Stillettos and Self Defense

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Jennifer Cassetta is a self defense expert, trainer and nutritionist. Early on in her career, Jennifer was attacked while in high heels. Even though she was not dressed to fight, she was still able to ward off her attacker. Since then, she has run UFC test nutrition test groups and training guidelines, worked with celebrities, members of royal families, and even moms like you and me.

This exercise comes with empowerment and a touch of class. Jennifer Cassetta has released a brand new instructional DVD series titled Stilettos and Self Defense. This series was inspired by Jennifer’s own run in with a would be attacker using her experiences and training in HapKiDo, so these moves work! The DVD is broken down into parts, the first being the ABC’s of Prevention,:


Body Language, and being

Centered and Calm

After this, we learn about the three main target strike points to be aware of- and this is when the workout begins. From kicking and punching to proper balance techniques. it is all covered, and in heels too 🙂 This shows us that women of any size, shape, strength, or even clothing style can defend themselves successfully.

The other 2 discs of the series are Defensive Tactics and Improvised Weapons, which build upon the core techniques taught in the first DVD. Each DVD is also available as a digital download on Jennifer’s site. So you can practice anywhere you are.


  1. Wow, this is wonderful! Defend yourself while wearing stilettos…cool!

  2. LOL, I agree with Pam.

  3. Love it! Anyone that can use stilettos as weapons has my attention.

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