W!N Rubbermaid Sandwich Kit

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Alrighty moms, I have found the newest conspiracy against mothers. Are you ready? It is lunch ladies at the schools throwing away our Tupperware in hopes to further expand the diners of their fine establishment. This conspiracy is cleverly disguised as our kids conveniently leaving only their containers all over the school. Where no one then knows where they are. The real place they all go? The trash. You may be asking how can we ever hope to combat this horrible occurrence? Why with lunch kids which actually fit together, are color corded and quite difficult to lose. OK, I made that top part up- MAYBE! LOL.

One such awesome kit happens to be made by Rubbermaid. Take a look at the LunchBlox Sandwich Kit. This sandwich kit is a wonderful idea- first of all it is Rubbermaid, so each container can take beating and still come out strong. They are also dishwasher safe as well. There are 4 containers, 2 snack containers, one medium container, about the size of a hot dog and one sandwich container, and also a cooling component that is removable. When combined they snap together in many different ways. You can even leave pieces out if your lunchbox is too small. The cooling component attaches to the top of the sandwich and acts as a cooler for everything in the lunchbox. It helps keep fruit cool and sandwiches fresh. No more soggy messes in your lunch box. Also, since there is a building element to the set it is more difficult for the lunch ladies to pilfer pieces of the kit away from our poor children. IE it is a lot harder to leave a piece when it is very clear there is a piece missing. Foiled again! (LOL)

Little helps pack lunch

One of you can win this same set. Here is how to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the quality of their stacking containers.

  2. hidden recyclers

  3. I also like the rubbermaid 2-quart carafe

  4. I like the Rubbermaid 20-Ounce Filtration Personal Bottle

  5. christine jessamine says

    i love the bento storage boxes!

  6. I like the Roughneck® X-Large Storage Shed – 7ft x 7ft x 7ft.

  7. Thomas Murphy says

    I like the MixerMate Bottles

  8. I like the salad blox set

  9. I like the rubbermade bento boxes

  10. I like the hidden recycler

  11. I like their 8 pc Modular Canister Set.

  12. Sharon Ramsey says

    The lock its

  13. I’ve been wanting the 2-in-1 recycler…but they have so many other things I’d like to try too

  14. I like the Bento Boxes


  15. I like the easy find series. I have a set of glass ones and love them.

  16. I would love the Slide Out Lid & Pan Organizer. That would be so nice.

  17. Easy Find Lids Canisters

  18. Stephanie Thompson says

    I like their big storage bins that keep the moisture out of my things like Christmas stuff that is stored in the basement.

  19. Holly Caulfield says

    The hidden recylers..

  20. Tara Berke Torres says

    I love their stacking containers.

  21. the twist and seal containers

  22. I like the glass containers with the easy find lids!

  23. I like the hidden recycler

  24. i like their bento boxes

  25. the easy find food storage containers.

  26. I like the 4 Piece Sinkware Set

  27. I love the bento boxes – especially in Paprika

  28. ivy arrington says

    I like there Patio Storage Bench I got it bookmarked and ordering this weekend

  29. Elizabeth Groves says

    Currently I’m loving the bento boxes! I’m using them to organize my drawers in the bathroom!

  30. makes a nice gift

  31. Where is your favorite Rubbermaid product other then the one mentioned? It is in the kitchen (smile) Filter Fresh Water Bottle

  32. I like the bento boxes in papeika

  33. Jill A. Collins says

    I really want one of their hidden recyclers, but I also love their 5 gallon storege containers. I use them all the time!

  34. I love the hidden recycle bin.

  35. where is my favorite or what ? My favorite one I have would be my hamper in the bathroom and my big square bowls up in the cabinet. What is my favorite? that is a hard question. i love the bowls with the lids

  36. I like the Closet Helper™ 2-Shelf Unit

  37. Colleen Maurina says

    I also like their Egg Keepers.

  38. I like the easy find food storage containers. Very handy for stacking in my cabinets.

  39. My Garden ChicksSherri S. says

    I like the easy lid storage containers. Stack so well in my cabinet!

  40. Heather Wone says

    I love their take along twist and seal containers, my youngest can’t open them while attempting to empty out the fridge lol!

  41. I like the sandwich kit

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