RSVP for the #ManwichMonday Twitter Party
October 5, 2015, 7-8pm EST!
Don’t miss the #ManwichMonday Twitter Party on October 5, 2015, 7-8pm EST
With homework, sports, and everything else, it’s hard to find time for the most important activity of all: The good, old-fashioned family dinner.
On October 5, we’ll be chatting about back-to-school routines and how you can kick off the week with family mealtime (Hint: it involves Manwich). As we like to say, grab Monday by the buns!
Of course a party has prizes—and we’ve got 5, each one includes a $50 gift card, cookware, and lots of other stuff. Total value is $100!
RSVP below and be sure to follow @Manwich, @MrDad, and @HaveSippy. And don’t forget to use #ManwichMonday in all your tweets!
Just Click the link below and follow the directions. See you there!