Lazy Lizards Yoga Products For Kids

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As many of you know, I am a yoga fan.  I practice regularly, and have had my son and even my grandmother do yoga (at their level) with me.  My son is, like many kids, wiggly and impatient, and yoga is great for redirecting that energy.


Lazy Lizards created a kid sized yoga mat with 12 poses printed on the mat along with a DVD to go along.  Kids can easily follow along with the DVD or just use their mat.  Their is also a space where kids can personalize their mat to make it their own- my son was completely horrified by the thought of drawing on his mat, but I think some kids would like to.  My boy can be a little finicky, like his mother.

They have 4 colors of  eco friendly, kid sized yoga mats, with poses printed directly on the mat, as well as the Lazy Lizards Yoga DVD.  Introducing yoga at a young age can encourage a healthy lifestyle early. Kids love doing yoga, and it is great for them. Yoga comes naturally to children, they love to use their imaginations to move their bodies in creative ways. Have your child try yoga, and watch him or her grow from the inside, out.  It is great for you to do together as well- something you both can do.  It’s nice to have healthy activities you both can enjoy.

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It’s also a good thing to show your child by example a healthy lifestyle, including eating right and exercising. Yoga also helps increase flexibility, which will benefit your child in other sports, dance,  and activities.  It’s great for relaxing and promoting good sleep.  Kids who start healthy habits early tend to continue them throughout life, so get them started as soon as you can.  Shop at for your child, and choose what you think will suit them best.



  1. i love the illustrations

  2. i would like to try this with my kids

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