Archives for March 2012

How to Reduce Sibling Rivalry

Your children may share the same DNA; they may even look a lot alike. This doesn’t change the fact that they are still individuals with their own opinions and insights. This means that there are going to be times when they won’t see eye-to-eye, when there will be disagreements. Traditionally, these instances are called, “sibling rivalries”.
If you’re looking for a book on how to prevent them from ever happening, good luck. The truth is that at some point, your kids will encounter conflict with one another. However, if you desire some tips on how to reduce the amount or level of conflicts that occur, there’s some good information included below.

Encourage their individuality. If you’ve ever been the mediator of a conflict, you may notice that while there may be an actual issue that needs to be discussed, the greater challenge is in getting both individuals to accept the other person’s communication style. One may be vocal while the other is completely non-confrontational. One may be expressive while the other is passive. Usually differences aren’t wrong or bad, they’re just, well, different. In a parent’s job description, “mediator” comes with the title. Don’t make one child feel like they have to express their needs or concerns like the other one does. Let them know that they’re OK just the way that they are and that their feelings (and expression of them) should be equally respected at all times.
Provide them with the right tools. If there’s a 3 and 5-year-old fighting over a toy in their bedroom, screaming out “Stop all of that yelling!” may make you feel better, but it doesn’t really teach them anything. They’re fighting for the toy because they don’t know how to get it any other way. Go to them and speak about the importance of not just taking turns, but awaiting their turn too. Let them know that there are alternatives to having that particular toy and that while they wait, they can use those other options. Of course, you’ll have to say all of this on a level that preschoolers understand and they probably won’t “get it” on the first try, but if they learn how to argue well as children, it will definitely make adult life a lot easier.
Try not to take sides. This one is a bit tricky because obviously if one child hits another, then it’s [Read more…]

Upcoming giveaway!

You can win $514 in prizes Skylanders Xbox 360 game, Pure Pearls Freshwater Pearl Bracelet, Perplexus [Read more…]

To the Top- come join us!

Welcome to

Take Over Tuesday Social Media Hop

Gain Friends and Followers

In All The Right Places

Your Hostesses are:

Closer to Lucy

Have Sippy Will Travel

3 Princes and a Princess 2

Just Like June (formerly The Thrifty Things)

That’s What She Said

Add your link to any or all of the Social Media Follow Groups below! Follow as many people as you would like and be certain to leave a comment on their [Read more…]

Bloggers and Social Media Junkies Unite for Good!

Bloggers and fellow social media junkies….PLEASE Let’s use our on-line reach and voices for good!

We’ve all been watching the news
of the aftermath of the terrible storms that have swept
through the Midwest. Today, I’m calling on the social media community to
help make an impact. One of our members, Barb, who lives in
one of the hard-hit communities in Kentucky, is trying to spread the word
about the ongoing recovery:
“As of today, the donation areas are out of food and towels and are
in desperate need of support…the people of Kentucky who are living
through this disaster are in GREAT need.”
Barb has posted an article with information
on donation opportunities
, and she is asking for our help in spreading
the word to our readers who may be able to help. She added:
“If anyone would like to make a direct impact, I am accepting Paypal
donation to make a grocery run for the shelters based on lists they will
provide. I will be happy to scan and provide a receipt for those
looking for confirmation or a tax receipt for their efforts. My
Paypal is
people are free to contact me via this address with questions or
alternative donation methods.”

Please join us in helping Barb and all of our other fellow bloggers
in these hard-hit areas spread the word about donation needs and make
donations to help relief efforts where possible.

Local donation efforts

Our county along with neighboring counties suffered a tremendous amount of damage last week when tornadoes touched down in Kentucky. Sadly, people lost so much: loved ones and homes. To attempt to describe the experience or the aftermath would be futile of me, I don’t think I could properly convey the depth of tragedy nature’s [Read more…]

Great Deals! Free Baby Food, Renu, etc…

Print this coupon to get $1/3 Beech-nut products!
Bi-Lo has the Stage 2 baby food BOGO which makes
them only $0.30 a jar! Get 3 jars with the $1/3
printable coupon
for FREE!
There is a limit of two coupons per computer.
There is also a $2/16 Printable coupon that will
bring them to $0.18 a jar!

New $2/1 Renu Coupon = FREE Travel Size at Target

$2.00 off renu fresh™ multi-purpose solution

This coupon does [Read more…]

Wordless Wednesday! With linky

Come join Have Sippy Will Travel, Blessed Elements Create, Hobbies On A Budget and Untrained Hair Mom on a Wordless Wednesday Hop.

Wordless Wednesday
Follow the hostesses and leave us a comment [Read more…]

Grenadilla- A Fun and Funky Kids CD

Grenadilla is a new group formed by Debbie Lan. Grenadilla is a 6 person kwela based music ensemble. Kwela hails from Sough Africa and is upbeat, joyful and bubbly.
This music is perfect for families. It is happy and upbeat but not too childish where the music is irritatingly repetitive. Kwela is unlike the pop or rock based family music CDs out there, it has a worldly feel that is upbeat and fun.

Coming out on March 6th is Grenadilla’s second album, Can’t Wait. The music is of the same style as their previous release, with songs like Sunday Afternoon, and I like to Walk the songs are perfect for families and will get everyone humming along. Even if you aren’t a big fan of international music, this album is still fun.

Exposing children to a wide range of music of all genres, starting at young age is tremendously important and will help them develop a sense of culture and awareness that [Read more…]

Apple Pie Recipe

When my son started eating solid food, I could not get him to eat enough fruits and vegetables. I tricked him by adding them into recipes. One of his favorite recipes is the Apple pie. I cook it at least once a month. It is an easy and healthy snack.
My son helps me by chopping the apples or mixing some of the dry ingredients. When kids help you preparing a dish, they will be eager to taste it and eat it. The following recipe is inspired from my grandmother. She makes everything from scratch: from the crust to the filling.

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 Tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 cup of butter