Featured Coupons- Save Some Cash


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Ginormous Savings! $9.00 off Buy 3 Get 1 FREE Aspirin Dispenser

$9.00 off Buy 3 Get 1 FREE Aspirin Dispenser

Active Date: [Read more…]

Couponalicious! $1.00 off (1) GARNIER FRUCTIS Shampoo, Treatment

$1.00 off (1) GARNIER FRUCTIS Shampoo, Treatment

Active [Read more…]

Need a New Bathing Suit? Try SwimSpot

Ah, swimsuit season. Almost no one’s favorite- wearing the bathing suit. UGH. We all have our problem areas, and it can be challenging to find the right fit and style. For those of you like me, it’s all about breast support. Nothing else comes close to the annoyance of trying to find a suit that fits right, and holds your chest IN and UP. Oy.

Swimspot has some beautiful bathing suits, tankinis, bikinis, one piece- you name it. For me, this Athena One Piece Bathing Suit is beautiful, but lacks any support. While it covers my chest for the most part, there is no support, no “lift”, and no control. You cannot tighten the straps, either. Swimspot does offer the suit in sizes for women with large breasts, which is great! The same sizes- just a larger cup size, which is hard to find. Now to add some support for those large chested ladies, and we have lift off 🙂 (Hehe.)
[Read more…]

Woohoo! $1.00 off ONE DIGIORNO Pizza Dipping Strips

$1.00 off ONE DIGIORNO Pizza Dipping Strips

Active Date: [Read more…]

Top 5 Tips for a Last Minute Family Road Trip

Summer is here at last and a quintessential part of summer is road tripping. Hitting the open road with
the family, a cooler of sandwiches, and the windows down is a fun and cheaper way to get out of town. If
you haven’t planned out a summer road trip yet, don’t worry! It’s not too late. Use these tips to execute a
fun and rewarding family road trip at the last minute.

Do a Little Research and Preparation
The unknown journey ahead of you may be exciting, but do at least a little planning ahead of time. Choose
a route, a few key destinations and get an idea of where you’ll be able to stay during the nights when
you want to stop. Prepare for emergencies by making sure your spare tire is full and that your car has its
emergency kit ready and stocked. You may even want to go your mechanic for a quick oil change so he can
also do an inspection and make sure the car is road-trip ready.

Plan the Nights
If you can, book hotel rooms in cities where you’d like to stay for the night for long road trips. Since this
is last minute, though, you may have trouble finding hotel rooms so consider packing up your family tent
and all the gear needed and stay at campgrounds along your route. It will save you tons of money over
using hotels or motels and create an experience in and of itself on the road trip. Plus if you’d like to bring
the dog along, you won’t have to worry about what do with him if you camp. Another bonus to camping
is that you can go with the flow a little easier since you can camp just about anywhere along the way. You
may find yourself on routes you never even knew existed and would have never found staying within city

Bring Road Food
Bring a cooler with enough room to keep the family [Read more…]

Finding New Friends Blog Hop

Welcome back to week 66 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! We missed you last week but were enjoying a bloggy vacation! But we’re back now and ready to hop! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing [Read more…]

$0.50 off any FRENCHS French Fried Onions

$0.50 off any FRENCHS French Fried Onions

Active Date: [Read more…]