I believe that traveling is good for the soul. The chance to explore new places, to meet new people and to experience the view from another angle offers a person the chance to grow, to improve and to create memories. Travel gives a true appreciation of other cultures, and when you are away from home you learn to appreciate the place you hang your hat. I like to think that I leave a piece of myself in every city that I visit and that I take a little bit of my journey home with me.
I have been fortunate to travel often, to see the sights, to experience the thrill of the unknown and to develop an appreciation of exceptional accommodations. I enjoy seeing the personality of the decorator shine through in different hotel rooms, bed and breakfasts, and inns. Attention to detail with my comfort in mind places these amazing and stylish people that can make a hotel room seem better than home at the top of my list of things to applaud when I am on the road.
While I have spent many nights in a hotel, among the most memorable nights in my adventures I have had the privilege of staying in was a hotel that was in a building that was once a bank. The hotel was unique, cozy, and it will forever stand out in my memory of being the perfect blend of luxury accommodations with a hint of the rustic style of the Wild West. The bathroom was amazing. The vanity was made a rich dark wood, the mirrors were strategically placed and the lighting was perfect. The jacuzzi was nothing short of heavenly.
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