Daily Deals and Savings

keekoo is offering Free Shipping on all order of $50 or more now through midnight on select items!! They have deals for moms, babies, kids, and more up for grabs! Below are a few of the items they offer. Also it will have a green circle and show it is free shipping if it qualifies!

  • Nursing pillows & covers in one
  • Classic cribs & changers
  • Essentials for pampering and snuggling baby at bath and bedtime
  • Award-winning, super-engineered strollers and accessories
  • Easy, breezy and trendy maternity fashions
  • Adorable & unique eco-friendly play clothes for baby

599 Fashion
is an online store where everything is $5.99 or less! I recently did a review on my blog with them! They have pretty good quality clothes, I received 3 shirts and they were pretty nice. [Read more…]

Healthy Alternatives to Junk Food for Kids Lunches

While most kids will put up with a sandwich and a piece of fruit in their lunch box,
they probably go for the “good” stuff first when the bell rings to announce the lunch hour.
This means that they’re filling up on chips, soda, candy, and whatever else you put in as
extras before they ever reach for the healthy items that are actually going to give them
some nutrients and offer the sustained energy they’ll need to make it through the end of
the school day. Of course, the reason for this is that the high volume of sugar, salt, and
fat in these items makes them very tasty, and our brains are programmed to stimulate
pleasure centers. If you put that stuff in your child’s lunch, he’s sure to eat it first. Sadly,
school lunches are not much better, with low-cost and less-than-fresh options generally
populating the assembly line of slop. So what can concerned parents do to ensure that
their kids are eating healthy? Here are a couple of options.

For starters, stop buying junk! You might think that it’s not so bad if your kid has it
once in a while, but the truth is that these substances are addictive. You’ve no doubt
heard the Lays potato chips catchphrase: No one can eat just one! This is because it
takes very little exposure for our bodies to begin craving the instant energy boost that
often accompanies snack foods and drinks. And the crash that follows all too soon only
makes us want more. Soon other, healthier foods become less desirable. But in your
home you have the power to control what your kids are eating. [Read more…]

5 Years Ago

My beautiful baby boy was born. I had NO IDEA how much I could love a person. I’m not a mushy-gushy girl- unless it comes to him. It is amazing how much I didn’t know, how much I don’t know. He is my best teacher, what makes [Read more…]

Daily Deals

Limited-Time Only – 40% off select Vitamin D products at Vitamin World! This Offer Ends: 7.31.12! Vitamin D is essential to many of the body’s functions, including cellular well-being and the maintenance of bone health.

If you are like me, you LOVE Chocolate! Well Here is a wonderful deal you might want to check out. Get 15% Off Ghirardelli Chocolate with code: CJ15SM at checkout.

Tanga [Read more…]

Want to go to the exclusive @NGKids party while at #BlogHer12? Tune in tomorrow at 9 AM to find out how!

Want to go to the exclusive @NGKids party while at #BlogHer12? Tune in tomorrow at 9 AM EST to find out how! Several invitations will be given out- so say it loud and proud if you want to be there 🙂 Use the hashtag #NGKids as well [Read more…]

Win 2 Books- Hazy Shade of Winter and Sun is Burning

Please read on and enter to win- this post is by the author of both books- who better to tell you all about them?

Hello, Blogosphere!

Jessica Bradshaw here, author of the Unbound series, to introduce my labor of love, courtesy of your blogging friend, Sam. (Thanks again, Sam!)

A quick “about me”: I am what’s known as a SAHM – a “Stay at home Mom” – who received my BA in secondary education, but eventually swapped teaching students for teaching my children. Writing has become my escape from the banal drudgery of SAHM life…the laundry, dishes, yard work, cooking, cleaning, what-have-you. Like most SAHMs, I have a strong affinity for reading; it gives me the opportunity to enter worlds far more interesting than the laundry room, and far more romantic than high efficiency detergent. My current focus is writing paranormal crossover romance (read: YA romance with enough history, intellect, and vocabulary to draw adults!), and I’m thoroughly enjoying the chance to bend fantasy, history, “un” religion and romance in my trilogy…

Which, of course, is what I’m here to tell you about. The Unbound series is a two-books-so-far trilogy about a girl and her guardian angel…but I digress. Back cover blurbs tend to be far more entertaining than an author blabbering on about their own work, so if you’ll permit me…here’s Hazy Shade of Winter:

Jude, a misfit teen, has been burdened by her own mysterious ability to hear ghosts since early childhood. Ridiculed by her peers, she seeks refuge in a study-abroad program in England, unaware she is being hunted by demons and protected by a guardian angel, a Sentinel named Sam. (That’s right, I said Sam. Your Sam’s name endeared me right off the bat!) Meanwhile Sam faces his own struggles: he would rather continue his 800-year search [Read more…]

Wordless Wednesday – Looking Groovy! With Linky

Slow Cooker Meat Sauce Recipe

This is a really easy slow cooker sauce you can do on a busy day. I mostly use fresh tomatoes, since my garden is in full bloom right now, but since most don’t grow or even can tomatoes I’m giving the version that uses store bought jars.To make it really pop though dicing up a few tomatoes and adding them in to the sauce- it will add a bunch of flavor! My kids love this meaty sauce. I chop a lot of extra vegetables in there, zucchini works best just chop them up and toss in the sauce to cook!


1lb ground beef

1/2lb Italian sausage

1 chopped green bell pepper

1 chopped red bell pepper

1 onion diced

6 gloves garlic chopped and minced

4 jars diced tomatoes (14oz)

1 can tomato sauce (15 pz)

1 can tomato paste [Read more…]