48 Hours in Dublin: Everything You Need to Know

Are you about to visit Dublin? Well, if so (or even if you’re just considering visiting Ireland’s charming capital city), you’ll be pleased to know there’s plenty to see and do. Here’s how to spend 48 hours in Dublin, squeezing in some of the best sights, sounds and tastes the city has to offer…

How to get around

Like most old cities, Dublin is pretty compact, which means there’s a great deal to explore and enjoy on foot. But Dublin is best seen (especially over the course of a couple of days) if you make full use of the excellent public transport on offer. Buy yourself a pass for the Hop-on Hop-Off Tour Bus, making the most of the on-board commentary (where you’ll learn lots about the city) and hop on and off the service all around the city as many times as you like. The two-day ticket is well worth the money and will ensure you can access all the things you want to experience while you’re in Dublin.

Where to eat

There are plenty of delicious dining options in Dublin, from places serving traditional food such as Trocadero (with belly-warming dinners including beet-cured salmon and sticky date pudding), to those who are experimenting with Irish cuisine with a French twist, such as Chapter One. Make the most of having 48 hours to spend in a coastal city by sampling some of the finest fish and seafood in Ireland: Cavistons is famous for its food, and if you’re lucky enough to grab one of their limited number of tables, you’re bound to enjoy a mouth-watering fish supper. Or, the Winding Stair is an excellent restaurant if you really want to sink your teeth into traditional Irish dishes and you’ll enjoy beautiful views across the river too.

Where to stay

If you’ve booked your hotel through a provider like Travel Republic, you’ll have already chosen a lovely place to stay. But if you’re still at the stage of looking around, narrow your search for accommodation depending on what your priorities are. You can get highly rated hotel rooms in the centre of Dublin, just a short walk away from all the tourist attractions, bars and restaurants, as well as more affordable options that are a little further out from the centre but located along good transport links.

What to do

Don’t be afraid of doing the ‘typical tourist’ things while you’re in Dublin – after all, they’re popular for a reason! For example, Kilmainham Gaol is well worth exploring with its permanent exhibitions featuring leftover belongings from the jail’s inhabitants, and you’ll hear about the trials and tribulations of the prisoners and the crimes they committed to earn themselves the title of inmates. The ‘last words’ exhibition (displaying the last letters and personal belongings of the 14 executed leaders of the Easter Rising in 1916) is fascinating too.

Also, the Guinness Storehouse is worth getting around to see, and you’ll enjoy a complementary pint in the Gravity Bar if you book onto a tour. Be sure to pull up a stool somewhere in the Temple Bar – the atmosphere in this part of the city is buzzing and popular with locals and tourists alike.

Finish your stay with a trip to Trinity College (the library is on a par with the beautiful libraries at Oxford and Cambridge), or pay a visit to Dublin City Gallery (home to a world-class collection of art) and St Patrick’s Cathedral (Ireland’s largest church). If you’re interested in art and architecture, you’re bound to be impressed.

So, are you looking forward to spending 48 hours in Dublin now that your mind is buzzing with suggestions?

What Should I Know About Visiting Singapore?

There is no such thing as a trip to south Asia without a stop in Singapore. With just one visit, you will easily see why it is one of the most popular retirement destinations in the world. It has also become the favorite place for many students and young adults wanting to spend a year or two living abroad.

Despite its population of over 5 million people, Singapore is one of the cleanest and safest places you will ever visit. When planning your trip, there is one thing you need to keep in the back of your mind. No matter how familiar you think you are with other major cities and countries throughout Asia, Singapore is a one of a kind place.

A city of its own

Made up of one large island and several smaller ones, Singapore is both a city and a state. While it is made up of several cultures and people of many nationalities, having some money to spend is one thing that almost everyone has in common. Because of this, Singapore has become one of the most popular financial hubs on the planet.

Because of the many differences from other major Asian cities, there are a few things you will need to know. For starters, there are four major languages the locals speak. Mandarin, English, Tamil, and Malay, are each spoken on a regular basis. You may be better off knowing at least a little of each.

Abide by the law

If you are going to visit Singapore, you need to know up front that you should be on your best behavior. Neither jaywalking or littering is allowed. And yes, you will pay a fine for not flushing the toilet after the use of a public bathroom.

While I am not sure if there is a urinal officer in every men’s room, the laws are to be taken very seriously. Because of their enforcement, Singapore has become one of the safest places to visit in the world. The locals would like to keep it that way.

The drug addiction rate in Singapore is also among the lowest on the globe. This is largely in part to the fact that a variety of drug charges have a mandatory death sentence. Don’t get the wrong idea here. Singapore is definitely a place that should be on your bucket list.

There is plenty of alcohol, after paying what is known as the “sinners tax,” and you should enjoy your time on the island. However, you don’t want to be involved in any activity whatsoever when drugs are a part.

While there are some strict laws that you probably wouldn’t know about without being there, the majority of these are punished by just a fine when broken. If you are legally visiting the country and can honestly say you were unaware of the law you were breaking, the fine can usually be erased with a simple letter to local authorities.

However, this is for first time offenders only. Not only will the second ticket or fine stick for a second offense, the penalty will usually be much stiffer. As mentioned earlier, have fun. Enjoy your trip and make some memories. Just be smart about what it is you are doing.

One thing you won’t need to worry about is transportation. Book Taxi Singapore is able to provide all of your driving needs, even picking you up after being released from jail.

3 Tips for Having More Self-Control While Traveling

One of the top ways to enjoy life is by taking a trip. Regardless if you’re driving across country or staying within your state, you will want to unwind and relax. However, the mere thought of enjoying time off from work may make you think of letting go of all self-control. This is not the way to make the most of your time when you get the chance to travel. Knowing simple things you can do to assist in maintaining control during your time off work may be helpful.

Tip #1: Watch your alcohol intake

You may feel making the most of your time away will mean having a few drinks during your trip. This is one of the things many people look forward to while on vacation, and if you enjoy drinking, you may have a list of specialty drinks in mind.

It’s important to maintain some level of self-control when you do decide to add some alcoholic flavor to your day. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse states an average of 37,000 adolescents received treatment for an alcohol problem in the year 2015. This indicates the potential for abuse not only for adults but teenagers, as well. Other countries often have a lower drinking age than America, watching out for your teenagers on a family vacation is important.

If you feel that your desire to binge on alcohol is beginning to get to be too much regardless if you’re on a trip or not, you should contact outpatient drug rehabs to obtain professional help today.

Tip #2: Avoid overeating

The last thing you will want to do is to gain a lot of weight while on vacation. Keep in mind that you will need to return home and this means having more weight to lose!

Listed below are some great tips for helping you keep control of your eating:

1.  Plan out your meals for the day. If you know, you’re going to be dining out for supper be sure to have a light lunch.

2.  Take time to add some fruits and other healthy snacks to your day to avoid grabbing high-calorie foods when you aren’t feeling your best.

3.  Add a lot of water each day to assist you in eating less and being able to stick to somewhat of a decent number of calories on your trip.

4.  Limit your dessert – One of the favorite things you may enjoy is eating specialty made desserts on your trip, but this isn’t something a lot.

Tip #3: Set a budget

One of the best ways to prevent spending way too much money when you’re traveling is by having a budget put into place beforehand. This can help you stick to it, and you will want to be sure to plan out all of the expenses to assist you in staying on your budget.

Consider the ideas listed below to reduce your overall cost for your vacation:

1.  Accommodations – You may want to secure a luxury suite with a scenic view, but is this one you can pay for without spending too much? The chances are this may be too costly for your budget. Find a room you can afford to pay for without over indulging.

2.  Transportation – Thinking about your mode of travel is one thing you must do. Are you driving, flying or taking a bus? Regardless of how you reach your destination, you should be prepared to pay for doing so.

3.  Food costs – For many people, one of the funnier things about taking a trip is enjoying a variety of food. However, if you’re going to be gone for several days, you should consider cooking some meals in your room.

Enjoying your life by taking time off and going on a vacation is one of the most pleasurable things to do. However, having some level of self-control is essential for feeling healthy during your trip and getting back on track easily when you return home.


8 Tips for Traveling Light with Kids

With summer coming up, you’re probably making plans to go on a vacation with the kids. Whether you’re planning to visit family or some fun destination that the kids will love, the secret behind a stress-free trip is traveling light. This is something I learned when my first son was born and I did a bit of researching to prepare. Aim at carrying the minimum amount of baggage and you’ll find that flights or car rides all progress smoothly. As the experts will probably reassure you, the older your kids are, the lesser will be the amount of stuff you have to carry along.

But, I have another secret to share with you that I’ve found very useful. When you visit a location intended for kids, you’ll likely find tons of stores that carry all the supplies you need. A great idea is to simply buy stuff that you need, use, and discard as you go along. Traveling light helps you let go of the stress of keeping track of the number of bags you have. Now, that’s an essential when you have a toddler squirming to get away to go exploring the airport and the brightly colored trash cans (and, well, everything else!).

I would only recommend that you carry some bare essentials to get you through the actual traveling from point A to point B. Here are the important items you’ll need.

Tip 1. Let’s Begin with the Very Basics for Traveling Light

You’ll be surprised but the absolute essentials when traveling light can actually fit into the small handbag you have, like I read in the Lonely Planet. They are your travel documents, tickets, prescription medications, and cash along with your credit card. As long as you have these and you’re not headed for some remote, unfamiliar location, you’re sorted.

Tip 2. Carry the Food Supplies You Need to Make it to the Next Store

With kids of all ages, you’ll need just adequate supplies to make it to your destination like for the car or bus ride or flight. But at the same time, it’s also advisable to be prepared for unexpected delays. Make sure you have enough formula and clean bottles, pacifiers, diapers, a change of clothes, and lots of wipes. If you expect that travel time will be 6 hours, plan for at least 8. For older kids, bring filling snacks like nuts, granola bars, fruit, and any other favorite items. We all know what happens when your little angel announces she doesn’t like the taste of the new brand you’re trying on her. With kids, even if you’re trying to travel light, you just cannot get by without enough food.

Tip 3. Choose Lightweight Entertainment Options

Once your child turns 5, you can let him choose his favorite toys and items he want to have along. Buy him a small carry-on that he can drag behind him. Make it very clear that he’s responsible for it so it better be light enough so he can manage it by himself. With a little imagination, you can find tons of entertainment options that don’t weigh down small bags. Think paper, crayons, and paperback picture books. If your kids are old enough, think activity books that can keep them working for a good long while. And, of course, we have the video game consoles that can keep kids busy through long layovers, (thanks, Wanderlust!) and are a great idea for traveling light. Any kind of e-readers are also a blessing. They don’t take much room or weight allowance. Here’s another brilliant idea. Encourage playing imagination games. Like naming animals, “I Spy,” “who can spot a…,” or count some object. Like, even the pillars in the airport.

Tip 4. Carry the Sleep Essentials

Even if this rule works against your intentions of traveling light, go with it. All kids have some specific blanket, toy, plug-in nightlight, or pajamas without which they just cannot fall asleep. Never step out of home without it.

Tip 5. Bring Clothes that You Can Mix and Match

This rule is a great traveling light tip for both kids and adults. When you have so many kids’ essentials to have along, try to cut back on the stuff you’ll absolutely need. Carry along a few tops and pants that you can wear in just about any combination. Darker colors are a good choice so you can continue to use them until they get dirty. Focus on comfort and pick out quick drying clothing that is very convenient for washing. Use this rule when packing your kids’ clothing also. As for shoes, consider bringing dark colored, multi-use, comfortable footwear that you can use for a formal restaurant also.

Tip 6. Think About Doing Laundry

Most parents I know hate the thought of doing laundry on vacations. But, I personally feel that washing some of your things saves on the weight you’ll have to carry. If you don’t want to do this in the hotel bathroom sink, locate a laundromat with a washer and dryer. Though, if you’re carrying quick-drying clothing, an overnight session on the bathroom clothesline should do the trick. The best advantage – you’ll end up with less stuff to lug around.

Tip 7. What About the Stroller?

I agree, if you’re serious about traveling light, having a stroller along doesn’t seem like a great idea. I’ll simply leave this decision to you and the individuality of your child. When my toddler decides to take off at full tilt, I usually find that grabbing and settling him in the stroller saves me from chasing after him. But, if your little one just won’t sit in one, you could consider leaving it home. Though, I’ve often seen parents carrying their bundle of joy and using the stroller to drag other stuff. So, this tip’s all about personal choice.


Tip 8. Personal Items

When you’re trying to travel light and making sure you have all the stuff your kids will need, adult personal supplies tend to take a backseat. And, if you’re planning a beach holiday, I’ve found that essentials like sunblock, sunscreen, microfiber towels, and other beach supplies always top (and sometimes, takeover) the list. That’s when I discovered laser hair removal benefits. A few sessions in the months ahead of our planned trip and I could stop worrying about the shaving sessions each day. If you have boisterous boys like mine, you know quite well how making the time for a quick shower is a project by itself.
Trying to travel light with kids is possible. And, using my ideas, you might save on a few baggage retrieval struggles while your two-year-old warns the whole airport that he’s bored of waiting at the carousel. But, you’ll also have fun. And, put away a lot of memories. My kids, now teenagers love to look at old pictures of when they were little and in Disneyland. So, don’t let the scare of traveling with kids deter you.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Travel Light With These Easy To Pack Products

Headed out for a weekend, or perhaps longer? With all the restrictions on how much you are allowed to pack (or even how much space you might have in your own car or luggage), it’s best to pack light, and with versatile pieces.  These are a few of our current favorites.

Icebug, one of my personal favorites in shoes and boots that can hold up and take quite the beating, has recently put out a new style of sneaker. While it would be more convenient and easy if it had a name with letters that formed, perhaps, a word or two, these are found by their call number, which is DTS3 RB9X GTX. I know.

However, they are super cool shoes, and wildly comfortable. I love the color and the style- it’s nice to wear shoes that are nice looking, lets be honest. But even better, they are soft, supportive, and really hold up. They deal with mud, slush, and rain with no problems at all, and your feet stay dry. The Icebugs have done me equally well hiking, running, going to the gym, and running random errands around town. Something else I love? They have this cool “Boa lacing system” that lets you slip your feet in, then just twist the knob (best way to describe it) on the front tongue until you like the way it fits. Pull it straight back to release- this makes on and off at the airport (or wherever) fast and easy.

These are waterproof (don’t go scuba diving in them, but in all sorts of weather your feet stay dry) and have soft padding in the collar and tongue, as well as ergonomic soles. These tend to run small, order up as suggested by the website. You can order at https://us-shop.icebug.com for about $180.

For workout to headed out, check out Nuu-Muu. They make this item they call the original “exercise-and-everything-else” dress. Not only is it good to wear from the gym to the PTA meeting (or wherever life is taking you today), but the colors are both vibrant and beautiful, and there are quite a few options available.

Designed to flatter women’s bodies and made from fabric that feels as good as it looks, the classic Nuu-Muu is a go-to for exercise, travel and life. Nuu-Muu does what you do, beautifully. Designed to cover most sports bras completely and with nothing built in for maximum versatility. Sewn in the U.S.A. (every dress, every time).  Wear it alone or with leggings or shorts for more coverage (or for class), and that also makes it even easier to transition. It looks great either way.  In sizes “0” to 3LX and in child sizes as well, prices vary depending on item. You can pick yours out at https://nuu-muu.com

Bermuda Sands is a brand that is new to me, and has options for both men and women, and have just about anything you could want to pick up for that quick summer getaway. Specializing in active and leisure sports wear (and would be equally at home at backyard or office party barbecues), the clothing is both super soft and lightweight. This is not just extra comfy, but also easy to pack and resistant to wrinkles. From men’s polos to women’s tanks and skirts, you can make outfits of your choosing, or pick up a few new items to liven up your summer wardrobe. Look good, feel great, and again- super easy to travel in and pack.  Visit https://www.bermudasandsapparel.com/ for options. Prices vary by item.

Looking for something to pack it all up in? I’m really liking the ease of the Expanse Wheeled Tote from Eagle Creek. Perfect for a short jaunt or weekend trip, or to use as your carry on, it’s easy to wheel around (as the name suggests) and is easy to organize. It has quite a few pockets for storage as well as to make it easy to find what you are looking for quickly- a function we all will like.

Need something bigger, but still need something sturdy that can take a tumble? The Expanse  Converitble 29 (same company) gives you more room, and gives you the option to use it as a wheeled bag OR as a travel backpack. I like options and when you can use things in multiple ways- more bang for your buck, more uses, just more.  You get all the ease of access of a duffel bag, the roominess and wheeled maneuverability of a large suitcase, as well easy (internal) organization pockets and the option to use as a backpack.

For these and more bag/suitcase options, head to http://www.eaglecreek.com/ Prices vary.

Main Features and Benefits of the EntrePass Visa for Entrepreneurs

The scheme “Entrepreneur Pass”, also referred to as “EntrePass” or “Entrepreneurs Visa” was introduced in 2004. Its main purpose was to welcome foreign entrepreneurs with innovative and inventive business proposals. A major benefit of this scheme is that it will help Singapore to become a regional business center and increase its appeal to the world’s leading entrepreneurial minds.

Eligibility criteria for EntrePass

Here are the main criteria required to immigrate to Singapore with EntrePass Visa:

  •         The individual must have an extraordinary entrepreneurial or business background;
  •         The firm should not already be registered in Singapore’s business records;
  •         A period of at least 6 months should have passed since the firm’s founding;
  •         The prospected paid capital of the firm should be more than 50,000 SGD;
  •         If you are a shareholder of the company, your share ownership should be at least 30%;
  •         The entrepreneur needs to develop the entire business strategy and provide all relevant details, including their innovative approach, the aims and goals of the business, and its proposed benefit for the Singaporean economy and for local businesses.

All business entities are welcome to apply, but private companies may receive more benefits.

New business entities should meet one or more of the following innovative criteria:

  1.   The entrepreneur registers all their property through an accredited or specialized Singapore-based company.
  2.   The entrepreneur must have an angel investor or a venture capital (VC) company that is willing to invest more than 100,000 SGD in a new business.
  3.   The company should be registered as a participant in a startup incubation programme of the government.
  4.   The company must collaborate with a university or with A*STAR in the field of research.

Key features of EntrePass

Here are the main features of EntrePass:

  •         One can avail the benefit of EntrePass if the company is not registered yet or has been trading for at least 6 months. If over 6 months have passed after the company’s registration, the entrepreneur must apply for an employment pass rather than the EntrePass.
  •         A Singapore-based company should be willing to sponsor the visa application by paying for a bond worth 3,000 SGD. This money will be refunded upon visa expiry.
  •         It is crucial for the entrepreneur to have an extraordinary business plan for the future and a successful business background.

Entrepreneurs are recommended to find out as much as possible about their eligibility from visa experts so as to avoid rejection of the visa.

Benefits of EntrePass

The major benefits of EntrePass are given below:

  •         The Singaporean government issues the visa for a year with the possibility of renewal in the future.
  •         The entrepreneur is allowed a period of 30 days to set up their business after issuance of the visa.
  •         Businessmen can bring their spouses and children to Singapore after the first renewal of the visa and upon fulfilling certain conditions, which include:
  1.   Creating at least 4 jobs in the local economy; and
  2.   Spending more than 150,000 SGD.
  •         Businessmen can apply for permanent residency after their proposed business plan has been successful for 2 years.
  •         Business taxes in Singapore are very low, and the Singaporean government gives private companies huge tax discounts.

Understanding these requirements and features will help you when applying for your own EntrePass visa.

Secret Tricks That Will Help You Find the Best Luxury Hotels

save on hotels

It is actually fun to go on a luxury holiday every once in a while. Instead of planning an adventure, you can plan a trip that will pamper you to the max. The change in theme and the holiday experience you will get while on a luxury trip are definitely worth the extra travel expenses.

Even better, it is now possible to find great luxury hotels regardless of your budget. Not all luxury properties are created equal and in this article, we’re going to reveal some secret tricks that will help you find the best luxury hotels quickly.

Look for Luxury Property Chains

A lot of luxury properties around the world are managed by the same company. There are many special offers and discounted rates when you book through the official website, allowing you to still enjoy VIP treatment while keeping your travel expenses within budget.

There’s another trick you can try to find great deals on luxury property, and that is by signing up for the hotel chain’s newsletter. It is not uncommon for hotel chains to share exclusive deals to members of their mailing lists. You can take advantage of the special offers the moment they are made available.

Dig Deeper

Some luxury properties are not as easy to find. If you’re traveling to exotic destinations such as Indonesia or the Caribbean, take your time and find properties that are not always available through regular hotel booking sites.

There are special sites you can visit to gain access to these properties. Luxury Link, for example, has hundreds of hidden gems on its website. You’ll find the great deals on these luxury properties very attractive too.

Properties such as the ones available on Luxury Link are exclusive and often go two or three steps further to ensure their guests have the best travel experience. It’s definitely worth paying extra for a luxury resort hotel.

Check Your Credit Card

Some credit card companies actually work with luxury hotel chains and properties, so don’t be surprised to find special deals from your credit card issuer. You can even go on a luxury holiday for free using loyalty points or the credit card company’s other programs.

The same can be said for your Frequent Flyer card. The more mileage you have, the easier it will be to book a stay at the best hotels in the world without actually spending any money in the process. There are packages that include flights and accommodation; these packages usually allow you to save more on the VIP holiday.

Last, but certainly not least, always book early. Unlike most hotels, deals on luxury hotels are best found when you book early instead of booking late. There may be special occasions or promotional offers available. Be sure to compare these promotional offers closely if you are serious about keeping your luxury holiday affordable. With these secrets in mind, you will have no trouble at all finding great upscale hotels to try on your next trip.

Ford CMax Hybrid- Save on Gas, Save Money #DriveOnEnergi #ILoveEVS

The new Ford C Max makes you a master of the road.  With tight steering and many safety features like the SOS post crash alert system and seven standard airbags, its easy to take for granted that the CMax is a hybrid. As cars go, you are actually doing a good thing by driving it every day- better then driving a regular car, anyway.  The CMax is one of the 10 most fuel efficient cars under $25,000 in 2016. (There are rain sensing wipers available as well, one of the many upgrades available. Fun things to think about.)

hybrid cars

The SmartGauge with EcoGuide helps drive and use your vehicle as fuel efficiently as possible.  To begin with, the car sips fuel.  The CMax also sports regenerative braking and brake coach.  This not only helps it to stop when you want it to, but also to do so in the most efficient way possible.  It saves fuel by conserving momentum while also charging up the batteries a bit as well.

There are a lot of settings and readings which you might not be used to having in other vehicles, but once you learn how to read them all and understand what they are saying to you, you will learn quite a bit about your vehicle and driving style.  To this point, you will actually drive differently to try to beat your previous score if you are the competitive type.  It sounds very game-like but its actually fun in an odd way.  This is also a good way to pass time while doing a long haul road trip.  What we like best about the CMax is that its a nice car with a smooth ride, and its fuel efficiency is difficult to beat. I also like that it is better for the environment- and yes, it drives like a “regular car”, and is still “built Ford tough”, LOL.

It’s super easy to charge as well, and there are apps you can use to keep track of where charging stations are along your route and in your area.

The Ford CMax is available now at a dealer near you, so be sure to check one out today.  Your wallet (and the environment) will thank you.

(And it does just as well as the “luxury” vehicles and SUVs when it comes to wintry roads and unpaved situations- no problems at all.)  You can follow along on twitter with our handle @HaveSippy using the hashtags #DriveOnEnergi #ILoveEVS to see what else we are up to. Travel on.