness the vivid colours of nature, go bird watching, wade through the wild jungle or take a night trip.


Dubbing Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand as three gems in the crown of Asian tourism would not be an exaggeration. The trio is some of the most popular destinations on the travel bucket list of ardent travellers and occasional backpackers alike. The cities of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand are a unique mix of modernity and ancient cultural heritage, which is why every year millions of tourists from around the globe flock to these Asian destinations every year. If you too are bitten by the wanderlust bug, consider planning a trip to these destinations. When buying a Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia tour package, make sure the itinerary includes a visit to the tourist spots listed in the post. You can book Singapore Malaysia, Thailand tour packages from Ahmedabad, Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai and all other major cities in the India.