Archives for March 2012

Tomorrow is the beginning of Daylight Saving Time

Tomorrow is the beginning of Daylight Saving Time (except in Arizona and Hawaii). Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed tonight.

To keep your family safe, Fire and Public Safety officials across the country recommend that you get in the habit of replacing the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors each change in Daylight Saving Time. With warmer weather [Read more…]

John Carter Movie Review

Welcome welcome Earthlings, to the wonders of Barsoom. I will try to keep this is un-spoiler like as possible but I will take for granted that you have at least seen the trailer. If not, here is the trailer, enjoy.

In the newest flick from Disney John Carter, we are introduced to the wonders and oddities of Mars, or as the Martians call it- Barsoom.
John Carter takes place soon after the American Civil War. The story revolves around John Carter who is a rifleman from the confederate army. Since the war he has moved to Arizona, looking for a fabled treasure and ends up finding more then he bargained for.

Upon his arrival on Mars we meet many strange and delightful characters with odd names, including Tars Tarkas and Sola. Both of which are Thark, huge green humanoid aliens which are fiercely barbaric and have four arms. We also meet Dejah Thoris, the princess of the red martians, who are very similar to humans except their blood is of a different color then our own.

The main story follows Carter trying to find his way back home to Earth, and in the process discovering he may be more at home away from Earth then on it.

In regard to the movie itself it is very well put together. This story is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs Princess of Mars book, which is the first in the series of Barsoom stories. Because of this, there is a lot of back story and information in this first book, so the story itself is huge. I had recently read the book which this is based on and enjoyed it. An interesting thing to remember about the book is it was first published in 1917. Thus, it is one of the first huge epic Sci Fi stories. [Read more…]

Soda Stream Review and Giveaway

Make your own Soda in under 30 seconds!

The Soda Stream Product:

Making carbonated water and soft drinks is simple! Turn tap water into sparkling water in under 30 seconds, with no clean-up. Enjoy the freshness and convenience of homemade soda and protect the environment at the same time. No heavy bottles to carry, store at home or throw away. Fizz to your taste and add the flavor of your choice to make your favorite drink. Simple to clean and reuse. With a variety of colors and silhouettes, you’ll be sure to find a soda maker to match with any decor.

SodaStream is an “Active Green” product, meaning that consumers are actively reducing their CO2 footprint every time they make soda or sparkling water at home instead of buying it from the store. The more the system is used on a daily basis, the more CO2 footprint the user actively saves. Using your own soda make means:

  • Less packaging waste from cans and bottles.
  • Less pollution caused by transport of bottled beverages.

One SodaStream carbonator makes 60 or 110 liters, equivalent to 170 or 310 aluminum cans! When empty, the carbonator is refilled and reused, ready to make more fizzy and tasty soda whenever you want it.


Review by Mom Does Reviews:

I was so excited to receive my Soda Stream in the mail. But, I think my son was even more excited! He carried one of the heavy boxes up 2 flights of stairs to open it. ( He’s only 9, and most of the time complains about carrying groceries up the stairs.) I was very impressed with the packing of the Soda Stream. Everything was secure and protected, nothing could get broken in shipping. I unpacked both boxes and I must admit, I was a little overwhelmed at first. It seemed like there were so many pieces to assemble. Here is what came in my two boxes:

Normally I let my husband assemble things, but I wanted to put it together on my own. If I can put it together, anyone can! The instruction booklet was very thick, that made me nervous at first, until I realized it was in 10 languages. The only pages that applied were the first two. Soda Stream makes it easy for anyone to put it together. It has step by step directions with pictures and with text. If I questioned myself just by looking at the pictures, I read to text too, just to be safe. So, after all my nervousness, it only took my 5 minutes to put it together. The carbonator had to be screwed in just right and the two main pieces put together. That was about it for assembly!

The fun part is making your own soda. The special liter bottles that come with the soda stream need to be filled with tap water to the fill line. You place the bottle under the carbonator and screw it in place. Then you press the button 3 times for average amount of fizz. I wasn’t sure if I had done it quite right, so I pushed the carbonator button about 5 times for our first liter of homemade soda. Needless to say, our Black Currant/pear soda [Read more…]

Daily Deals!

totsyTotsy- Under the “Little Giraffe” Tab snag $4 Onsie’s normally $12! They also have Satin Dresses for only $7 normally $24!

iconElla's Kitchen Organic Baby Food

Also snag Ella’s Kitchen Organic Baby Food Pack of 7 for only $12.63 normally $20.68! They are 3.5 Ounce Pouches, flavor -Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, Apples + Blueberries (4+months). It is eligible for Free Shipping with the Super Saver Shipping!

kid shirt

The Children’s Place has a lot of items marked down right now. Click Here to look through there items that are $4.99 or less!! They have shoes, tops, shorts, and more up for grabs. Plus use promo code: D7FQ5KTM22 and score 20% off Entire order!


Right [Read more…]

The Non-Power of No

The following is a guest post by Melissa as SOS MOM.
“No”…. such a little word, such a powerful word.
A word that carries strength, respect and authority.
All in one little bite-size package.
We use it so often that we forget how much impact it can have… especially on a child.
It puts them to the test, challenges them…
They will test your limits whenever that word resonates in their ears.
Push your buttons with it.
Toy with your patience if they can… and they know they can!
Very feasible too, that they will throw a tantrum (those are especially pleasant in public!) as a protest… Being held back from accomplishing what they had started is not making them a happy camper.
They undoubtedly know the meaning of the word “no”.
After all, it doesn’t take much of a rocket scientist to figure it out… it is a word that carries loads of significance.

It nearly makes you wonder if they are born prepared for it, for THE word.
Perhaps our uterus gives them a crash course called “How to deal smartly and efficiently with the “no” word”… seeing that they seem to master it pretty admirably from such an early age.
But alright, all joking aside, our facial expression kind of give it away when we utter the word… putting on our pokerface!
Yet, we are somewhat obliged to keep a straight face, if not so, we would fall short of all credibility.
Hence, a catch 22…
A dead end.
We are regrettably limited in our options here.
So, clever as we are, us parents, we find a way around this conundrum.
We come up with other ways of saying the you-know-what word. Ways that ultimately have the same meaning as the infamous word but that doesn’t come across as a defiance to our children.
Things such as “That’s not a good idea.”, “Oh! Yucky!”, “That’s a boo-boo!”, “Let’s leave that alone.”… and the list goes on…
All of these, expressed along with more or less of a relaxed demeanour, reminding ourselves to keep that rather convincing face on.
It doesn’t take very long before they catch on to us… Oh they do figure us out!
Smart little monkeys!
So, back to square one?
Maybe, maybe not.
It all depends on what usage we make of the word.
Evidently, a child will eventually be saturated with the “N” word if it is reiterated incessantly.
It will not only lose its effectiveness, but it will create frustration, [Read more…]

Deals Of The Day!

Deal of the Month at UmiTake 50% off the Girls’ Morrow Boot. Was $75, now $36.90, plus free shipping! Valid through the month of March. Plus use promo code: Link15 to score 15% OFF Your order!!

Easter Mat Snag an Egg-cellent Easter Personalized Placemat at I See Me Right now! The more you buy the more you save! Below are some promo codes to use, for the amount of mats you want to purchase! Mat runs $11.95 for 1 mat. So if you buy more you will save more!

  • Buy 2 – save $4 with code SAVE4 at checkout!
  • Buy 3 – save $9 with code SAVE9 at checkout!
  • Buy 4 – save $16 with code SAVE16 at checkout!
  • Buy 5 or more – save 33% with code SAVE33 at checkout!
TreeHouse Tykes
Treehouse Tykes has a great sale on the “I Like Books” right now! You can snag them for only $9.95 normally $19.95! These books are so unique! They allow you to write things you “like” about their child in [Read more…]

Finding New Friends- H0P 4 Ways!

Welcome back to week 49 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for?

Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing too tough though. So here we go!

1. Please follow your hostesses My Saving Game, Have Sippy Will Travel and The Advetures of J-Man and MillerBug on one of our social media platforms.Leave us a comment and we [Read more…]

Dear Daddy, Little Missed You Today….

And he wanted to show you.
Since he got up late today, and mommy and Little will be sleeping when you get home (hope you have fun with your friends!) we know you will see this tomorrow.
We love you!

First we ate breakfast (and you know what a big breakfast I ate- I even helped make it!), and then we went to the park. Well, mommy checked her email first. She’s such a buggar!!!
Then we went home and I did a worksheet and had some lunch. I had a peanut butter and Amish jelly sandwich- on bread! And celery. And a banana. And a yogurt. (I was really hungry!)
Then I drew you a picture. It’s on the table for you. Mom tried to get me to take a nap- no way! [Read more…]